Matthew Whitaker hearing

I never heard so many morons trying to manipulate the answer they wanted to hear out of someone!! That was crazy and the acting attorney general was excellently accurate and answered with complete information that they obviously didn't want to hear.. He didn't give them anything they could turn into something it wasn't .. He did well!!
I never heard so many morons trying to manipulate the answer they wanted to hear out of someone!! That was crazy and the acting attorney general was excellently accurate and answered with complete information that they obviously didn't want to hear.. He didn't give them anything they could turn into something it wasn't .. He did well!!
It's what I observed.
Watching the hearing on C-SPAN or rather watching the biased leftist grilling of a very smart top employee of our justice system, and he is flat out kicking some leftist butt in this hearing (professional guy this Whitaker fella is). Talk about a witch Hunt... Good grief..... I bet alot of Americans were angered seriously by the leftist biased anti-Trump gotcha type of questioning in this hearing, and how the Demon-crats made complete fools of themselves in this meeting. Unbelievable.

We have some serious problems in government now. Unbelievable.

You MUST answer yes or no...... GOTCHA!
The hostile environment created in this hearing was sickening, and it revealed the swamp critters who are just eat up with their unbridled hatred of anything Trump. TDS was rampant in the room. America ought to be proud. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!

How anyone sat there not seeing the TDS sickness in the room, is either a leftist zombie or just plain lost in life.

It was a stunt. Think of all the good questions they could have asked. Sure, get as much of an update on Muller as they can, but also, maybe ask a question or two about New York’s legalization of murder? Maybe ask about fentanyl coming across the border, and if ICE and border patrol officers are being trained on the proper handling and countermeasures related to that drug? We hear allot about cartel activity there, how about some questions about that? Instead we get a retard like Shela Jackson Lee blathering on and on? A shot ton of just stupid questions. I was waiting on any one of them to ask Whitaker if he were a tree, what kind of tree would he be? That’s how stupid this was.
Well, one did get to the tree question in a sense, when he asked Whitaker, "where did you come from" ???? Yada yada yada yada.....,,.......... I thought next Whitaker was going to turn around to see if someone walked up behind him, and then turn back around to ask the dummy "ohh were you talking to me" ??... LOL

The part I liked best was when Whitaker reminded The fat congress-critter Nadler that his 5 minutes were up. Whitaker clowned those fools.
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Amazing the swamp was revealing itself like that. It was like a bunch of zombies trying to figure out how to get to their target, but their target wasn't even in the room or was it ??

If their target was America, then through the lens of the camera, their target was definitely in the room.
Whitaker will be offered a job on SNL....with his smart and snappy remarks which proved that he is not qualified for even the janitors job at the DOJ.

Let me guess, you determine who is qualified.

Whitaker knows that he was called up so they can make fool out of him. He also know he has few more weeks in DOJ, until Barr is confirmed. We all know that he's smarter than most of the people on the committee.

Well, with all that, he decided to have some fun and make fool out of them.

I say, that alone qualifies him to stay on DOJ as at least, deputy director.
Whitaker will be offered a job on SNL....with his smart and snappy remarks which proved that he is not qualified for even the janitors job at the DOJ.

Let me guess, you determine who is qualified.

Whitaker knows that he was called up so they can make fool out of him. He also know he has few more weeks in DOJ, until Barr is confirmed. We all know that he's smarter than most of the people on the committee.

Well, with all that, he decided to have some fun and make fool out of them.

I say, that alone qualifies him to stay on DOJ as at least, deputy director.

Whitaker cracking jokes and acting like a mindless twit made a fool out of himself...without the committee's help. He thought people were laughing with him...but those oooooohhhs and ahhhhhs were expressions if embarrassment.

The Whitaker show was for his master....trump. Those people were not smiling....they were did this idiot get to lead the DOJ. If they find one fabrication.....they will fry him until he grows hair....With the show he put bet they will be looking under every stone.

Whitaker knows, there is no business like show business!
Couldn't be nothing like he just knows his business now could it ?? He sure looked smarter than most in that room that day that's for sure.
Whitaker will be offered a job on SNL....with his smart and snappy remarks which proved that he is not qualified for even the janitors job at the DOJ.

Let me guess, you determine who is qualified.

Whitaker knows that he was called up so they can make fool out of him. He also know he has few more weeks in DOJ, until Barr is confirmed. We all know that he's smarter than most of the people on the committee.

Well, with all that, he decided to have some fun and make fool out of them.

I say, that alone qualifies him to stay on DOJ as at least, deputy director.

Whitaker cracking jokes and acting like a mindless twit made a fool out of himself...without the committee's help. He thought people were laughing with him...but those oooooohhhs and ahhhhhs were expressions if embarrassment.

The Whitaker show was for his master....trump. Those people were not smiling....they were did this idiot get to lead the DOJ. If they find one fabrication.....they will fry him until he grows hair....With the show he put bet they will be looking under every stone.
The new way Demon-crats operate is appealing to you eh ??? Just remember that what goes around comes around.
Whitaker fucking pwnd ALL the "badest" democrats with ease. If was funny and informative. I guess the big question regarding this is why can't any democrat speak ENGLISH correctly. Between the lisps and mispronunciations, etc. I am not an expert on democrats, but are they all born and raised outside of the USA. Why is it they cannot speak English, and how the fuck did they get elected?
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That blonde representing I think Pennsylvania, looked like she had a HUGE chip on her shoulder when speaking or questioning Whitaker. I mean you could literally see the anger in that woman from start to finish. Now how on Earth has this nation finally come to this type of hateful character that is now being found so much in our government reps to date ??

If a person is that angry in life, what do they do to get elected, and who in hades is electing such angry aced people like that ?? Do they Lie, cheat, kiss butt etc, and then turn quickly into these idiots with huge scores to settle in which had nothing to do with their positions gained in life ? It's what it looks like to me.


Whittaker is NOT intimidated, he knows exactly what they all agreed to regarding his questioning, and he is holding them to it, NOT putting up with their bullshit!


Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker received gasps of astonishment when he told the head of the House Judiciary Committee at a testy hearing on Friday that his time for questioning had run out.

"Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up," Whitaker told Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), a statement that drew groans and gasps at the packed committee hearing.

"I am here voluntarily. We have agreed to five minute rounds," he added.

"Nadler appeared to start laughing himself at what was a breach of protocol for a witness testifying before a congressional panel, as the ranking member of the committee said it would be a good time for a break in the proceedings.

Other lawmakers looked surprised at the quip. Rep.
Jamie Raskin(D-Md.) jaw dropped."

A 'Breach of Protocol' to hold the Democrats to the very rules for the meeting they agreed to? :p

Poor wittle Democrats - they aren't used to someone who has some nads, who is not intimidated by them in the least, and who will hold them exactly to what they agreed to.

This is DEFINITELY the guy we need in charge of the DOJ right now....and the Democrats know it which is why they hate him / are against him.

Trump's acting attorney general tells Democrat his time is up in testy hearing


The Acting AG was rude, condescending and partisan. I realize you're Russian and you don't understand how the American political system works, and neither does Trump, but OVERSIGHT is part of the job. And the Acting AG does not outrank the Chairman so he'd better learn to sit down, shut up and answer the questions, or he will be in that chair until the end of his life, or until he does.

Uh, yes he does. Besides, they were interviewing the guy who will almost assuredly be out of a job this time next week. What was the purpose in his testifying?
So she bilked the Ruskies out of 145 million dollars for nothing?
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

Eric Holder user the law to legally attempt to withhold sensitive information from Congress, and he lost. He're what he didn't do:

Holder didn't insult, berate, threaten, bully or belittle members of the oversight committee, like this little dog and pony show by Whittaker. He simply stood his ground in a reasonable, respectful and legal way. Rude, stupid and condescending is no way to treat people who hold your balls in their hands. Whittaker only had the nerve to behave as he did today because he's going to gone next week. If he were to continue in this job, and continue to treat House Democrats in this manner, the House Appropriations Committee has the ways and means of pulling him up short.

There is nothing braver or dumber than a man with nothing to lose.

What does the House Appropriations Committee have to do with it? You do realize that there is a Senate Appropriations Committee chock full of Republicans, right?
That blonde representing I think Pennsylvania, looked like she had a HUGE chip on her shoulder when speaking or questioning Whitaker. I mean you could literally see the anger in that woman from start to finish. Now how on Earth has this nation finally come to this type of hateful character that is now being found so much in our government reps to date ??

If a person is that angry in life, what do they do to get elected, and who in hades is electing such angry aced people like that ?? Do they Lie, cheat, kiss butt etc, and then turn quickly into these idiots with huge scores to settle in which had nothing to do with their positions gained in life ? It's what it looks like to me.
In all fairness to a fucking C U Next Tuesday like her or any other pathetic democrat, I personally hate them faaaar more than any of them hate Trump .

In fact I hate them more than ALL of them hate Trump combined.
So she bilked the Ruskies out of 145 million dollars for nothing?
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

Eric Holder user the law to legally attempt to withhold sensitive information from Congress, and he lost. He're what he didn't do:

Holder didn't insult, berate, threaten, bully or belittle members of the oversight committee, like this little dog and pony show by Whittaker. He simply stood his ground in a reasonable, respectful and legal way. Rude, stupid and condescending is no way to treat people who hold your balls in their hands. Whittaker only had the nerve to behave as he did today because he's going to gone next week. If he were to continue in this job, and continue to treat House Democrats in this manner, the House Appropriations Committee has the ways and means of pulling him up short.

There is nothing braver or dumber than a man with nothing to lose.

Nope, Holder just lied, and then refused to answer questions that nearly got him impeached.


Whittaker is NOT intimidated, he knows exactly what they all agreed to regarding his questioning, and he is holding them to it, NOT putting up with their bullshit!


Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker received gasps of astonishment when he told the head of the House Judiciary Committee at a testy hearing on Friday that his time for questioning had run out.

"Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up," Whitaker told Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), a statement that drew groans and gasps at the packed committee hearing.

"I am here voluntarily. We have agreed to five minute rounds," he added.

"Nadler appeared to start laughing himself at what was a breach of protocol for a witness testifying before a congressional panel, as the ranking member of the committee said it would be a good time for a break in the proceedings.

Other lawmakers looked surprised at the quip. Rep.
Jamie Raskin(D-Md.) jaw dropped."

A 'Breach of Protocol' to hold the Democrats to the very rules for the meeting they agreed to? :p

Poor wittle Democrats - they aren't used to someone who has some nads, who is not intimidated by them in the least, and who will hold them exactly to what they agreed to.

This is DEFINITELY the guy we need in charge of the DOJ right now....and the Democrats know it which is why they hate him / are against him.

Trump's acting attorney general tells Democrat his time is up in testy hearing


"I am here voluntarily." No, motherfucker, you serve the people, so you better start acting like it. You also better answer every question that comes your way, or you'll be subpoenaed until you do. Do wingers not understand how government works?

He was there voluntarily. If he was subpoenaed, he would just give them the Hillary treatment. "I don't recall!"
So she bilked the Ruskies out of 145 million dollars for nothing?
It depends how you look at it. The Russians ended up getting their uranium, but she lost the election (No influence, if that is part of what they were trying to buy).

(And you act like this would be the 1st time she 'bilked' anyone out of their money. :p )

You're even dumber than you pretend to be. If the Russians got nothing, why did they pay her $140 million after the deal was approved? What kind of idiot pays a bribe after he already has what he wants.

And why did this Oligarch bribe Hillary, when he didn't even own the company any more. You stories makes no sense. The time line just doesn't worked. Hillary bilked this guy, but he paid her anyway, two years later?

The Russians got nothing. They get the profits of power grade uranium sales in the USA. That's why the United States Energy Commission approved the deal. It had nothging to do with Clinton.

Eric Holder’s stormy legacy includes being the only attorney general in American history to have been held in criminal contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote stemmed from the administration’s decision to withhold from congressional investigators documents about Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation that put deadly weapons in the hands of criminal cartels.

Eric Holder user the law to legally attempt to withhold sensitive information from Congress, and he lost. He're what he didn't do:

Holder didn't insult, berate, threaten, bully or belittle members of the oversight committee, like this little dog and pony show by Whittaker. He simply stood his ground in a reasonable, respectful and legal way. Rude, stupid and condescending is no way to treat people who hold your balls in their hands. Whittaker only had the nerve to behave as he did today because he's going to gone next week. If he were to continue in this job, and continue to treat House Democrats in this manner, the House Appropriations Committee has the ways and means of pulling him up short.

There is nothing braver or dumber than a man with nothing to lose.

Nope, Holder just lied, and then refused to answer questions that nearly got him impeached.

How is this different than anything Trump's people have done?

Right, he didn't insult or berate the members, show disrespect, or be a smart ass.

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