MATT DRUDGE Goes Off on Twitter Rampage It s the Night of the Republican Suicide

Are RHINOS the controlled opposition of Democrats?

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So why are you spending time arguing with people here and not going out and shooting people with whom you disagree?

I'm not arguing with anyone. To argue means you're listening to other people and trying g to change their mind. I'm not doing either.

Who says I wasn't out there today doing g things to change things and/or remove the worthless people from society?

So what are you doing here? What are you trying to accomplish?

As for the second, call it a hunch, but the US murder rate is low, and politically motivated murders are very rare. More likely, you are someone who likes verbalizing this sort of thing, but deep inside knows that other people don't really deserve to die just because they strongly disagree with you. You aren't nearly as violent as you pretend you are. Therefore the only comment I'd say is to be careful because if you keep lying to yourself about what you want to do and what you are, you may wake up and find that you've become the lie.
So what are you doing here? What are you trying to accomplish?

........Therefore the only comment I'd say is to be careful because if you keep lying to yourself about what you want to do and what you are, you may wake up and find that you've become the lie.

All I'm trying to accomplish is to ensure you can't say you didn't know better when you stand in Judgement by your Creator.

I'm not lying about anything. There are different ways to exterminate vermin that are much more efficient than killing them one at a time.
All I'm trying to accomplish is to ensure you can't say you didn't know better when you stand in Judgement by your Creator.

Interesting. So you think that disagreeing on politics is sufficient to get the creator of the universe mad at people?

Also, how does that accomplish anything. "Let's see. Back in May of 2016, a guy on the internet made a claim and didn't back it up with any sort of argument or facts whatsoever. Yep that means you definitely knew everything you should know and it is your fault for voting the way you did." Does that make sense to you? Is that the God you imagine?
Yo Joshua.....

What does Anathema have to say before you grasp that his objective here is to say things that he thinks will shock or cause outrage?
Some still fall for the illusion that there is a meaningful difference between the two parties.

Do you think that a gay person now able to serve openly in the military to get married agrees with you thee? What about a poor person who now can afford health insurance under the ACA?

I could care less whether they, or you, agree or not.
Facts are not dependent on the consensus of the negligible.

So to be clear, you consider gay people and poor people to be "negligible" and their improved lot in life is not something to care about at all?
Sonny, the inability to clearly observe that the differences between the two parties are illusory, renders their (your) viewpoint negligible. Now if that clarification isn't clear enough for you, there is no further reason to waste my time.
Interesting. So you think that disagreeing on politics is sufficient to get the creator of the universe mad at people?

Also, how does that accomplish anything. "Let's see. Back in May of 2016, a guy on the internet made a claim and didn't back it up with any sort of argument or facts whatsoever. Yep that means you definitely knew everything you should know and it is your fault for voting the way you did." Does that make sense to you? Is that the God you imagine?

I believe Right and Wrong are the only thing the Creators of this Universe care about and that Right/Wrong apply to everything a person says, does and even thinks.

The Deity I imagine doesn't even require that minimal "education" to damn a Soul that has not thought, spoken and acted proper during its Earthly endeavors. Your Soul should know better before it's even born.
Yo Joshua.....

What does Anathema have to say before you grasp that his objective here is to say things that he thinks will shock or cause outrage?

I suspect that's part of their goals, but that doesn't stop me from finding them fascinating.
Some still fall for the illusion that there is a meaningful difference between the two parties.

Do you think that a gay person now able to serve openly in the military to get married agrees with you thee? What about a poor person who now can afford health insurance under the ACA?

I could care less whether they, or you, agree or not.
Facts are not dependent on the consensus of the negligible.

So to be clear, you consider gay people and poor people to be "negligible" and their improved lot in life is not something to care about at all?
Sonny, the inability to clearly observe that the differences between the two parties are illusory, renders their (your) viewpoint negligible. Now if that clarification isn't clear enough for you, there is no further reason to waste my time.

There appears in that case to be some circular reasoning going on. You are dismissing a viewpoint that the parties are different because you've already decided that the two parties are not different. Do you see the circularity there?
I believe Right and Wrong are the only thing the Creators of this Universe care about and that Right/Wrong apply to everything a person says, does and even thinks.

The Deity I imagine doesn't even require that minimal "education" to damn a Soul that has not thought, spoken and acted proper during its Earthly endeavors. Your Soul should know better before it's even born.

So if the deity doesn't require that minimal education and my soul already knows better, why do you feel a need to by your own description "to ensure you can't say you didn't know better when you stand in Judgement by your Creator."? Hasn't that already been done?

Also, I'm curious, if this is the case that souls already know better, how do you explain that people do bad things?

Also does the Deity in your view mandate capitalization of Important Words?
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

You know that Ted Cruz voted with Obama on the trade bill, right?

For that stupidity, he's now off the list.

That leaves us only with Rand Paul.

What about the 30 or so Democrats who voted against it?

The trade bill is a Republican bill. You are aware of that, right?

Based on MSNBC's coverage, the Democrats aren't voting against it for the same reason Rand did.
Approving spying and fast-tracking trade deals are hallmarks of Republican politics. The whole idea of this thread is built on a faulty premise, that somehow Republicans are less Republican for allowing the executive branch both of those things.

They'd have done both of these for George W. Bush because they did do those things for him.

And Obama is going to sign off on it. Thank god we got the controlled opposition to take the flak for their controllers (Democrats)!
He announced his real name on here. That is the act of a lunatic. He then tried to claim that he was going into the Air Force Academy.....even though he is too old. Lunatics do that kind of shit.

That's noteworthy but doesn't put him in category of a lunatic that I'd be worried about interacting with, just that I shouldn't assign a high probability of him paying if he loses.

He's holding the wrong advice of an old air force recruiter against me. Wasn't my fault. I can still go to the airforce ROTC, so it's not the end of the world. I was one year over the limit for the Academy.

This is my facebook:
If you really think this, you should vote for the most right-wing candidates possible in the primaries, and if they don't win the primaries, when a RINO ends up on the Republican ticket, either stay home, or don't vote for the Republican. Consider voting for the Constitution Party.

Given the current selection of candidates, if it's not Paul or Cruz, then yes, I'm staying home.

You know that Ted Cruz voted with Obama on the trade bill, right?

For that stupidity, he's now off the list.

That leaves us only with Rand Paul.

What about the 30 or so Democrats who voted against it?

The trade bill is a Republican bill. You are aware of that, right?

Based on MSNBC's coverage, the Democrats aren't voting against it for the same reason Rand did.

That doesn't mean anything. Would you care to elaborate?

What reason do you think Rand Paul has for voting against it? How does it differ from Elizabeth Warren’s?
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He announced his real name on here. That is the act of a lunatic. He then tried to claim that he was going into the Air Force Academy.....even though he is too old. Lunatics do that kind of shit.

That's noteworthy but doesn't put him in category of a lunatic that I'd be worried about interacting with, just that I shouldn't assign a high probability of him paying if he loses.

He's holding the wrong advice of an old air force recruiter against me. Wasn't my fault.

This is my facebook:

*shrug* different people have different attitudes about these sorts of things. It is easy to see minor differences as major when there's political disagreement also. So what about the bet I offered?
He announced his real name on here. That is the act of a lunatic. He then tried to claim that he was going into the Air Force Academy.....even though he is too old. Lunatics do that kind of shit.

That's noteworthy but doesn't put him in category of a lunatic that I'd be worried about interacting with, just that I shouldn't assign a high probability of him paying if he loses.

He's holding the wrong advice of an old air force recruiter against me. Wasn't my fault.

This is my facebook:

*shrug* different people have different attitudes about these sorts of things. It is easy to see minor differences as major when there's political disagreement also. So what about the bet I offered?

I'm weighing it against the chance the Karl Rove will engineer mass fraud in the primaries, so I still need to think about it.
He announced his real name on here. That is the act of a lunatic. He then tried to claim that he was going into the Air Force Academy.....even though he is too old. Lunatics do that kind of shit.

That's noteworthy but doesn't put him in category of a lunatic that I'd be worried about interacting with, just that I shouldn't assign a high probability of him paying if he loses.

He's holding the wrong advice of an old air force recruiter against me. Wasn't my fault.

This is my facebook:

*shrug* different people have different attitudes about these sorts of things. It is easy to see minor differences as major when there's political disagreement also. So what about the bet I offered?

I'm weighing it against the chance the Karl Rove will engineer mass fraud in the primaries, so I still need to think about it.

Fair enough. I assign a low probability to that. I don't particularly care for Rove and thinks he's a bit of a snake, but I don't think he's such a bad person to try that, nor do I for that matter expect him to have the competency to pull something like that one a large scale without getting caught. But do think about it and feel free to get back to me, possibly with an updated probability that includes an estimate for Rove doing something like that.
So if the deity doesn't require that minimal education and my soul already knows better, why do you feel a need to by your own description "to ensure you can't say you didn't know better when you stand in Judgement by your Creator."? Hasn't that already been done?

Also, I'm curious, if this is the case that souls already know better, how do you explain that people do bad things?

Also does the Deity in your view mandate capitalization of Important Words?

Let's call it a friendly reminder, Joshua.

Souls make choices. That's the point of life.... to see if the Soul will choose to do Right or Wrong.

Capitalization is simply a means to highlight important Words and Concepts.
Let's call it a friendly reminder, Joshua.

Souls make choices. That's the point of life.... to see if the Soul will choose to do Right or Wrong.

Capitalization is simply a means to highlight important Words and Concepts.

And souls need such a reminder why?

And if souls already know this why do you think they ever choose wrongly?

You do know by the way that we used to capitalize most nouns in English. Do you know why we stopped?

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