Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

You have to be desperate to use Maxine Waters as a spokesperson for anything, her twin Shelia Jackson Lee falls under the same category...

And Maxine can go straight to hell too. Polling among the black community shows that Obama is losing ground from 95% to 81%, I wonder why, maybe it's because they are not working either. I wonder what it's going to be when it gets closer to election time.

I think you kind of left this part out. LOL

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black community," she said at a jobs forum in Detroit. "We want to give him every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don't know what the strategy is," she continued. “We’re supportive of the president, but we getting tired, y’all, getting tired." Maxine Waters.

I can tell you where he is Maxine, hob-knobing with the rich and famous on Martha's vinyard, after he rode around in his bus from mordor, made in Canada, air force one on wheels, and spent another million dollars of tax payer money that went to canadians. :cuckoo: I guess it created a couple of Canadian jobs.
My reply? Why does Maxine Waters want to share hell with TEA Party folk if she hates them so much?
Hard to believe Waters is in government instead of in ACORN or The Black Panthers.

Anytime any government has to use fake arguments to keep people on their side it shows their ideas are a total failure and they're trying to defect blame where it really belongs...squarely on their backside.

Obama is a Muslim? Obama isn't an an American? Obama is a racist?

No, Obama is a fuckup.

But this is about one loud-mouthed asshole racist opening her mouth and spouting vomit instead of something that is worthwhile.

Fucken bitch is brain-dead.
Look at this. :D

Ben Benanke, Fed chairman, last year tried for ten minutes to explain the diff between the discount rate and the federal funds rate to the idiot. :lol: Note his assistant behind him trying to keeo from laughing. (5 second ad in front)

[ame=]Maxine Waters Spars With Bernanke - YouTube[/ame]
Look at this. :D

Ben Benanke, Fed chairman, last year tried for ten minutes to explain the diff between the discount rate and the federal funds rate to the idiot. :lol: Note his assistant behind him trying to keeo from laughing. (5 second ad in front)

Maxine Waters Spars With Bernanke - YouTube

Yes, and she earns far more then her stupidity is worth...and we wonder why our country is in such economic difficulty...sigh

Do any of you remember this brilliant elected official?

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
She should have said the teabaggers can go BACK to hell.

Anything as evil as that organization could only have come from there.
Please provide examples of Tea Party member's "evil".
No blogs. No opinions. Just facts. Names, places, dates, type of incident.
Have at it.
Hard to believe Waters is in government instead of in ACORN or The Black Panthers.

Anytime any government has to use fake arguments to keep people on their side it shows their ideas are a total failure and they're trying to defect blame where it really belongs...squarely on their backside.

Obama is a Muslim? Obama isn't an an American? Obama is a racist?
Non sequitur.
Try staying on point.
You have to be desperate to use Maxine Waters as a spokesperson for anything, her twin Shelia Jackson Lee falls under the same category...

Aren't they triplets?

Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and Cynthia McKinney?

Hard to believe Waters is in government instead of in ACORN or The Black Panthers.

Anytime any government has to use fake arguments to keep people on their side it shows their ideas are a total failure and they're trying to defect blame where it really belongs...squarely on their backside.

Obama is a Muslim? Obama isn't an an American? Obama is a racist?

No, Obama is a fuckup.

But this is about one loud-mouthed asshole racist opening her mouth and spouting vomit instead of something that is worthwhile.

Fucken bitch is brain-dead.

I have news for you, being a fuck up is not going to keep him out of a second term.

Now, I'm not saying he is going to win. What I am saying is that the fact that he is a fuck up won't preclude him from winning in November 2012.

Hello pot? This is Kettle.....You're black..
Puhhleeze....As though YOU have never played the race card.

Please provide proof of me playing "the race card" you should have a proponderance of evidence according to your arguments.

It's no great mystery why she was telling the Tea Party to go to hell in a gymnasium full of colored folks.
She's Robert Byrd in Blackface and Drag without the apology or white sheets.

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