Mats Löfving, police chief of Stockholm found dead@his home today. He was under investigation after promoting his blonde bombshell mistress to top job

sure you are....thats why you chose to live in a foreign country.....yea you are a real American....stay were you are,no one wants fair weather Americans here.....
i'm back in America right now, and i'm never leaving


that's part of America, right?
dam no sense of humor at all.....oh wait your not American,you wouldnt understand American humor....hey sorry "bro" time international humor....
i'm not sure what you gain with being an asshole to me...but go right ahead
liza is in a nursing home? thread on this?....
keep being a jerk. my belief in karma says something bad happens to jerks eventually. i'm gonna keep being bold out there so that you keep being a jerk to me so that karma has it's say

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