Massive voter fraud discovered In Wisconsin! New info

I posted a thread when a computer tech in Georgia hacked a voting machine, live in real time....WHOOOSH, off to CT.

I noticed the C-Span video I posted in the thread about bio-labs in Ukraine, (which also got sent to the CT zone,) YouTube censored . . . a video, from C-span. What is this world coming to? :dunno:

What the hell happened to America?

Chapter 10 Around P. 101.

Chapter 10: Non-citizens Voted Unimpeded by Wisconsin’s Election Officials as They
Are Not Recorded in the WisVote Voter Database, Even Though Wisconsin Law
Requires Citizenship to Vote.

". . . .Under federal law, WEC is legally required to include in WisVote ineligibility information about non-citizens from the Department of
Transportation. WEC is also legally required under federal law to distribute to the state’s municipal clerks lists of non-citizens so as to prevent these ineligible non-citizens from election day registration and voting. In violation of its federal and state legal obligations, Wisconsin election officials failed to prevent non-citizens from voting in the 2020 Presidential election—casting doubt on the election result."
Who’s doing the cheating? Could easily be the Republicans, as the few verified cases of voter fraud have shown.

Trump backer, 4 others charged with voter fraud in WI

A simple search will show there are others, by no means trending towards the Democrats!
The great irony here is there was a minuscule amount of voter fraud, all of it by Republicans.

But our Russian friend has the pack all foaming and frothing...
The great irony here is there was a minuscule amount of voter fraud, all of it by Republicans.

But our Russian friend has the pack all foaming and frothing...
Commie troll 🤡🤡
We will forever refuse to concede the 2020 election and DENY cheating rigging Dems legitimacy. The whole Dem party is now an "*".
They are trying to shun us from society

First Freedoms Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on behalf of national election integrity group True the Vote.

During the interview, Dan announced that True the Vote purchased 25 terabytes of cell phone data from Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities in the two weeks before the elections, from October 20th to November 3rd. True the Vote examined the data and found over 53,000 visits to the drop boxes. True the Vote examined the data and looked at who visited the drop boxes in Wisconsin and found over 107 of those people visited the drop boxes over 2,000 times! Several of the people visited the boxes over 15 times per day. We are witnessing similar antics in all of the battleground states.
In the vicinity of does not mean "visiting."

Do try to get a grip on reality.
Memes, what else when you’ve got nothing? :dunno:
What’s a meme?
its in the news bro
Come on. Don’t troll . You know democrats cheated with millions of unsolicited ballots sent out to anyone dead, alive, in jail, dont exist
I know you’ve been trying to say that without evidence and with the courts backing up my position, so… who’s the troll?

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