Matthew Whitaker hearing

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

More lies. There were no guns run into Mexico. Furthermore, it's the lax AZ gun law that is putting the deadly weapons in the hands of the Brutal Capitalistic Cartels. You see any 18 year old without a record can by one of those deadly weapons as long as they pinky swear they are not an agent buyer. But there is no law that says they can't, as a private citizen change their mind about the weapon and turn around and sell that gun for cash. At least that's what they were trying to stop. It didn't work because the AZ AG wouldn't bring charges against the straw buyers.

Besides Guns don't kill people.......People kill people.

At least that's what I've heard from a number of people!

Lies? Because you said so? Whatever, wasn’t the point.

Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?
More lies. There were no guns run into Mexico. Furthermore, it's the lax AZ gun law that is putting the deadly weapons in the hands of the Brutal Capitalistic Cartels. You see any 18 year old without a record can by one of those deadly weapons as long as they pinky swear they are not an agent buyer. But there is no law that says they can't, as a private citizen change their mind about the weapon and turn around and sell that gun for cash. At least that's what they were trying to stop. It didn't work because the AZ AG wouldn't bring charges against the straw buyers.

Besides Guns don't kill people.......People kill people.

At least that's what I've heard from a number of people!

Lies? Because you said so? Whatever, wasn’t the point.

Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!
Whitaker will be offered a job on SNL....with his smart and snappy remarks which proved that he is not qualified for even the janitors job at the DOJ.

Whitaker answered all their questions, that's more than Eric Holder did. Holder was and is a criminal..."House members approved the criminal contempt measure in a 255-67 vote."
House holds Holder in contempt - CNNPolitics
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Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
What the Dems did is try to spin a web of lies they want the public to fall for, so it looked like there was something there that wasn’t. Their normal game was at work. Whitaker just played their game back rather than allow their spin to stand
Lies? Because you said so? Whatever, wasn’t the point.

Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!

Republicans weren’t much better when they had their time. Reckless and weak is how they came off. These hearings need to be taken off TV.
Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!

Republicans weren’t much better when they had their time. Reckless and weak is how they came off. These hearings need to be taken off TV.

No. They need to remain so the public can continue to see why their Congressman fail to pass legislation and continue to jerk each other off!
That's why Trump was turn over Congress-creature tables and expose them.
Trump is doing a fantastic job!
You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!

Republicans weren’t much better when they had their time. Reckless and weak is how they came off. These hearings need to be taken off TV.

No. They need to remain so the public can continue to see why their Congressman fail to pass legislation and continue to jerk each other off!
That's why Trump was turn over Congress-creature tables and expose them.
Trump is doing a fantastic job!

No one has Been exposed? Who will hold the to account? Just like Muller has nothing, Republicans have nothing as well. No one will go to jail, no one will indict anyone on either side. If it was going to happen it would have. And just as many republicans need to be removed from congress as democrats. All this is is a dog and pony show. They need to lose there stage and to work.
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
The hostile environment created in this hearing was sickening, and it revealed the swamp critters who are just eat up with their unbridled hatred of anything Trump. TDS was rampant in the room. America ought to be proud. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

How anyone sat there not seeing the TDS sickness in the room, is either a leftist zombie or just plain lost in life.
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
The hostile environment created in this hearing was sickening, and it revealed the swamp critters who are just eat up with their unbridled hatred of anything Trump. TDS was rampant in the room. America ought to be proud. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

How anyone sat there not seeing the TDS sickness in the room, is either a leftist zombie or just plain lost in life.

It was a stunt. Think of all the good questions they could have asked. Sure, get as much of an update on Muller as they can, but also, maybe ask a question or two about New York’s legalization of murder? Maybe ask about fentanyl coming across the border, and if ICE and border patrol officers are being trained on the proper handling and countermeasures related to that drug? We hear allot about cartel activity there, how about some questions about that? Instead we get a retard like Shela Jackson Lee blathering on and on? A shot ton of just stupid questions. I was waiting on any one of them to ask Whitaker if he were a tree, what kind of tree would he be? That’s how stupid this was.
Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!

Republicans weren’t much better when they had their time. Reckless and weak is how they came off. These hearings need to be taken off TV.
  • Feb. 8, 20
A classic headline from The New York Post on Friday about Jeff Bezos' accusations that David Pecker, publisher of The National Enquirer, sought to blackmail him.CreditStephanie Keith/Getty Images


A classic headline from The New York Post on Friday about Jeff Bezos' accusations that David Pecker, publisher of The National Enquirer, sought to blackmail him. CreditCreditStephanie Keith/Getty Images

I cannot quite believe I am writing about Jeff Bezos’ sex life for the second time in two weeks, let alone about his penis. But Mr. Bezos brought all of himself back into the news on Thursday by writing a blockbuster post on Medium accusing American Media, which owns The National Enquirer, of blackmail. The post is addressed to David Pecker, the head of American Media, and titled, “No Thank You, Mr. Pecker.”

Pun presumably intended by Mr. Bezos, the Amazon founder and chief executive. It’s difficult to not descend into a minefield of them (Jeff Bezos’ Prime and Jeff Bezos’ package are popular jokes on Twitter today, and HuffPost and The New York Post ran with “Bezos Exposes Pecker”) and conclude that it is simply a field day for tabloids.

Opinion | Kara Swisher
The Sexts of Jeff Bezos and the Death of Privacy
Jan. 18, 2019
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
The hostile environment created in this hearing was sickening, and it revealed the swamp critters who are just eat up with their unbridled hatred of anything Trump. TDS was rampant in the room. America ought to be proud. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

How anyone sat there not seeing the TDS sickness in the room, is either a leftist zombie or just plain lost in life.

It was a stunt. Think of all the good questions they could have asked. Sure, get as much of an update on Muller as they can, but also, maybe ask a question or two about New York’s legalization of murder? Maybe ask about fentanyl coming across the border, and if ICE and border patrol officers are being trained on the proper handling and countermeasures related to that drug? We hear allot about cartel activity there, how about some questions about that? Instead we get a retard like Shela Jackson Lee blathering on and on? A shot ton of just stupid questions. I was waiting on any one of them to ask Whitaker if he were a tree, what kind of tree would he be? That’s how stupid this was.
Well, one did get to the tree question in a sense, when he asked Whitaker, "where did you come from" ???? Yada yada yada yada.....,,.......... I thought next Whitaker was going to turn around to see if someone walked up behind him, and then turn back around to ask the dummy "ohh were you talking to me" ??... LOL
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
The hostile environment created in this hearing was sickening, and it revealed the swamp critters who are just eat up with their unbridled hatred of anything Trump. TDS was rampant in the room. America ought to be proud. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

How anyone sat there not seeing the TDS sickness in the room, is either a leftist zombie or just plain lost in life.

It was a stunt. Think of all the good questions they could have asked. Sure, get as much of an update on Muller as they can, but also, maybe ask a question or two about New York’s legalization of murder? Maybe ask about fentanyl coming across the border, and if ICE and border patrol officers are being trained on the proper handling and countermeasures related to that drug? We hear allot about cartel activity there, how about some questions about that? Instead we get a retard like Shela Jackson Lee blathering on and on? A shot ton of just stupid questions. I was waiting on any one of them to ask Whitaker if he were a tree, what kind of tree would he be? That’s how stupid this was.
Well, one did get to the tree question in a sense, when he asked Whitaker, "where did you come from" ???? Yada yada yada yada.....,,.......... I thought next Whitaker was going to turn around to see if someone walked up behind him, and then turn back around to ask the dummy "ohh were you talking to me" ??... LOL

He should have. Gotta give it to Whitaker, he did very well keeping his cool and drawing these retards out. He handled it very well.
You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.

Don’t care. In the end Eric Holders feds sold guns to bad people, and those guns were used in crimes against people, yet you applaud them because they are your favorite team. Never mind the collateral damage because you got lots of little rep points on USMB for all the snappy quips. Same with this, it was a show. Not one person, at all, ever, anywhere colluded with Russia to elect president Trump. There was no good reason to even have Whitaker testify other then to produce material for the consumer of team blue’s supporters. Please, do point out one revelation that came out in this hearing?

The only revelation that most people got out of it is that drooling House Democraps choke on their own spittle in their zeal to see Trump impeached.
But, I already knew that and it didn't take a Magic 8-ball to understand it!

Republicans weren’t much better when they had their time. Reckless and weak is how they came off. These hearings need to be taken off TV.
  • Feb. 8, 20
A classic headline from The New York Post on Friday about Jeff Bezos' accusations that David Pecker, publisher of The National Enquirer, sought to blackmail him.CreditStephanie Keith/Getty Images


A classic headline from The New York Post on Friday about Jeff Bezos' accusations that David Pecker, publisher of The National Enquirer, sought to blackmail him. CreditCreditStephanie Keith/Getty Images

I cannot quite believe I am writing about Jeff Bezos’ sex life for the second time in two weeks, let alone about his penis. But Mr. Bezos brought all of himself back into the news on Thursday by writing a blockbuster post on Medium accusing American Media, which owns The National Enquirer, of blackmail. The post is addressed to David Pecker, the head of American Media, and titled, “No Thank You, Mr. Pecker.”

Pun presumably intended by Mr. Bezos, the Amazon founder and chief executive. It’s difficult to not descend into a minefield of them (Jeff Bezos’ Prime and Jeff Bezos’ package are popular jokes on Twitter today, and HuffPost and The New York Post ran with “Bezos Exposes Pecker”) and conclude that it is simply a field day for tabloids.

Opinion | Kara Swisher
The Sexts of Jeff Bezos and the Death of Privacy
Jan. 18, 2019
Off topic ??
Congressional oversight USED to be a secondary consideration to passing legislation.
At some point, this got flipped as politics became increasingly tribal.
As a result, EO's replaced the lack of Congressional legislation which is why the District Courts and SCOTUS have become judicial activists by default due to Congress dropping the ball on fulfilling their Constitutional primary responsibilities and any recent given President falsely accused of playing King. In reality, they have had no choice towards solving problems.
As a result, the emphasis in recent years is on judicial appointments as opposed to an elected Congress doing the will of the people. Congress is no longer interested in doing the will of the people as they continue to fail to legislate and problem solve.

We got a Republic if we can keep it, but Congress is insuring that we are gonna lose it!

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