Matt Drudge tells Obama and Hillary - Give up YOUR guns.

Ted nugent had a good comment on guns the other day. He said unarmed people who get shot are losers. That's the way we need to start looking at things.
Ted nugent had a good comment on guns the other day. He said unarmed people who get shot are losers. That's the way we need to start looking at things.

The little pants-shitting coward has no room to talk. What a piece of shit, literally.
Matt Drudge tells Obama and Hillary - Give up YOUR guns.

He's an idiot, and so is anyone who thinks that way.

Yeah, O is an idiot.
The liberal plan is to add a huge "registration fee" to guns. You can have guns but you must pay like $5000 per gun per year. Then guns will be legal for everyone but realistically only the rich will have guns.
It could be a cool million and I still want the guns, all of them eventually.

You'll never get 'em though. Lol.
Oh, we will, eventually. Most of them that is. There's no need for them...

Lol. Not seeing that. I'm sure the liberal gun owners will comply though since they're all for "common sense" crud.
When it's time to turn in the guns, we'll turn in ours as well.
I wont.
300 million guns and counting

Best we can hope for is patchwork legislation to slow the flow of guns to criminals and crazies. Republican pandering to the NRA has prevented all serious legislation

Oh for chris' sake...the gun ownership rate in this country was HIGHER back before you had all the gun control laws...yet the crime rate was much lower.

Quit regurgitating thoroughly discredited talking points you don't even understand and try using what little brains the good lord gave you to think for yourself and do some basic research of your cherry-picked, out-of-context facts.

Show me and we can talk

No, you show me. Show me the correlation between gun ownership and gun violence. Many studies have tried and the consensus is that there is no correlation that can be proven. Claims that increased gun ownership reduces gun crime are no more provable than claims that less gun ownership decreases gun crime. If you think you can prove one or the other, it's on you to prove it. But you gotta provide the facts...not cherry-picked data from studies funded by one side or the other.


Now...guess which nation has the highest gun ownership rate?

As to your question of the correlation between gun ownership and gun violence....100% of gun violence is committed by gun owners
Not so. Much gun violence is committed by people who don't own the guns they use. In fact, gun owners are among the safest people to be around, especially concealed carry permit holders.
Possession is nine tenths of the law and the NRA makes sure nobody interferes with that possession
300 million guns and counting

Best we can hope for is patchwork legislation to slow the flow of guns to criminals and crazies. Republican pandering to the NRA has prevented all serious legislation

Oh for chris' sake...the gun ownership rate in this country was HIGHER back before you had all the gun control laws...yet the crime rate was much lower.

Quit regurgitating thoroughly discredited talking points you don't even understand and try using what little brains the good lord gave you to think for yourself and do some basic research of your cherry-picked, out-of-context facts.

Show me and we can talk

No, you show me. Show me the correlation between gun ownership and gun violence. Many studies have tried and the consensus is that there is no correlation that can be proven. Claims that increased gun ownership reduces gun crime are no more provable than claims that less gun ownership decreases gun crime. If you think you can prove one or the other, it's on you to prove it. But you gotta provide the facts...not cherry-picked data from studies funded by one side or the other.


Now...guess which nation has the highest gun ownership rate?

As to your question of the correlation between gun ownership and gun violence....100% of gun violence is committed by gun owners

Did you watch the crap you posted?

We are number one hundred in gun safety and proud of it . See the countries we are better than?
Matt Drudge tells Obama and Hillary - Give up YOUR guns.

He's an idiot, and so is anyone who thinks that way.

Yeah, O is an idiot.
It could be a cool million and I still want the guns, all of them eventually.

You'll never get 'em though. Lol.
Oh, we will, eventually. Most of them that is. There's no need for them...

Lol. Not seeing that. I'm sure the liberal gun owners will comply though since they're all for "common sense" crud.
When it's time to turn in the guns, we'll turn in ours as well.
I wont.
No problem, we have the technology...
"Matt Drudge tells Obama and Hillary - Give up YOUR guns."

The idiocy of this lie, of course, is the fact that neither the president nor HRC are advocating anyone "give up his guns."
"Camel's nose under the tent" has been the guiding principal of the anti-gun nuts since at least 64. You are either being naive or purposely dishonest.

Since 64?

Seems to be working so well. Shit, if we can't do a thing after twenty first graders are slaughtered is unlikely we will ever do anything

Yes, you morons have been screaming for...and we've been caving in and allowing "reasonable" gun control laws and regs since Kennedy was assassinated in November of 63 (not counting the same BS in '32-34). You're right, all the laws you passed since haven't worked so why do you want to continue doing the same thing yet again thinking it might get you a better result "this time"?

300 million guns and counting

Best we can hope for is patchwork legislation to slow the flow of guns to criminals and crazies. Republican pandering to the NRA has prevented all serious legislation
We have thousands of gun laws. Are they working? That alone exposes the liberals' true agenda. They don't really want solutions, they want political hit points.
We have laws, not control. Allow us to have true gun control and a gun death will become so rare here that it will be national news.
What kind of "control" do you think you could really bring to bear? We throw massive amounts of money, time, and effort at "controlling" all kinds of things, and none of them work. Like I said, no matter what you allow liberals to do, it will always fail and they will always claim they weren't allowed to do it "right". They don't want problems solved, they just want political hit points.
Yeah, O is an idiot.
You'll never get 'em though. Lol.
Oh, we will, eventually. Most of them that is. There's no need for them...

Lol. Not seeing that. I'm sure the liberal gun owners will comply though since they're all for "common sense" crud.
When it's time to turn in the guns, we'll turn in ours as well.
I wont.
No problem, we have the technology...
You do know children died in there, right? Or does that make it just a little more enjoyable for you?
Yeah, O is an idiot.
You'll never get 'em though. Lol.
Oh, we will, eventually. Most of them that is. There's no need for them...

Lol. Not seeing that. I'm sure the liberal gun owners will comply though since they're all for "common sense" crud.
When it's time to turn in the guns, we'll turn in ours as well.
I wont.
No problem, we have the technology...

Janet renos burn school.
How do retard hack threads go this far? You fuckin 4 year olds need help, seriously. Obama should give up his guns because he never once said he wants to take anyone's guns? What in the derp kind of shit is this. And look at you lame assed dishonest arrogant toolboxes eating this shit up :lol:
I agree with Matt Drudge.

Fair is fair and what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
"Matt Drudge tells Obama and Hillary - Give up YOUR guns."

The idiocy of this lie, of course, is the fact that neither the president nor HRC are advocating anyone "give up his guns."

Of course they are, you fool. Anyone convicted of a felony is required to give up their guns. That covers millions of americans. THINK
. Obama should give up his guns because he never once said he wants to take anyone's guns? :lol:

Anyone convicted of a felony is required to give up their guns. Are you saying obama opposes that law? THINK

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