Maxine Water - How the heck... she the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee? She has no business senses and doesn't know a thing about the economy. Here is her resume: Worked for minimum wage in a garment shop, worked as a substitute teacher and then local corrupt CA government and then the House of Reps.

When you hear her speak you can tell right away she is an uneducated and unintelligent twat! This women couldn't even run a lemonade stand. Yet she is in our government pushing horrendous economic policy.

Her black constituents have low standards, because the community has no standards

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Because incompetence has no bounds in the DNC, lol! It is called PC! If it is black or Hispanic, then you are a racist to call their nonsense to the forefront. Thing is, it is OUR job to insure their bullshit goes into the other words, don't fall asleep! That is what they want. Find them, slap them, and send them home to mommy!
Well, I happen to think she is a typical (very typical) ignorant N word. I don't care that I am called racist anymore.

The literal interpretation of N word is SLAVE. She, and ignorant N words like her are nothing but N words of their democrat massas still.

Sorry, but as long as they maintain their pathetic ignorant way and push their victim shit and display stupidly beyond words, I will call them what they are.

N words of their democrat massas. That is all, and I do not give a rat shit how high in government she is.

She is ignorant as hell. A complete fucking moron.

All anyone has to do is listen to her speak. She sounds like an uneducated moron.

She keeps getting elected because she represents blacks. They will always elect her.

I doubt she knows the first thing about finance so of course she heads that committee. Talk about dummies.
Is there any chance that Maxi pad is related to the dude that thought too many people on the island of Guam might cause it to capsize?

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