Mattis Leaving but "I hire the best people" ("I just can't keep them!")

Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

Your President has an unmatched set of nuts...he pushes his set around in a wheelbarrow. Where past Presidents didn’t have the balls to turn people over and would keep pieces of shits on staff this dude is looking for absolute perfection and would fire his own mother for not properly serving the American people. Anybody with their own pair of nuts appreciates his “my way or the highway” attitude.
Make America American Again!
Well alrighty then. Maybe Trump can find someone more hardcore because honestly, I don't have enough Taliban and ISIS skulls to finish my fireplace mantle.

Besides, Mattis hasn’t thrown a single liberal out of a helicopter, so I suspect that he’s a closet Democrat. He needs to go.

That being said, look for him to be the next hero of the liberals/progressives/leftists. Just like John McStain.

Mattis has disagreed with Trump on just about every decision he has made in regard to the military with the one exception of increased spending on the military.

He's a pretty classy guy and he's not one to air his grievances in public and I seriously doubt that he will do so after he leaves.


He was recently quoted as saying that he wasn't going anywhere and that the media was out of their minds.
I just don't know how the idiots who voted for him continue to support him.
After Duh Don was elected, Republicans who hadn't lost their minds yet to the cult, reconciled Trump's irrationality and narcissism with the appointments of Mattis, McMaster, know, sane people.
This goes to show how Trump is turning absolute incompetence into "normal".

with comments like these raining down from all over the liberal left-wing world..... The fuel for Trump's voter base continues to provide more and more energy for his momentum. It begins with you whether you realize that or not.

There's nothing better for the fire of a conservative voter base then the constant, unyielding, virulent and ever reliable left-wing arrogance.

So, Trump's base is so stupid that being shown to be mistaken makes them double down on the first mistake?

Do you really think so?

Your continued contribution of mice shit only adds to the laughter coming your way.

You don't prove your "points" because you never make one.

There is no mistake. He's doing fine.

We are doing fine.

That just drives you crazy that people can do it without you being in charge (and when you are in charge we can't seem to throw you out fast enough).

Best of luck in 2018. Right now, it looks pretty good for us.
Its cool how all you dingbats leap to each other's defense when one of you makes an idiot remark. Very neighborly and shit.

Of course it kinda makes you all look stupid but.....

Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.
Trump initially surrounded himself with former military because he knew he was so far out of his element.
Now, his authentic self, a sociopathic liar, has gotten more comfortable in the Oval Office, entertaining such luminaries as Kim K and Kanye, smearing Blasey Ford after praising her, getting his new closet alcoholic judge on the Bench, and on and on, that he THINKS he doesn't need the wisdom or experience of these people.
Arrogance is a dangerous beast.

Quit relying on the deceitful lying mainstream news.
How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows.
We need some balance in those fields.

Then start your own media companies and movie companies and late night shows and compete with them...that is how we do things in this country,.

Look at what happened to conservative Craig Ferguson.
They put him on late,late night show after Letterman.
Most conservatives are in bed by that time.

Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.
Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

Your President has an unmatched set of nuts...he pushes his set around in a wheelbarrow. Where past Presidents didn’t have the balls to turn people over and would keep pieces of shits on staff this dude is looking for absolute perfection and would fire his own mother for not properly serving the American people. Anybody with their own pair of nuts appreciates his “my way or the highway” attitude.
Make America American Again!

More of your sexual fantasies about Trump...really those do not belong in this part of the forum.

Oh, and you are a fucking moron if you think that Mattis is a piece of shit.
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Well alrighty then. Maybe Trump can find someone more hardcore because honestly, I don't have enough Taliban and ISIS skulls to finish my fireplace mantle.

Besides, Mattis hasn’t thrown a single liberal out of a helicopter, so I suspect that he’s a closet Democrat. He needs to go.

That being said, look for him to be the next hero of the liberals/progressives/leftists. Just like John McStain.

Mattis has disagreed with Trump on just about every decision he has made in regard to the military with the one exception of increased spending on the military.

He's a pretty classy guy and he's not one to air his grievances in public and I seriously doubt that he will do so after he leaves.


He was recently quoted as saying that he wasn't going anywhere and that the media was out of their minds.

Mattis is a very impressive guy.
I'll never forget the article that discussed him getting stuck in traffic just before a speaking engagement. He got out of the car with his staff and walked a mile to the college he was speaking at so he wouldn't be late. They just don't make that kind anymore.

Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

Your President has an unmatched set of nuts...he pushes his set around in a wheelbarrow. Where past Presidents didn’t have the balls to turn people over and would keep pieces of shits on staff this dude is looking for absolute perfection and would fire his own mother for not properly serving the American people. Anybody with their own pair of nuts appreciates his “my way or the highway” attitude.
Make America American Again!

More of your sexual fantasies about Trump...really those do not belong in this part of the forum.

Oh, and you are a fucking moron if you think that Mattis is a piece of shit.

Probably a Pencil Necked Geek living in Mom's basement who's total combat experience was gained taking a stubborn hamster out of its cage. If not he sure sounds like one.

with comments like these raining down from all over the liberal left-wing world..... The fuel for Trump's voter base continues to provide more and more energy for his momentum. It begins with you whether you realize that or not.

There's nothing better for the fire of a conservative voter base then the constant, unyielding, virulent and ever reliable left-wing arrogance.

So, Trump's base is so stupid that being shown to be mistaken makes them double down on the first mistake?

Do you really think so?

Your continued contribution of mice shit only adds to the laughter coming your way.

You don't prove your "points" because you never make one.

There is no mistake. He's doing fine.

We are doing fine.

That just drives you crazy that people can do it without you being in charge (and when you are in charge we can't seem to throw you out fast enough).

Best of luck in 2018. Right now, it looks pretty good for us.
Its cool how all you dingbats leap to each other's defense when one of you makes an idiot remark. Very neighborly and shit.

Of course it kinda makes you all look stupid but.....

Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
So, Trump's base is so stupid that being shown to be mistaken makes them double down on the first mistake?

Do you really think so?

Your continued contribution of mice shit only adds to the laughter coming your way.

You don't prove your "points" because you never make one.

There is no mistake. He's doing fine.

We are doing fine.

That just drives you crazy that people can do it without you being in charge (and when you are in charge we can't seem to throw you out fast enough).

Best of luck in 2018. Right now, it looks pretty good for us.
Its cool how all you dingbats leap to each other's defense when one of you makes an idiot remark. Very neighborly and shit.

Of course it kinda makes you all look stupid but.....

Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
Lol, if you're "running the show" then why are you kids always whining and shit?
Your continued contribution of mice shit only adds to the laughter coming your way.

You don't prove your "points" because you never make one.

There is no mistake. He's doing fine.

We are doing fine.

That just drives you crazy that people can do it without you being in charge (and when you are in charge we can't seem to throw you out fast enough).

Best of luck in 2018. Right now, it looks pretty good for us.
Its cool how all you dingbats leap to each other's defense when one of you makes an idiot remark. Very neighborly and shit.

Of course it kinda makes you all look stupid but.....

Sorry to break this to you, but you calling someone stupid is the height of irony.

Best of luck in 2018. Looks like you "smarties" will fuck it up again.
Lol, you aren't helping your case kid.

My party is running the show.

I don't need to "make a case".

You lost.....suck on it.

And go fuck yourself while you are at it.

It's what your party seems to be good at.
Lol, if you're "running the show" then why are you kids always whining and shit?

You think we are not running the show ?

Really.....No Garland.....Gorsuch and Kavenaugh are in.

You are the ones whining about that.......

Go fuck's what you are best at.
Quit relying on the deceitful lying mainstream news.
How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows.
We need some balance in those fields.

Then start your own media companies and movie companies and late night shows and compete with them...that is how we do things in this country,.

Look at what happened to conservative Craig Ferguson.
They put him on late,late night show after Letterman.
Most conservatives are in bed by that time.

Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

Pointing something out isn't whining.

Thinking someone else will fix the problem is stupid.

We need to burn colleges like Columbia to the ground.

Now that's pro-active.
Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

There is a reason this administration has a turnover rate that beats Der Weinerschnitzel. They can't control Trump. We've got a man in the Oval office that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. The op-ed in the New York times describes it perfectly and it's cooberated by Bob Woodward's new book FEAR.

Click this link to listen to the op-ed.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

REMEMBER--that time when Trump met with the Russians in the Oval office. He kicked out American media and let Russian media in. There were only 3 other Americans in the room with him. They were H.R. McMaster, national security adviser, Dina Powell deputy national security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaded to the media that Trump had given the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassifed?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


I don't believe that Trump made a mistake, I believe he was showing Vladimir Putin what he could get away with as POTUS.

U.S. intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence months before that Trump was compromised by the Russians, and not to give any classified information to him.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

H.R.. McMaster is gone, Rex Tillerson is gone, & Dina Powell is gone.

These people swore an oath to this country, (not Trump) that they would protect & defend against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to anyone that they may consider Trump to be the enemy? They are the LEAKERS. They are the last line of defense, as explained in the above op-ed.

Here is a list of all the firings since March, 2018, excluding General Mattis and Nikki Haley who quit last week.
A running list of Trump administration firings and departures

Last edited:
Mattis is out.
Trump did his usual cowardly piece-of-shit firing.
Not by Twitter but via trailer for "60 Minutes" segment tonight.
He's the ultimate bottom-feeding piece of shit.
I bet Mattis found this out the same way I did.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure
The defense secretary’s tenure has been subject to speculation

President Trump said that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be considering whether to step down from his post and said that he sees the Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat,” a veiled critique of one of his most popular cabinet secretaries.

“I have a very good relationship with him. I had lunch with him two days ago,” Mr. Trump told “60 Minutes” in an interview being aired Sunday. “It could be that he is” leaving, Mr. Trump said, responding to a question about whether he wants Mr. Mattis to leave.

“I think he’s sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth,” the president continued.

Trump, Calling Mattis a Democrat, Opens the Door to His Departure

There is a reason this administration has a turnover rate that beats Der Weinerschnitzel. They can't control Trump. We've got a man in the Oval office that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. The op-ed in the New York times describes it perfectly and it's cooberated by Bob Woodward's new book FEAR.

Click this link to listen to the op-ed.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

REMEMBER--that time when Trump met with the Russians in the Oval office. He kicked out American media and let Russian media in. There were only 3 other Americans in the room with him. They were H.R. McMaster, national security adviser, Dina Powell deputy national security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaded to the media that Trump had given the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassifed?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


I don't believe that Trump made a mistake, I believe he was showing Vladimir Putin what he could get away with as POTUS.

U.S. intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence months before that Trump was compromised by the Russians, and not to give any classified information to him.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

Of course H.R.. McMaster is gone, Rex Tillerson is gone, & Dina Powell is gone.

These people swore an oath to this country, (not Trump) that they would protect & defend against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to anyone that they may consider Trump to be the enemy? They are the LEAKERS. They are the last line of defense, as explained in the above op-ed.

Here is a list of all the firings since March, 2018, excluding General Mattis and Nikki Haley who quit last week.
A running list of Trump administration firings and departures

And the point of this post was what ?

That Trump is a moron ?

That isn't argued any more.

What hasn't been answered is how he beat your asses.
Trump's abilities to make 'vile' & 'depraved' as acceptable human character traits are epic.

IMO Trump's abilities are only eclipsed by Satan himself.

I just don't know how the idiots who voted for him continue to support him.
After Duh Don was elected, Republicans who hadn't lost their minds yet to the cult, reconciled Trump's irrationality and narcissism with the appointments of Mattis, McMaster, know, sane people.
This goes to show how Trump is turning absolute incompetence into "normal".

with comments like these raining down from all over the liberal left-wing world..... The fuel for Trump's voter base continues to provide more and more energy for his momentum. It begins with you whether you realize that or not.

There's nothing better for the fire of a conservative voter base then the constant, unyielding, virulent and ever reliable left-wing arrogance.


Do you realize that you are in the minority right? Hillary handed Trump the win by running against him....she was very unpopular and still she got most american voters to vote for her. Now comes 2020 with half decent candidate and most who didn't vote for either we will vote to move that POS out of the white house.
Then start your own media companies and movie companies and late night shows and compete with them...that is how we do things in this country,.

Look at what happened to conservative Craig Ferguson.
They put him on late,late night show after Letterman.
Most conservatives are in bed by that time.

Then quit whining and be happy that you control the angry ranting talk radio segment.

What have I whined about?
I am dissatisfied that is not whining.
You mean talking facts and correcting what the left has spun.

This sounds like whining to me...(these are your words by the way)...How unfair is it that the far left dominate in the media, academia ,Hollywood and late night shows. We need some balance in those fields.

Pointing something out isn't whining.

Thinking someone else will fix the problem is stupid.

We need to burn colleges like Columbia to the ground.

Now that's pro-active.

If you can't beat them, burn them down.

That is pretty typical thinking for partisan sheep.

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