Maxine Waters: Why doesn't Obama bus visit black communities???

It was a three day tour to promote rural economic policies. Sorry, but it is hard to find a black rural community in the Midwest.

What "rural" economic policies was Obama promoting? I listened to his speeches and I missed that part. I heard an awful lot about Congress. Fill me in on what I missed.

He was meeting with the head of the National Farm Union to give out biofuel money at NICC.

This is not esoteric information and easily found on the internet with a simple google search. You know how to use google, no?

Edit: I already said this in post #43. Why do I have to repeat myself?

It's still nothing more than a campaign tour, Anyone with common sense knows it.
How many black churches, barbershops, colleges, family reunions, parties, hair salons, or households have you been in over the past 40 years?

I am an expert on the black community all over America, 20 years in the military allows for a lot of travel.

You're just a jackass. Black, white or hispanic makes no difference... a jackass is a jackass is a jackass.

How many of the threads in the race forum are about whites or hispanics?

You can call me what you want, but I'm still an expert on the black community.

Not the 'black community' that I know - and love. But they aren't racists.

You keep on baiting, and we'll keep mocking your pathetic attempts.

Something as stupid as this post of yours?

No, more like that picture of you looking like the lost member of the Village People.

I'm proud to have worn that uniform. So sorry that you aren't. Also sorry about your racism. You really should do something about that.

I'm proud to have been in the military. I'm proud to have served MY America and defended MY people.

I am doing something about my racism, I'm passing it on to my grandchildren.
What "rural" economic policies was Obama promoting? I listened to his speeches and I missed that part. I heard an awful lot about Congress. Fill me in on what I missed.

He was meeting with the head of the National Farm Union to give out biofuel money at NICC.

This is not esoteric information and easily found on the internet with a simple google search. You know how to use google, no?

Edit: I already said this in post #43. Why do I have to repeat myself?

It's still nothing more than a campaign tour, Anyone with common sense knows it.

WTF? Where did I ever deny this fact? Of course when you travel around the Midwest looking to give out biofuel money in the name of economic development, it is to garner votes.

Why exactly is your contention?
You're just a jackass. Black, white or hispanic makes no difference... a jackass is a jackass is a jackass.

How many of the threads in the race forum are about whites or hispanics?

You can call me what you want, but I'm still an expert on the black community.

Not the 'black community' that I know - and love. But they aren't racists.

You keep on baiting, and we'll keep mocking your pathetic attempts.


No bait, just hate.
No, more like that picture of you looking like the lost member of the Village People.

I'm proud to have worn that uniform. So sorry that you aren't. Also sorry about your racism. You really should do something about that.

I'm proud to have been in the military. I'm proud to have served MY America and defended MY people.

I am doing something about my racism, I'm passing it on to my grandchildren.

Good. They will mock you for it one day. You - and your ilk (and by your ilk, I mean racist of any skin color) are dying.... I hope it is a somewhat painful one for you - but you're already consigned to a footnote in history.

Good riddance. The sooner you are gone, the better this country will be. And your grandkids.... they're gonna be part of that.... not 'your' America - but the real America - the one where one is judged on the content of their character.

Spin in your grave, racist.
No, more like that picture of you looking like the lost member of the Village People.

I'm proud to have worn that uniform. So sorry that you aren't. Also sorry about your racism. You really should do something about that.

I'm proud to have been in the military. I'm proud to have served MY America and defended MY people.

I am doing something about my racism, I'm passing it on to my grandchildren.

Why would you want to poison their young minds like that. Such a waste.........
And you claim to have done 20 years? I call you a liar. I never knew anyone that was this racist that did more than one enlistment. My Army never would have stood for it.
Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

'White-guilt' gullible 'hope and changey' voters are a larger bloc. He must think that they probably have a longer shelf-life. :smoke:
I'm proud to have worn that uniform. So sorry that you aren't. Also sorry about your racism. You really should do something about that.

I'm proud to have been in the military. I'm proud to have served MY America and defended MY people.

I am doing something about my racism, I'm passing it on to my grandchildren.

Why would you want to poison their young minds like that. Such a waste.........
And you claim to have done 20 years? I call you a liar. I never knew anyone that was this racist that did more than one enlistment. My Army never would have stood for it.

Come on, Ollie. He's just trying to offend people. And failing. :lol: How pathetic is that? I'm embarrassed for him.
I drove through a few times, so I am not the biggest expert on the demographics of Midwest rural communities. I admit that.

You found one community. Was Obama near that community during his bus tour? Is Cairo an agricultural community?

I don't know where Obama's bus tour went exactly...but yes, Cairo is predominantly an agri-community. They also load barges with agricultural commodities and raw materials for shipment up and down the Mississippi.

It's well known in Obama's home state, and received a lot of media attention during the flooding here last year...that's why I mention it.

I'm sure you heard about it, it was the town that was saved by the Corp of Engineers blowing the levee and flooding all the farm land.

Thanks for the info. Anyways, I don't think Obama was interested in going to small shipping towns. He was more interested in talking with the National Farm Union and they were interested in biofuel handout money.

I am not sure where Cairo would fit into that.

Here is a link to a satellite view of Cairo...see all that farmland?

It's Mississippi river bottom...some of the most fertile soil in the United States.
Have you not noticed the way blacks are treating whites?

Salt, feels the way most blacks feel.
It's not campaigning, it's leading, the WHOLE country- except the brainwashed haters and the bought off douchebags...

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