Massive voter fraud discovered In Wisconsin! New info

First Freedoms Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on behalf of national election integrity group True the Vote.

During the interview, Dan announced that True the Vote purchased 25 terabytes of cell phone data from Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities in the two weeks before the elections, from October 20th to November 3rd. True the Vote examined the data and found over 53,000 visits to the drop boxes. True the Vote examined the data and looked at who visited the drop boxes in Wisconsin and found over 107 of those people visited the drop boxes over 2,000 times! Several of the people visited the boxes over 15 times per day. We are witnessing similar antics in all of the battleground states.
We all know it was rigged and we know that feeble minded, senile globalist puppet EmperorShitzHizPantz was installed just like they do in any other 3rd world Banana Republic.
I agree with you, but won't happen because the states are in charge of elections; and we WANT the states in charge instead of the feds.

Your plan is very good. We need to petition our states to do this, but not the Feds. We seen what happens with the last Dem plan to take over fed elections were put forth. We would be stuck then for sure if they had their way.

Just as an aside, if even a few states proclaim that they would not have certified if they had the evidence they now have, do you know how easy it would be to unravel what the Left did, and is now doing! Citizens would see their edicts as illegitimate, and be on board for instant repeal as soon as a new congress was installed, or a new President elected. And, to save themselves, many Democrats would go along!
oh correct, the ballots come from the state legislations. But they need to be serialized, that eliminates anyone taking a blank ballot and calling it theirs. or, just do away with mail in balloting completely and in person voting is the only ballot accepted.

BTW, without a serial number, one can't ask which candidate their ballot was counted against.
What they need to incorporate is that every ballot has a serial number and that number is assigned to an individual. Then what happened in 2020 can not happen the same way again.
Ballots should have fingerprints on them as well....


"The Office of the Special Counsel files this Investigative Report on Wisconsin’s administration of the 2020 elections as a first step to begin restoring faith in America’s elections. This effort is undertaken because Americans’ faith in its election system was shaken by events both before and after the November 2020 Presidential election. For example, a January 2022 ABC/Ipsos poll revealed that only 20% of the public is very confident about the integrity of our national election system. This 20% number is a significant drop from 37% from a similar ABC poll conducted one year earlier. America’s doubts about its election system crosses partisan lines. Among Democrats, only 30% say they are “very confident” in the U.S. election systems overall. Among independents, only 20% consider themselves “very confident” in the nation’s elections. Among Republicans, only 13% are “very confident” with America’s elections. This shaken faith is not a result of legitimate legislative inquiries into election administration, nor is it a result of lawful contests lodged by any candidate or party. Rather, it is largely a function of opaque, confusing, and often botched election processes that could have been corrected, and still can be corrected, with concerted effort on the part of lawmakers and conscientious civil servants who work for Wisconsin State government."

In reality the polls reflect the feelings of the people, not the facts of the matter. A Giant Orange Asshole had been blasting out "If Lose It's Only Because it's Rigged" Across all the Rabid Right Wing PR Affiliates. The Neo-GOP Poutrage Machine has been working overtime.

The "It was Rigged" and not conceding defeat and moving on to the next election is a poison pill our adversaries love that we have swallowed.

Thank the Dirty Don and the Neo-GOP
"The Office of the Special Counsel files this Investigative Report on Wisconsin’s administration of the 2020 elections as a first step to begin restoring faith in America’s elections. This effort is undertaken because Americans’ faith in its election system was shaken by events both before and after the November 2020 Presidential election. For example, a January 2022 ABC/Ipsos poll revealed that only 20% of the public is very confident about the integrity of our national election system. This 20% number is a significant drop from 37% from a similar ABC poll conducted one year earlier. America’s doubts about its election system crosses partisan lines. Among Democrats, only 30% say they are “very confident” in the U.S. election systems overall. Among independents, only 20% consider themselves “very confident” in the nation’s elections. Among Republicans, only 13% are “very confident” with America’s elections. This shaken faith is not a result of legitimate legislative inquiries into election administration, nor is it a result of lawful contests lodged by any candidate or party. Rather, it is largely a function of opaque, confusing, and often botched election processes that could have been corrected, and still can be corrected, with concerted effort on the part of lawmakers and conscientious civil servants who work for Wisconsin State government."

In reality the polls reflect the feelings of the people, not the facts of the matter. A Giant Orange Asshole had been blasting out "If Lose It's Only Because it's Rigged" Across all the Rabid Right Wing PR Affiliates. The Neo-GOP Poutrage Machine has been working overtime.

The "It was Rigged" and not conceding defeat and moving on to the next election is a poison pill our adversaries love that we have swallowed.

Thank the Dirty Don and the Neo-GOP
Chapter 10
oh correct, the ballots come from the state legislations. But they need to be serialized, that eliminates anyone taking a blank ballot and calling it theirs. or, just do away with mail in balloting completely and in person voting is the only ballot accepted.

BTW, without a serial number, one can't ask which candidate their ballot was counted against.

Good point!

For those reading this, understand that no agency in the Federal Government from the Supreme Court on down, is going to admit, or touch the fact the election was stolen. It will be left to the states to have their say, and the Fed will no way comment, one way or the other.


Instability, that is why! The federal government ever admitting that the person leading it is illegitimate, especially while he is in office; and not only Americans go bonkers, but so does the rest of the world. Markets crash, investments from over seas pulled out, etc.

No my friends, we need rely on the states. And with the pressure that will be brought to bear on them from Washington, the best we can hope for is NOT a decertification, but rather their admission that they would not have certified had they had this evidence at the time. I don't like it, but I understand it.

The bad news-------------> Historians will unravel this mess, long after the participants, or most of them, have assumed room temperature. They will give those that come after many of us, the absolute proof we so desire.

The good news------------> Get a state or 3 grumbling any time soon that they would not have certified if they knew then what they know now, WITHOUT ever having to say Biden is not legit, and if the Left thinks it is in trouble now, they ain't seen nothing yet!
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Funny, I am thinking some lib posters are quite famous for their lies and absolute stupid comments trying to smear others to redirect from the facts.
It's so hard to admit you were bamboozled by a con artist.
Good point!

For those reading this, understand that no agency in the Federal Government from the Supreme Court on down, is going to admit, or touch the fact the election was stolen. It will be left to the states to have their say, and the Fed will no way comment, one way or the other.


Instability, that is why! The federal government ever admitting that the person leading it is illegitimate, especially while he is in office; and not only Americans go bonkers, but so does the rest of the world. Markets crash, investments from over seas pulled out, etc.

No my friends, we need rely on the states. And with the pressure that will be brought to bear on them from Washington, the best we can hope for is NOT a decertification, but rather their admission that they would not have certified had they had this evidence at the time. I don't like it, but I understand it.

The bad news-------------> Historians will unravel this mess, long after the participants, or most of them, have assumed room temperature. They will give those that come after many of us, the absolute proof we so desire.

The good news------------> Get a state or 3 grumbling any time soon that they would not have certified if they knew then what they know now, WITHOUT ever having to say Biden is not legit, and if the Left thinks it is in trouble now, they ain't seen nothing yet!
It's been over a year why don't you prove fraud.
It's been over a year why don't you prove fraud.

We don't have to prove fraud, lol. Same as you don't have to prove anything either.

It goes like this-------------->it is up to the states to prove, or disprove anything. Seems a few states are looking into it. Just because they are doesn't mean a thing. For all we know, there could be massive fraud by Trump, right! So it behooves us to trust, but verify, for all of our sakes, since the election was so contested.
We all know it was rigged and we know that feeble minded, senile globalist puppet EmperorShitzHizPantz was installed just like they do in any other 3rd world Banana Republic.

TOT, it amazes me that the Left is sooooooo upset by this.

They believe everything was pretty legit, and they are in the tank for November, so these inquiries are a way for them to get out of the tank, isn't it?

IF these inquiries show that 98% of the vote was legit, it will give them a bump in November, yes!

And, what if the inquiries show it WAS the Trump side who massively cheated, after they got waaaaaaay more votes than expected! Why hell, it would reverse the trend for November, and the Democrats would instantly take the lead. They would love that, yes!

Virtually every conservative on this board is willing to take that chance, to lose the overwhelming lead we have in November, to have this looked into. Seems the Left, not so much, and if they are as correct as they insist they are, it helps them. Go figure.

Maybe it is because they do not believe what they say they believe, as much as they say they believe it, lol. But then again, that is just speculation on my part-)
NC is a hotbed...
A former Trump White House official who vehemently promoted voter fraud claims in the wake of the Nov. 2020 elections is himself being looked at for potential voter fraud. The North Carolina State Attorney General's Office has requested an investigation into claims Mark Meadows falsified his voter ...
good, let's hope all voter fraud is eliminated huh? Why do you want voter fraud to be a thing?
We don't have to prove fraud, lol. Same as you don't have to prove anything either.

It goes like this-------------->it is up to the states to prove, or disprove anything. Seems a few states are looking into it. Just because they are doesn't mean a thing. For all we know, there could be massive fraud by Trump, right! So it behooves us to trust, but verify, for all of our sakes, since the election was so contested.
Exactly. It doesn't align that demofks wouldn't want all fraud eliminated.
Exactly. It doesn't align that demofks wouldn't want all fraud eliminated.
Of course US voters want honest elections. Otherwise what's the point?. Do you want to be Syria? You Trumpies are so ridiculous.
Blues, I thought about mail in ballots last night and here's the way I believe the demofks pulled this off. They had ballots sent to everyone's houses, if married two. Demofks who could vote voted in person and then they collaborated to take all of the mail in ballots they received and didn't use to different demofks to use as ballots for dead people and anyone on the list that they knew were no longer valid voters. This was done using the books at the polling office and why they needed to close doors, card board windows and work two extra days. If one thinks about it, what a con job we were involved in. Of course, others could have just sent in duplicates or give to others to use exposing all those trips to the drop boxes. Con job!!!

BTW, that's how one could get 20 million more votes.
Trump caught Dems sleeping in 2016 and they spent 4 years RIGGING and preparing to steal the 2020 election by any means. A government expert in election fraud who's job is to monitor foreign elections for indications of fraud looked at the 2020 election. Of the 7 indicators of election fraud, only 3 of which are required as a strong indication of fraud...he found all 7 indicators in the 2020 election. Also analytics on the election night data pretty much prove Dems cheated.

Finally, notice the lightening speed at which Dems demanded Trump concede the election before anyone could dig into election night results which flipped as if by magic at 4am and made no sense at all.

One more fact, nearly all the anomalies only occurred in the key battle ground states and districts...riiiiiiight not a smidgeon of election fraud. In similar districts across the country results were within historical trends.

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