Matthew Whitaker hearing

Whitaker said he has not talked to the President about the Mueller Investigation.

All Trump has to say is that Whitaker brought it up in a conversation and Whitaker is toast for lying to congress.

And Whitaker knows it.

The FBI knows it.

The press knows it.

and worst of all, Trump knows it.

Trump is now in a position to blackmail Whitaker. Whitaker is compromised.

Compromised? So what? Matt is out in a week and Barr is in.
So she bilked the Ruskies out of 145 million dollars for nothing?
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

Eric Holder user the law to legally attempt to withhold sensitive information from Congress, and he lost. He're what he didn't do:

Holder didn't insult, berate, threaten, bully or belittle members of the oversight committee, like this little dog and pony show by Whittaker. He simply stood his ground in a reasonable, respectful and legal way. Rude, stupid and condescending is no way to treat people who hold your balls in their hands. Whittaker only had the nerve to behave as he did today because he's going to gone next week. If he were to continue in this job, and continue to treat House Democrats in this manner, the House Appropriations Committee has the ways and means of pulling him up short.

There is nothing braver or dumber than a man with nothing to lose.

There's not a Democrat on that committee that I would not be happy to insult, berate, threaten, bully and belittle, and I would consider myself remiss if given the chance to do so, and not take full advantage of it.

You'll see a lot more of this in the future. People are fed up with these preening insects.

Oh I agree. It’s unreasonable to expect a person to defend them selves from a political hit in broad daylight. He was called there when Nadler knew he an all his pals were going to ask questions they knew Whitaker couldn’t answer. So yeah, it was cool to watch libtards faces turn red, it in the end, nothing was gotten to the bottom of. Both Democrats and Republicans only cared about showing off on FOX. Nothing will come of any of this testimony. It was all just a show.
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

More lies. There were no guns run into Mexico. Furthermore, it's the lax AZ gun law that is putting the deadly weapons in the hands of the Brutal Capitalistic Cartels. You see any 18 year old without a record can by one of those deadly weapons as long as they pinky swear they are not an agent buyer. But there is no law that says they can't, as a private citizen change their mind about the weapon and turn around and sell that gun for cash. At least that's what they were trying to stop. It didn't work because the AZ AG wouldn't bring charges against the straw buyers.

Besides Guns don't kill people.......People kill people.

At least that's what I've heard from a number of people!

Lies? Because you said so? Whatever, wasn’t the point.

Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.
Whitaker demonstrated he doesn't know the rules of a hearing.

That's interesting. I wonder which laws of the land this fake stand-in AG doesn't know.
Ol Whit better ease up or he will be next in the Mueller subpoena line..
You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

More lies. There were no guns run into Mexico. Furthermore, it's the lax AZ gun law that is putting the deadly weapons in the hands of the Brutal Capitalistic Cartels. You see any 18 year old without a record can by one of those deadly weapons as long as they pinky swear they are not an agent buyer. But there is no law that says they can't, as a private citizen change their mind about the weapon and turn around and sell that gun for cash. At least that's what they were trying to stop. It didn't work because the AZ AG wouldn't bring charges against the straw buyers.

Besides Guns don't kill people.......People kill people.

At least that's what I've heard from a number of people!

Lies? Because you said so? Whatever, wasn’t the point.

Who in the Obama Administration was charged with anything related to F&F?

You still miss the point, but I’ll flip the question and ask who in the Trump administration has been convicted of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Let me guess, muller will announce them when he files his report? Mm. That said, no one was charged in fast and furious because such a thing would be a black mark on the token half negros legacy, which at this point is only being the first half Black president. This hearing was the same as Holders with fast and furious. Nothing more then a WWE cage match to keep you zombies placated until election time.

F & F wasn't meant to bring up charges. It was meant to convict the Obama Administration in the court of public opinion. Mueller is not. He is not leaking bits and pieces and allowing a sympathetic press to spread propaganda based on those selected bits and pieces of information.

I'm not placated. The real cause of Officer Terry's death is the insane rhetorical drug war.
It didn't take Nadler long to lose control of the hearing.
Too bad, it's just a bullshit Democrat political production anyway.

Whitaker tried to show how his intelligent humor would show how smart he is...he failed. Comey was right. He is not very smart.
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

Eric Holder user the law to legally attempt to withhold sensitive information from Congress, and he lost. He're what he didn't do:

Holder didn't insult, berate, threaten, bully or belittle members of the oversight committee, like this little dog and pony show by Whittaker. He simply stood his ground in a reasonable, respectful and legal way. Rude, stupid and condescending is no way to treat people who hold your balls in their hands. Whittaker only had the nerve to behave as he did today because he's going to gone next week. If he were to continue in this job, and continue to treat House Democrats in this manner, the House Appropriations Committee has the ways and means of pulling him up short.

There is nothing braver or dumber than a man with nothing to lose.

There's not a Democrat on that committee that I would not be happy to insult, berate, threaten, bully and belittle, and I would consider myself remiss if given the chance to do so, and not take full advantage of it.

You'll see a lot more of this in the future. People are fed up with these preening insects.

Oh I agree. It’s unreasonable to expect a person to defend them selves from a political hit in broad daylight. He was called there when Nadler knew he an all his pals were going to ask questions they knew Whitaker couldn’t answer. So yeah, it was cool to watch libtards faces turn red, it in the end, nothing was gotten to the bottom of. Both Democrats and Republicans only cared about showing off on FOX. Nothing will come of any of this testimony. It was all just a show.
if they would have had firearms, they would have fired. they were as angry a bunch as I have ever seen. I love the puppet phrase he used. And to the leader of the puppets.
Whitaker will be offered a job on SNL....with his smart and snappy remarks which proved that he is not qualified for even the janitors job at the DOJ.

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