Matt Gaetz Has An Ethics Issue

How did I just know this was Raw Sewage agitprop?....Less credible than Infowars, and that's saying something.

View attachment 366153
This story hit a raw nerve in you.
RawStory was founded in 2004 as a Pro-homo website as the left's answer to Breitbart.
Even tho' he didn't use them this time, OKfine usually uses them.

So come outta the closet OK, you're a fag, be proud!
You should attack Politico while you're at it.
Politico is a leftist cyber-rag as well...But even at that, maybe about 1/4 of their content is reliable....Something RawSewage could never come close to.
Are you a paid troll? You never seem to add to the thread.

Come out!
It's okay.
USMB is inclusive!
Don't be scared.
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Conservatives in comments will pretended that it was a clerical error even though they know it wasn't.
When Obammmy invited the Terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood to visit him in the Rainbow House, you progs on the left didnt give a shit? Why is that? Obammy gave them millions of dollars of tax payer funding, why is that? $28 K doesnt sound like much of an issue.
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.

The typical thing is the "usual hypocrisy" with Republicans and conservatives! They're always ready to point fingers, but with a conservative judiciary and FBI, it's always the shady Republicans that get busted with voter fraud or financial improprieties! :102:

- - Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case - -
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
Yep. I miss the good old days of sound conservative leadership policing their own also. All dead and gone or primaried out of office. Sad, eh?
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
Yep. I miss the good old days of sound conservative leadership policing their own also. All dead and gone or primaried out of office. Sad, eh?
Sound conservative leadership like John (Songbird) McCain i guess.....
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
Yep. I miss the good old days of sound conservative leadership policing their own also. All dead and gone or primaried out of office. Sad, eh?

You miss the Dimm cum-sucking RINO'S!
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
Yep. I miss the good old days of sound conservative leadership policing their own also. All dead and gone or primaried out of office. Sad, eh?
Republicans throw their troublesome members overboard all the time...It's the democrats and their devoted media toadies who'll defend their trash to the bitter end, unless they happen to step on the dick of someone important, like Blago, Jesse Jackson jr, and Jim Trafficant did.

To prove this to yourself, which republican, past or present, could possibly have kept his seat after getting caught red-handed like this?...

You and I both know the answer is NONE.
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.

The typical thing is the "usual hypocrisy" with Republicans and conservatives! They're always ready to point fingers, but with a conservative judiciary and FBI, it's always the shady Republicans that get busted with voter fraud or financial improprieties! :102:

- - Ohio House speaker, 4 others arrested in $60M bribery case - -
Republican Speaker of the House, that is sad. Read about this yesterday, didn't see anything about being turned in by fellow republican. Maybe none of the ever knew?
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
So are the dozens that Trump pardons from his team of crooks.
Gaetz hired Beattie after the guy was ousted from the White House. Gaetz has paid Beattie as a speech writer with taxpayer money. Supposedly it's a "clerical error" to pay the guy $28K. Sounds like a problem to me.

"Politico notes that “House rules explicitly prohibit spending taxpayer dollars on speech-writing consultants,” although Gaetz’s office tells the publication that this was the result of a “clerical error” that it is working to correct."

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been caught breaking House ethics rules by funneling taxpayer money to a private speech-writing consultant who also happens to be a scandal-plagued former aide to President Donald Trump.
Politico reports that Gaetz’s office improperly sent $28,000 in taxpayer money to a limited liability corporation linked to Darren Beattie, a Trump aide who was ousted in 2018 after it was revealed he spoke at a conference featuring several prominent white nationalists."

"Beattie was ousted from his White House job in 2018 after it was reported that he had attended a controversial conference tied to white nationalism."
Typical. Nothing will be done until after election. Republicans do not police their own very often and never in an election year.
Republicans do not police their own very often...

Richard Nixon, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood, Mark Foley, and Bob Ney were unavailable for comment.
So are the dozens that Trump pardons from his team of crooks.

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