Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools

The kicker is when obama got into office he did away with charter schools in washington. Then had to reinstate it after the out cry of the minorities. Obama wanted to keep his on kind uneducated, wonder why.
No controversy here. Just another liberal being a complete hypocrit, nothing new there.
The kicker is when obama got into office he did away with charter schools in washington. Then had to reinstate it after the out cry of the minorities. Obama wanted to keep his on kind uneducated, wonder why.

Nothing racist here, right? "O(w)n kind"(sic)?!?! If the Republicans really want to shake the tag, people are going to have to realize there's only one kind, human beings. Can't take the "Obama is a racist" charge seriously, when we still have to put up with this kind of thinking.
The kicker is when obama got into office he did away with charter schools in washington. Then had to reinstate it after the out cry of the minorities. Obama wanted to keep his on kind uneducated, wonder why.

Nothing racist here, right? "O(w)n kind"(sic)?!?! If the Republicans really want to shake the tag, people are going to have to realize there's only one kind, human beings. Can't take the "Obama is a racist" charge seriously, when we still have to put up with this kind of thinking.

Lol, what did you want me to say? "*******"?
The humiliation for the liberals never ends

Liberals are incapable of feeling humiliation. Or embarrassment. Or shame.

If they could, with their record, they'd have dried up and blown away years ago. All of them.
Here we have yet another leer-jet, limousine Hollywood liberal screaming one thing but doing something else. "Do as I say, not as I do". Proving once again, "Socialism is for the people, not the Socialist".

Matt Damon Puts His Kids In Private School, Despite His Advocacy For Public Schools


I think Obama humiliated all of you wingnuts by beating your candidates up in that last two elections. The event even ran off some of the wingnuts who used to participate pretty heavily here.
The humiliation for the liberals never ends
Faulty presumption.

Humiliation is a variation on embarrassment.

If liberoidals have proven anything beyond any shadow of a doubt, it's that embarrassment simply is not in their repertoire of emotional responses.

Liberoids have two sets of standards -one for them and another for everyone else- and they're entirely above-board about it...They're better than you...Just ask them, they'll tell you.
is it hypocritical when the gop "education president" sends his kids to private school too?

No, he expanded charter schools and advocated voucher programs for private schools.

Obama opposes expansion of access to private schools for all but those that are wealthy like him.
is it hypocritical when the gop "education president" sends his kids to private school too?

No, he expanded charter schools and advocated voucher programs for private schools.

Obama opposes expansion of access to private schools for all but those that are wealthy like him.

But what if he really believes charter schools and vouchers are not good things? I don't necessarily have to agree with someone to consider them to be well intentioed. Personally, I'm all for charters in failing districts, so long as the charter cannot turn any child away. I'm not sold on vouchers, though.
is it hypocritical when the gop "education president" sends his kids to private school too?

No, he expanded charter schools and advocated voucher programs for private schools.

Obama opposes expansion of access to private schools for all but those that are wealthy like him.

But what if he really believes charter schools and vouchers are not good things? I don't necessarily have to agree with someone to consider them to be well intentioed. Personally, I'm all for charters in failing districts, so long as the charter cannot turn any child away. I'm not sold on vouchers, though.

Do your kids go to private school?

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