Maxine Waters Lets the Cat Out of the Bag


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2012
Maxine Waters, an idiot, explains to Roland Martin, another idiot, how Obama, yes, another idiot, has an extensive data base to use against his political enemies.

Gee, I wonder where he got it? No wonder he wants Snowden's head.

[ame=]Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
According to Susan Rice (we know she never lies) Edward Snowden had absolutely no effect on obama or our national security. It was all just bunk. Now we know that when John Kerry said it would cost American lives, he was just spewing smoke. Ed Snowden is just a hacker with nothing to say. I assume all efforts to capture him have been called off.

Rice: NSA leaks didn?t weaken Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
While Maxine Waters is not quite who I look to for accurate information, she may have let the cat all the way out of the bag with her suggetion that the data base WILL be used for political purposes.

Of course unusual measures were necessary in the wake of 9/11 and we must have a way to intercept terrorist communications in order to keep another such event from happening; ergo the Patriot Act was enacted with strong bipartisan support and the Democrats made no move to dismantle it after they took over the power in the federal government. The concern from the beginning, however, was what was critical to national security and what would be overreach for political purposes.

. . . a British newspaper, the Guardian, published a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court order that applied to phone data from Verizon -- when he appears next week before the House Judiciary Committee. The panel's chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, issued a statement Thursday saying he was "very concerned that the Department of Justice may have abused the intent of the law, and we will investigate." . . . .

. . . .In 2006, it was reported the National Security Agency was secretly collecting telephone records in an effort to root out terror plots.

"Verizon's wireless and wireline companies did not provide to NSA customer records or call data, local or otherwise," the company said at the time. . . .

. . . . the Washington Post and the Guardian reported that U.S. intelligence has a broad secret data mining program that allows access to central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies -- among them Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and Apple -- to extract e-mail, photos and other private consumer communications. . . .
Collection of phone records: Valuable tool or 'beyond Orwellian'? -

And from this same source was this amazing comment, if true:

Rep. Lindsey Graham said that, as a Verizon customer, "it doesn't bother me one bit for the National Security Administration to have my phone number." The South Carolina Republican said he's confident the government won't monitor his and other innocent Americans phone calls just because their "number pops up on some terrorist's phone."

Really? If communications with terrorists are not what they are looking for, then why accumulate the data base?
According to Susan Rice (we know she never lies) Edward Snowden had absolutely no effect on obama or our national security. It was all just bunk. Now we know that when John Kerry said it would cost American lives, he was just spewing smoke. Ed Snowden is just a hacker with nothing to say. I assume all efforts to capture him have been called off.

Rice: NSA leaks didn?t weaken Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Yes, we all know Susan Rice is a fountain of veracity and that the hunt for Snowden has been called off due to the goodness of Obama's heart.

The Obama administration, that bastion of political transparency, would never, ever send out a spokesperson to minimalize the damage done to it. I don't know why I would even think such a thing.
The dirty little secret is that the administration doesn't have a problem with IRS intimidation of conservative groups and gathering data illegally. In a more just society we could depend on the independent media to keep an eye on government abuses but that's no longer the case.
Maxine Waters, an idiot, explains to Roland Martin, another idiot, how Obama, yes, another idiot, has an extensive data base to use against his political enemies.

Gee, I wonder where he got it? No wonder he wants Snowden's head.

Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube

I got Two things from that;

one, obama is a traitor for having invaded our privacy, he's creepy since he will be passing info about us onto all the dems


He may run again in 2016
The dirty little secret is that the administration doesn't have a problem with IRS intimidation of conservative groups and gathering data illegally. In a more just society we could depend on the independent media to keep an eye on government abuses but that's no longer the case.

Yup. Nobody has been fired have they? Except for the one director who was leaving the following month anyway and doesn't seem to be at all upset at leaving earlier. The last I heard, four people have been 'moved' out of the IRS - not fired mind you, but just moved elsewhere. The gal who took the Fifth is still on administrative leave with full pay and benefits. What a nice vacation, yes?

The only conclusion is nobody is willing to piss anybody off because they all know where all the bodies are buried. Whatever, it stinks to high heaven.
CJ, are you saying you suspect Snowden could actually be an Obama operative?

Damn. I never thought of that. Wheels within wheels.

Nor did I until your comment swerved my analysis a bit. It was curious to me:
In response to a question, Obama said he had not sought to contact Putin or Chinese President Xi Jinping personally on the issue because "I shouldn't have to."
Obama doesn't want Snowden hunt to damage ties with Russia, China - Los Angeles Times

And I can't remember if it was Carney or Obama who said the President had more pressing issues on his plate than making those phone calls. Apparently Snowden is less important than Sandra Fluke or a gay football player both of whom did get calls from the President.

Sometimes it just gets curiouser and curiouser.
obama's data gathering was first used in his political campaign where he was able to use massive data gathering to campaign to targeted audiences. His Organizing for Action PAC grew out of this technique. No doubt Snowden was hired to be an obama operative, gathering and manipulating data for future data mining. He just figured out what it was all about and blew the whistle on the project.
obama's data gathering was first used in his political campaign where he was able to use massive data gathering to campaign to targeted audiences. His Organizing for Action PAC grew out of this technique. No doubt Snowden was hired to be an obama operative, gathering and manipulating data for future data mining. He just figured out what it was all about and blew the whistle on the project.

Maybe. But is it possible that the cat was about to be out of the bag anyway? Refer back to Maxine Waters in the OP. And was Snowden the designated diversion to draw attention to himself and his 'treasonous' activities so that would be the story and would blunt the more important story of the data base itself? Is Obama and/or his henchmen smart enough to do that? If so, it has worked like a charm, hasn't it.
It amazes me that 80 IQ animals like Waters can actually be elected to such positions of power. She is almost as dumb as a 25 pound bag of smashed assholes.
Maxine Waters, an idiot, explains to Roland Martin, another idiot, how Obama, yes, another idiot, has an extensive data base to use against his political enemies.

Gee, I wonder where he got it? No wonder he wants Snowden's head.

Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube

I got Two things from that;

one, obama is a traitor for having invaded our privacy, he's creepy since he will be passing info about us onto all the dems


He may run again in 2016

Oh Boy! More Obamaphones!

This thread is just a leeeeeeeeeeeeetle bit nutty......donchya think?
Maxine Waters, an idiot, explains to Roland Martin, another idiot, how Obama, yes, another idiot, has an extensive data base to use against his political enemies.

Gee, I wonder where he got it? No wonder he wants Snowden's head.

Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube

I got Two things from that;

one, obama is a traitor for having invaded our privacy, he's creepy since he will be passing info about us onto all the dems


He may run again in 2016

Oh Boy! More Obamaphones!

This thread is just a leeeeeeeeeeeeetle bit nutty......donchya think?

anything that involves Waters usually is....
Maxine Waters, an idiot, explains to Roland Martin, another idiot, how Obama, yes, another idiot, has an extensive data base to use against his political enemies.

Gee, I wonder where he got it? No wonder he wants Snowden's head.

Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube

I got Two things from that;

one, obama is a traitor for having invaded our privacy, he's creepy since he will be passing info about us onto all the dems


He may run again in 2016

Oh Boy! More Obamaphones!

This thread is just a leeeeeeeeeeeeetle bit nutty......donchya think?

did you play the link?

early on
Host; in 2016 it's over for obama
wat; I'm not so sure about that.

so you will have to excuse me for having my suspicions since wat has a tendency to blurt out the actual plans. as you may recall, she made it clear that the obama admin wanted control of oil companies.

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