Mats Löfving, police chief of Stockholm found dead@his home today. He was under investigation after promoting his blonde bombshell mistress to top job

Who in an American state could possibly care? For a minute.

Probably no one.
it's a joke you idiot

dear God you really thought i think i am God (Kamala word salad!)'re dumb as a rock!
yea you are a think your shit dont stink....thats no doubt because you are 36 years old and still have mommy taking care of you...
jealousy turning saints into the sea

i'm 10 trillion times more American than you'll ever be, because i never question an immigrant's patriotism
sure you are....thats why you chose to live in a foreign country.....yea you are a real American....stay were you are,no one wants fair weather Americans here.....

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