Maxine Waters: Why doesn't Obama bus visit black communities???

Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

Hey maxine why don't you bus'em to him, like you have always done? You don't mind loading up a bus full of protester and send them to the homes of bank employee's. Why is this time so differant?
I don't know where Obama's bus tour went exactly...but yes, Cairo is predominantly an agri-community. They also load barges with agricultural commodities and raw materials for shipment up and down the Mississippi.

It's well known in Obama's home state, and received a lot of media attention during the flooding here last year...that's why I mention it.

I'm sure you heard about it, it was the town that was saved by the Corp of Engineers blowing the levee and flooding all the farm land.

Thanks for the info. Anyways, I don't think Obama was interested in going to small shipping towns. He was more interested in talking with the National Farm Union and they were interested in biofuel handout money.

I am not sure where Cairo would fit into that.

Here is a link to a satellite view of Cairo...see all that farmland?

It's Mississippi river bottom...some of the most fertile soil in the United States.

I read the link and showed what a sad and dismal place Cairo is. It said nothing about having some of the most fertile soil in the U.S. This could well indeed be the case, but it would make farming impossible with the flooding that the town is prone to. It looks like a very sad place to live.

Obama was out in the midwest to promote biofuels and promise money to rural agriculture. It does not seem like Cairo meets any of these conditions, given the sad state it is in.
Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

Hey maxine why don't you bus'em to him, like you have always done? You don't mind loading up a bus full of protester and send them to the homes of bank employee's. Why is this time so differant?

Unlike Obie, she couldn't line up top of the line double rear axle Canadian made Prevosts' buses.
BTW, the gov't paid more then 1.1 mill apiece for those buses like the media is reporting.
Thanks for the info. Anyways, I don't think Obama was interested in going to small shipping towns. He was more interested in talking with the National Farm Union and they were interested in biofuel handout money.

I am not sure where Cairo would fit into that.

Here is a link to a satellite view of Cairo...see all that farmland?
It's Mississippi river bottom...some of the most fertile soil in the United States.

I read the link and showed what a sad and dismal place Cairo is. It said nothing about having some of the most fertile soil in the U.S. This could well indeed be the case, but it would make farming impossible with the flooding that the town is prone to. It looks like a very sad place to live.

Obama was out in the midwest to promote biofuels and promise money to rural agriculture. It does not seem like Cairo meets any of these conditions, given the sad state it is in.

The Mississippi River

Beginning as a trickle in northern Minnesota, the Mississippi flows nearly 2,400 miles south to the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, it draws water from thousands of tributaries across 31 states and two Canadian provinces. The Mississippi River valley is one of the world's most fertile, providing food and jobs for millions. The river is also a superhighway for commerce, moving 50 billion dollars worth of goods through America's heartland every year.

Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

The problem is Maxine, he's not black.

He's bi racial. And he's hurting a whole batch of folks.

Actually I thought this young man was going to raise us all up. Whoopsies.

My grandaughter's daddy is Trinidadian sp? what a handsome most beautiful young man. Relationship did not work out with my daughter a genuine white munchicake like me, lol.

But my grandaughter is this beautiful baby who's this wonderful dna blend of two beautiful souls who were not ment for each other.

I thought the President being biracial would lift up so many. But then for money they claimed him as black. Stranger still, there is no money in black. Black is such a small percentage but rule outrageously.

Pity all round.
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This is an easy one. Republicans are screwing everyone. Not just black. Obama needs to go into Republican districts and talk to that base. Ask them why their leadership is screwing them over? Ask them what Boehner and Ryan and McConnell and others of that ilk are doing for the Republican base.

And I got news to the USMB Republicans. First, none of you boneshakers are millionaires and the Republican base is more than just "rich people". A lot more. Many, many times more.

This is why the Republican leadership is canceling town halls or charging money to ask a question. They don't want either.

and there you have it......Dean why dont you get a set of balls like Maxine and say something against Obama?......the woman has a point......or maybe you dont think so?....
Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

The problem is Maxine, he's not black.

He's bi racial. And he's hurting a whole batch of folks.

Actually I thought this young man was going to raise us all up. Whoopsies.

My grandaughter's daddy is Trinidadian sp? what a handsome most beautiful young man. Relationship did not work out with my daughter a genuine white munchicake like me, lol.

But my grandaughter is this beautiful baby who's this wonderful dna blend of two beautiful souls who were not ment for each other.

I thought the President being biracial would lift up so many. But then for money they claimed him as black. Stranger still, there is no money in black. Black is such a small percentage but rule outrageously.

Pity all round.

Thats the problem everybody thought his race was the fix all. You can't take a load of bullshit and make a purfume out of it. If people can just get passed the rac e part they will see obama is not an effective leader and couldn't lead his hand to the toiletpaper roll to wipe his ass.
It's hard to lead the most obstructionist, do nothing party of NO! ever, AND the a-holes that got us in this mess...pffft!

It's also hard to compromise with people who are not of like minds.
The tea party was sent to D.C. to stop the spending and to bring the government back under the control of the people.

When you have a spendoholic with your credit card you are going to tell them no aren't you?
Now a good effective leader would see this and design a plan that wouild meet that goal.
Sorry is the day that I agree with a racist...but ya can't argue with this statement. Anybody who doesn't think this is a campaign tour for the democrat party is blind. And regardless of how terrible a job a black official does, even if he went to jail!!! - he always gets the black vote. Period.

no. Not true.

Blacks vote democratic 90% of the time...
But a black democrat gets more like 95%

But run a black republican and they will not get anything close

Why would we vote for traitors? We treat traitors really ugly in the black community, note the black on black crime.

hey Salt......why did Sharpton say "the Democrats had better stop taking our vote for granted.....they tell us they are for us,but we never get invited over for dinner" are Democrats any better than Republicans?.....they treat Gays the same way.....

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