Matt Taibbi

What in the world are you reading?! How did Biden and his team manipulate Twitter?!

No evidence of government involvement...
I know, I’ve read this yet I’m hearing from all these people about the uncovered government conspiracy… where do they get this crap from?
The same place they get their other crap from.

How many times have you opened up this hallowed message board to find out that something happened hours ago that "triggered you". It used to be that your head exploded...remember that phrase?
The same place they get their other crap from.

How many times have you opened up this hallowed message board to find out that something happened hours ago that "triggered you". It used to be that your head exploded...remember that phrase?
Nowadays, I don't let it trigger me. I just rip off a big fart.
I heard that actor James Woods that got banned by direct ORDER of some Dem operative is gonna sue the DNC and specific other people for violating his speech rights.
You heard correctly. James tweeted himself that he was going to sue.
The Dem party uses power to get/retain power. If they would spend 1/10 of the time they spend interfering in elections and colluding with media powers on their DESIGNS of programs and legislation and GOVERNING -- they might not now be on the "endangered species" list.

It's a hollow shell of horrors as it stands right now. FINANCED by 29 yr old know-nothing billionaires and letting far left socialists destroy the current energy, economy, culture and have for example Bernie Sanders and AOC designing our next national "energy plan". Too old and too stupid. All the "talent" went to the sidelines.

Standing ovation for "hollow shell of horrors"

If that doesn't just sum it up
What’s funny is Elon shouts out that Ro Khanna is great, because he “showed concern” in his emails. In reality Ro Khanna was looking out for his Silicone valley donors and warning them about the blowback.

Either way -- his message was correct. Not only can you "Go Woke and Go Broke", but you can also turn around the direction of govt-corporate collusion -- which is usually doing favors for corporations in exchange for campaign cash -- but POLITICIANS can also GET FAVORS like censoring opposition speech in RETURN for LESS regulation and oversight.

That's a special kind of rot on Democracy and Capitalism....

That's what's in play here. And it's not a Dem or Rep nightmare -- it's a NATIONAL nightmare. Because that's how fascist regimes roll. By blurring the line between govt and corporations and govt and the media. So that they ALL have access to virtually UNLIMITED POWER.

And if we --- ALL OF US -- ALLOW THIS -- we're signing a death warrant on America as we know it.

Leftists here better stop trolling and pay attention. Once this is IGNORED -- there is no fixing it.
Democracy and Capitalism BOTH die.
What in the world are you reading?! How did Biden and his team manipulate Twitter?!
You ll find out in the 2024 election. Listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast “Twitter Files” he explains it well there. I know You like to play troll games. I am not going down that path.
Is a leftist and he agrees that Biden and his team manipulated Twitter to win the election

He broke the biggest political story of the century. We now KNOW beyond any doubt that the DemoKKKrat party colluded with Big Tech and the corporate media to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The only question remaining is how much help did they get from Russia, China, and other foreign actors, and the forthcoming congressional investigations will hopefully reveal that.

By the way, Matt Taibbi didn't kill himself. ;)
Either way -- his message was correct. Not only can you "Go Woke and Go Broke", but you can also turn around the direction of govt-corporate collusion -- which is usually doing favors for corporations in exchange for campaign cash -- but POLITICIANS can also GET FAVORS like censoring opposition speech in RETURN for LESS regulation and oversight.

That's a special kind of rot on Democracy and Capitalism....

That's what's in play here. And it's not a Dem or Rep nightmare -- it's a NATIONAL nightmare. Because that's how fascist regimes roll. By blurring the line between govt and corporations and govt and the media. So that they ALL have access to virtually UNLIMITED POWER.

And if we --- ALL OF US -- ALLOW THIS -- we're signing a death warrant on America as we know it.

Leftists here better stop trolling and pay attention. Once this is IGNORED -- there is no fixing it.
Democracy and Capitalism BOTH die.

Twitter as the source of UNLIMITED POWER is the one of the more hilarious instances of white wing victimhood I've come across here. 😄 Thank you for that.
You ll find out in the 2024 election. Listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast “Twitter Files” he explains it well there. I know You like to play troll games. I am not going down that path.
I read the Twitter files. Don’t need Shapiro or a political campaign to translate it for me. All pretty clear. What is it YOU think was revealed?
Twitter as the source of UNLIMITED POWER is the one of the more hilarious instances of white wing victimhood I've come across here. 😄 Thank you for that.
Everything is race with you. It’s hilarious. You’re not white. You resent that. I bet I have darker skin than you and I am white so relax, snowflake.
I read the Twitter files. Don’t need Shapiro or a political campaign to translate it for me. All pretty clear. What is it YOU think was revealed?
It was revealed that the checkers aka those who decide which tweets are harmful and which aren’t were easily offended and leaned far left. As a result the narrative of Twitter was biased toward the Left. In fact Yoel Roth said many had PTSD and had to ban Trump for their mental health. Since you won’t listen to the podcast we have zero to discuss. You’re a dumb leftist.
It was revealed that the checkers aka those who decide which tweets are harmful and which aren’t were easily offended and leaned far left. As a result the narrative of Twitter was biased toward the Left. In fact Yoel Roth said many had PTSD and had to ban Trump for their mental health. Since you won’t listen to the podcast we have zero to discuss. You’re a dumb leftist.
We aren't discussing Podcasts we are discussing a twitter dump that both you and I are very capable of reading and analyzing ourselves... At least I thought... But then you said this "It was revealed that the checkers aka those who decide which tweets are harmful and which aren’t were easily offended and leaned far left." The Twitter files actually showed the fact checkers questioning the one executives decisions to flag the Post article and the discussion/debate that ensued. I saw more pushing back on the decisions then supporting it.

Did you actually read the tweets?

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