Massive voter fraud discovered In Wisconsin! New info

They are trying to shun us from society

The key here on this question, is not if they did/did not cheat, because it appears everyone tries to cheat, but rather HOW they cheated, and to what extent they did. We are not going to get 2020 overturned, because the Democrats will tie it up in court for the remainder of Bidens term. But, by discovering WHAT they did; if in fact they did something, it does 2 things-------------->

1. We can prevent it from happening again with virtually all American citizens support because even most Democrats want fair elections, and

2. It will reflect the hate that the Left has heaped on Trump, right back at the Left for pulling it off. For political purposes, that is big!

The states do NOT have to decertify! All the ones in question have to do, is proclaim with the evidence they have now gotten, had it been in their possession during certification, they would NOT have given their EC votes without further investigation; and if there is fraud, every Democrat in said states would agree to the language to avoid prosecution.

That happens, and the Left is done for 3 cycles, minimum!
2020 the most Dem RIGGED and STOLEN election in US history.
Blues, I thought about mail in ballots last night and here's the way I believe the demofks pulled this off. They had ballots sent to everyone's houses, if married two. Demofks who could vote voted in person and then they collaborated to take all of the mail in ballots they received and didn't use to different demofks to use as ballots for dead people and anyone on the list that they knew were no longer valid voters. This was done using the books at the polling office and why they needed to close doors, card board windows and work two extra days. If one thinks about it, what a con job we were involved in. Of course, others could have just sent in duplicates or give to others to use exposing all those trips to the drop boxes. Con job!!!

BTW, that's how one could get 20 million more votes.
The key here on this question, is not if they did/did not cheat, because it appears everyone tries to cheat, but rather HOW they cheated, and to what extent they did. We are not going to get 2020 overturned, because the Democrats will tie it up in court for the remainder of Bidens term. But, by discovering WHAT they did; if in fact they did something, it does 2 things-------------->

1. We can prevent it from happening again with virtually all American citizens support because even most Democrats want fair elections, and

2. It will reflect the hate that the Left has heaped on Trump, right back at the Left for pulling it off. For political purposes, that is big!

The states do NOT have to decertify! All the ones in question have to do, is proclaim with the evidence they have now gotten, had it been in their possession during certification, they would NOT have given their EC votes without further investigation; and if there is fraud, every Democrat is said states would agree to the language to avoid prosecution.

That happens, and the Left is done for 3 cycles, minimum!
Trump is quite famous for his lies and endless conspiracy theories.
Blues, I thought about mail in ballots last night and here's the way I believe the demofks pulled this off. They had ballots sent to everyone's houses, if married two. Demofks who could vote voted in person and then they collaborated to take all of the mail in ballots they received and didn't use to different demofks to use as ballots for dead people and anyone on the list that they knew were no longer valid voters. This was done using the books at the polling office and why they needed to close doors, card board windows and work two extra days. If one thinks about it, what a con job we were involved in. Of course, others could have just sent in duplicates or give to others to use exposing all those trips to the drop boxes. Con job!!!
I have to apply for my mail in ballot.
Yeh, this one is likely to start a snowball rolling downhill they can't stop.

Nothing is going to change the outcome of the 2020 election but at least we can expose it all and demand new laws with serious teeth to prevent it from every happening again to include prison terms for public officials who participated or do so in the future.
So the election was clearly fraudulent---Biden isn't the real president as inept and corrupt as he is, people were killed and locked up for protesting the fraudulent election and are still in jail, and ther eis nothing we can we do about it?
The key here on this question, is not if they did/did not cheat, because it appears everyone tries to cheat, but rather HOW they cheated, and to what extent they did. We are not going to get 2020 overturned, because the Democrats will tie it up in court for the remainder of Bidens term. But, by discovering WHAT they did; if in fact they did something, it does 2 things-------------->

1. We can prevent it from happening again with virtually all American citizens support because even most Democrats want fair elections, and

2. It will reflect the hate that the Left has heaped on Trump, right back at the Left for pulling it off. For political purposes, that is big!

The states do NOT have to decertify! All the ones in question have to do, is proclaim with the evidence they have now gotten, had it been in their possession during certification, they would NOT have given their EC votes without further investigation; and if there is fraud, every Democrat in said states would agree to the language to avoid prosecution.

That happens, and the Left is done for 3 cycles, minimum!
What they need to incorporate is that every ballot has a serial number and that number is assigned to an individual. Then what happened in 2020 can not happen the same way again.
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Trump is quite famous for his lies and endless conspiracy theories.

Yep, agreed. I mean, that whole thing with the laptop and Ukraine, so far off the rails, lololololol.

Oh boy, you guys are in for a big surprise, and there isn't a thing you can do about it-)
I have to apply for my mail in ballot.
but you can change your mind and vote in person, so what? The ballot doesn't have any connection to you and if you don't use it, they don't ask for it back. Nope, can't con me jack.
^^^^Fool enough to think that this stops in Wisconsin.
NC is a hotbed...
A former Trump White House official who vehemently promoted voter fraud claims in the wake of the Nov. 2020 elections is himself being looked at for potential voter fraud. The North Carolina State Attorney General's Office has requested an investigation into claims Mark Meadows falsified his voter ...
but you can change your mind and vote in person, so what? The ballot doesn't have any connection to you and if you don't use it, they don't ask for it back. Nope, can't con me jack.
You have never seen a mail in ballot, have you? They are tamper proof. Why would you go into all these magical scenarios to validate Trump's lies?
What they need to incorporate is that every ballot has a serial number and that number is assigned to an individual. Then what happened in 2020 can not happen the same way again.

I agree with you, but won't happen because the states are in charge of elections; and we WANT the states in charge instead of the feds.

Your plan is very good. We need to petition our states to do this, but not the Feds. We seen what happens with the last Dem plan to take over fed elections were put forth. We would be stuck then for sure if they had their way.

Just as an aside, if even a few states proclaim that they would not have certified if they had the evidence they now have, do you know how easy it would be to unravel what the Left did, and is now doing! Citizens would see their edicts as illegitimate, and be on board for instant repeal as soon as a new congress was installed, or a new President elected. And, to save themselves, many Democrats would go along!
You have never seen a mail in ballot, have you? They are tamper proof. Why would you go into all these magical scenarios to validate Trump's lies?
When you throw the envelopes away they are not tamperproof, ( when a court ordered you to keep the proof) when you don’t handover servers connected to machines counting ballots that’s not tamper proof, when you burn ballots that’s not tamper proof lol
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