Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

Its cool how all you dingbats leap to each other's defense when one of you makes an idiot remark. Very neighborly and shit.

Of course it kinda makes you all look stupid but.....

Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
Lol, if you're "running the show" then why are you kids always whining and shit?

You think we are not running the show ?

Really.....No Garland.....Gorsuch and Kavenaugh are in.

You are the ones whining about that.......

Go fuck's what you are best at.
Lol, I can tell how good you children feel about it by how many "fucks" you use when replying to my comments.

Yeah, you guys seem really pleased.

Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

What bullshit trash! There is not a single thing in the interview to indicate he is firing or even asking Mattis to leave.

That does not mean that Mattis has not indicated a desire to leave in the future. He's had a thankless job trying to undo the mess left by the last administration. I wouldn't be surprised if he's simply tired of the BS from within DOD and wants to get out to enjoy life.
Mattis was one of the few qualified people that Trump put on his cabinet. How much you want to bet he is replaced by someone with no military experience.

I was never for the Mattis appointment in the first place. I even said so in here.

His debacle in dealing with the cut-off, stranded Special Forces Team showed me his true colors and that, yes, he is 'sort of a democrat'

Former Special Forces officer: Mattis 'betrayed his duty to us'

He can go sit in the Kaffeeklatsch and talk shit with is Marine buddies AFAIC.
Mattis was one of the few qualified people that Trump put on his cabinet. How much you want to bet he is replaced by someone with no military experience.

I was never for the Mattis appointment in the first place. I even said so in here.

His debacle in dealing with the cut-off, stranded Special Forces Team showed me his true colors and that, yes, he is 'sort of a democrat'

Former Special Forces officer: Mattis 'betrayed his duty to us'

He can go sit in the Kaffeeklatsch and talk shit with is Marine buddies AFAIC.

One man’s opinion vs that if the thousands of Marines that served under him

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It takes two people to fire the US nukes, the President and the SecDef. I hope "Mad dog" Mattis stays at least two more years until the military is back up to strength and we see how 2020 pans out.
Quit relying on the deceitful lying mainstream news.
How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows.
We need some balance in those fields.

Then start your own media companies and movie companies and late night shows and compete with them...that is how we do things in this country,.

Look at what happened to conservative Craig Ferguson.
They put him on late,late night show after Letterman.
Most conservatives are in bed by that time.

Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

That's logic not whining.
It never works out well for anyone to be under only a one sided view point.
One man’s opinion vs that if the thousands of Marines that served under him

It s the studied opinion of thousands of good men.

This is also SOP for Marines. Which is why, IMO, a Marine should never command anything bigger than a corps. Their own. Nothing else.


And that is not just my opinion.

Many, many American Military people don't even see a reason for the Marines to exist. They're a rather small, ineffective fighting force and get in the way more often than not.

The only people that think they're worth a shit is themselves.

At least I will concede the necessity of a Marine Corps. They are Naval Infantry and when the Navy goes for a Beach Head, they need command and control of their own infantry..... Hence, the Marines.

But in real life, actual ground combat? They're okay, at best. Usually not even that good.

And they've got an attitude problem. One the enemy invariably uses to draw them into a Fire Sack. A very old, very well known trap used extensively by communist and insurgent forces to decimate conventional troops.

Every time I turn around, they're getting drawn into one.

'Hey diddle-diddle, charge up the middle' went out with Zoot Suits.

So, no. I am not going to miss Mattis. One little bit
Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

Do you guys ever get tired of looking stupid?
Sessions' firing imminent
Rosenstein's firing imminent
Mueller's firing imminent
I mean even Tillerson they were saying that for 9 months.

Jesus you really can't think's really sad

Still waiting for those Woodward tapes.........let em out Bob (he has none)
Look at what happened to conservative Craig Ferguson.
They put him on late,late night show after Letterman.
Most conservatives are in bed by that time.

Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

Pointing something out isn't whining.

Thinking someone else will fix the problem is stupid.

We need to burn colleges like Columbia to the ground.

Now that's pro-active.

If you can't beat them, burn them down.

That is pretty typical thinking for partisan sheep.


It's more like...we won...and now we are going to burn you down.

You might want to keep the context straight.

The GOP is running the show.
Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
Lol, if you're "running the show" then why are you kids always whining and shit?

You think we are not running the show ?

Really.....No Garland.....Gorsuch and Kavenaugh are in.

You are the ones whining about that.......

Go fuck's what you are best at.
Lol, I can tell how good you children feel about it by how many "fucks" you use when replying to my comments.

Yeah, you guys seem really pleased.


Keep assauging yourself with such POV's. Somehow you seem to think it matters to me.

Garland No

Gorsuch Yes

Kavanaugh Yes

I am sure that helps you feel better about things....oh, wait.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
Lol, if you're "running the show" then why are you kids always whining and shit?

You think we are not running the show ?

Really.....No Garland.....Gorsuch and Kavenaugh are in.

You are the ones whining about that.......

Go fuck's what you are best at.
Lol, I can tell how good you children feel about it by how many "fucks" you use when replying to my comments.

Yeah, you guys seem really pleased.


Keep assauging yourself with such POV's. Somehow you seem to think it matters to me.

Garland No

Gorsuch Yes

Kavanaugh Yes

I am sure that helps you feel better about things....oh, wait.
Lol, you cleaned up your post.
Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

Pointing something out isn't whining.

Thinking someone else will fix the problem is stupid.

We need to burn colleges like Columbia to the ground.

Now that's pro-active.

If you can't beat them, burn them down.

That is pretty typical thinking for partisan sheep.


It's more like...we won...and now we are going to burn you down.

You might want to keep the context straight.

The GOP is running the show.

The context was media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows.

You did not win those. Do try and at least read the thread before looking like a moron.
One man’s opinion vs that if the thousands of Marines that served under him

It s the studied opinion of thousands of good men.

This is also SOP for Marines. Which is why, IMO, a Marine should never command anything bigger than a corps. Their own. Nothing else.


And that is not just my opinion.

Many, many American Military people don't even see a reason for the Marines to exist. They're a rather small, ineffective fighting force and get in the way more often than not.

The only people that think they're worth a shit is themselves.

At least I will concede the necessity of a Marine Corps. They are Naval Infantry and when the Navy goes for a Beach Head, they need command and control of their own infantry..... Hence, the Marines.

But in real life, actual ground combat? They're okay, at best. Usually not even that good.

And they've got an attitude problem. One the enemy invariably uses to draw them into a Fire Sack. A very old, very well known trap used extensively by communist and insurgent forces to decimate conventional troops.

Every time I turn around, they're getting drawn into one.

'Hey diddle-diddle, charge up the middle' went out with Zoot Suits.

So, no. I am not going to miss Mattis. One little bit

Damn jealousy is an ugly thing!

Let me guess a Marine kicked your ass once and you have had this hardon for them ever since.

That or you could not hack Marine Corps basic training so you had to join the Army instead.
What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

Pointing something out isn't whining.

Thinking someone else will fix the problem is stupid.

We need to burn colleges like Columbia to the ground.

Now that's pro-active.

If you can't beat them, burn them down.

That is pretty typical thinking for partisan sheep.


It's more like...we won...and now we are going to burn you down.

You might want to keep the context straight.

The GOP is running the show.

The context was media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows.

You did not win those. Do try and at least read the thread before looking like a moron.

No, dumbass...but we won everything else and it's time to burn them down.

Scorch whatever you do to stay in power.
President Trump just called Secretary Mattis who was on his way somewhere to tell him he's 100% behind him. Mattis says he isn't going anywhere.

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