May 30th events, following the Palestinian escalation in Southern Israel

Ah, now you want to wiggle out of your previous claim. Lives have been lost. That makes it a deadly threat. But you want to say it is not a deadly threat because not enough lives have been lost. So how many lives have to be lost then? One? Ten? A hundred? Two thousand? How does a country know that enough lives have been lost that they are permitted to respond to the use of lethal force?
Someone walking up to a fence, is not a threat to your life.

Rockets are a threat. Mortars are a threat. IEDs are threats. Machine guns are threats. Knives are threats. Tunnels are threats. Bombs are threats. Lethal threats all.

You were trying to claim that these threats are not really threats. You are also claiming that even when there are deaths as a direct result of these threats, they are not really threats, because there were not enough dead people for the threat to exist.

How many dead people does it take? Come on, YOU made the claim. Rescind it or own up to it.
Too bad the Arabs didn’t abide by that “ International Law” in 1967. They were the ones who were seeking to “ conquer by conquest” Since you’re such an expert on “ International Law” tell us please why the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the region just prior to the War and why Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran which was an International Waterway, and why Israel made a formal complaint to the U.N and nothing was done? :dig:
UN resolution 228 indicates it was Israel that didn't honor international law.
Rockets are a threat. Mortars are a threat. IEDs are threats. Machine guns are threats. Knives are threats. Tunnels are threats. Bombs are threats. Lethal threats all.

You were trying to claim that these threats are not really threats. You are also claiming that even when there are deaths as a direct result of these threats, they are not really threats, because there were not enough dead people for the threat to exist.

How many dead people does it take? Come on, YOU made the claim. Rescind it or own up to it.
The people you deliberately shot to death on the 30th (and the previous 4 weeks), were not threats to your life. The 8 month old baby you shot a can of tear gas at, was not a threat to your life. People baking bread in blue tents, were not a threat to your life. People playing soccer, were not a threat to your life. People walking up to a fence, or flying a fire kite, or burning a tire, or protesting the inhuman treatment of their conditions, are not threats to your life.

Que pasa, mutha?
They are “ protesting” the fact that they don’t have the Right to enter “ Israel Proper” and kill as many Israelis as possible
Wrong. They are protesting the illegal and immoral blockade and occupation by a foreign force.

Actually, the Israelis are protesting (by way of defending their lives), illegal and immoral attacks from hostile islamic terrorists.

It is the Islamic terrorists who are the attackers.
Rockets are a threat. Mortars are a threat. IEDs are threats. Machine guns are threats. Knives are threats. Tunnels are threats. Bombs are threats. Lethal threats all.

You were trying to claim that these threats are not really threats. You are also claiming that even when there are deaths as a direct result of these threats, they are not really threats, because there were not enough dead people for the threat to exist.

How many dead people does it take? Come on, YOU made the claim. Rescind it or own up to it.
The people you deliberately shot to death on the 30th (and the previous 4 weeks), were not threats to your life. The 8 month old baby you shot a can of tear gas at, was not a threat to your life. People baking bread in blue tents, were not a threat to your life. People playing soccer, were not a threat to your life. People walking up to a fence, or flying a fire kite, or burning a tire, or protesting the inhuman treatment of their conditions, are not threats to your life.

Que pasa, mutha?

Oh my. Are you still pushing babies into an Islamic war zone for propaganda purposes? Why do you hate children with such a passion?
They are “ protesting” the fact that they don’t have the Right to enter “ Israel Proper” and kill as many Israelis as possible
Wrong. They are protesting the illegal and immoral blockade and occupation by a foreign force.

Wrong; Israel left Gaza and the Rockets launched into Israel actually increased. You see nothing wrong with Hamas smuggling weapons in; I do.
It’s funny!!! Blocking the Straits of Tiran against “ International Law” wasn’t illegal? That was one of the reasons for the 67 War . You are a. :ahole-1:
Amid the most intense fighting between Israel and Hamas in years, Housing Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday that he plans to propose a plan to build a new Jewish community adjacent to the Gaza border in response to the recent escalation in violence.

“The establishment of a new community is a message of Zionism and strength in the face of terrorism,” Gallant said Wednesday of the plan.

(full article online)

In response to Hamas aggression, Israel to build new Gaza-adjacent town
The IDF published aerial photos of some of the targets the Air Force attacked in Gaza 24 hours ago. Among the targets, the IDF Spokesperson listed positions of the Hamas naval force, sites for the manufacture of weapons, a warehouse for drones, and a lathe for the manufacture of rockets.


Hamas naval post attacked by the IDF

(full article online)

IDF: We Destroyed the Hamas Navy
Israel has been retaliating. I suspect we will see over the next couple of days if Israel is going to broaden the sweeps and provide the Islamic terrorists with lots of new martyrs.

Israel launches counterattacks in Gaza amid soaring tensions•May 29, 2018

Israel launches counterattacks in Gaza amid soaring tensions
Israel's military has launched a series of air strikes on Palestinian positions in Gaza after a barrage of rocket fire - the biggest in years - from the Strip amid soaring frustration in the coastal enclave over a crippling 12-year Israeli-imposed siege. Israeli warplanes hit more than 35 targets belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, according to Israel's military.

Looks like them virgins are gonna be mighty busy.

My guess is that the Islamic terrorist franchises are getting desperate. The Tire Burning Riots made the news headlines for barely a couple of weeks before that fiasco was relegated to just another publicity stunt that wasn’t worth more than a casual mentioning the news. Hamas and/or Islamic gee-had may be hoping for some islamo-casualties to trot out as the result of israeli air strikes but it seems that there is a growing sense of “yeah, the Islamic terrorists took another beat down for attacking Israel”.

Anyway, I’m hoping for some cool footage of Israeli F-35’s delivering those Hellfire Missile Early Retirement Packages to Islamic terrorists.

Israel Should just carpet bomb them. They have that right.

"....carpet bomb them..."

They can do it, but Hamass likes to run for cover under their mothers' bloomers - we all know that.

"Really? why you do me like that?"​

They're provoking... firing their rockets amongst their own "civilians" and as soon as israel retaliates against them ...the usual outcome: women, children and the disabled get killed - hamass using them as their personal martyrs and shields........without their consent.

Israel has been retaliating. I suspect we will see over the next couple of days if Israel is going to broaden the sweeps and provide the Islamic terrorists with lots of new martyrs.

Israel launches counterattacks in Gaza amid soaring tensions•May 29, 2018

Israel launches counterattacks in Gaza amid soaring tensions
Israel's military has launched a series of air strikes on Palestinian positions in Gaza after a barrage of rocket fire - the biggest in years - from the Strip amid soaring frustration in the coastal enclave over a crippling 12-year Israeli-imposed siege. Israeli warplanes hit more than 35 targets belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, according to Israel's military.

Looks like them virgins are gonna be mighty busy.

My guess is that the Islamic terrorist franchises are getting desperate. The Tire Burning Riots made the news headlines for barely a couple of weeks before that fiasco was relegated to just another publicity stunt that wasn’t worth more than a casual mentioning the news. Hamas and/or Islamic gee-had may be hoping for some islamo-casualties to trot out as the result of israeli air strikes but it seems that there is a growing sense of “yeah, the Islamic terrorists took another beat down for attacking Israel”.

Anyway, I’m hoping for some cool footage of Israeli F-35’s delivering those Hellfire Missile Early Retirement Packages to Islamic terrorists.

Israel Should just carpet bomb them. They have that right.

"....carpet bomb them..."

They can do it, but Hamass likes to run for cover under their mothers' bloomers - we all know that.

"Really? why you do me like that?"​

They're provoking... firing their rockets amongst their own "civilians" and as soon as israel retaliates against them ...the usual outcome: women, children and the disabled get killed - hamass using them as their personal martyrs and shields........without their consent.

Gee whiz. Nothing says "religion" like a Koran, an AK-47, and the droning intonation of Allah akbar followed by a bright orange flash of an explosion and red hot shrapnel flying through the air at supersonic speeds. Streets littered with dead and broken bodies.

what a sicko. .

they have the $$$ to buy all those mortars, [or are they a gift from iran ] but no $$$ to spend on... building a better infrastructure for the palestinans, and perhaps closing that swamp refugee camp. OH..that's right, someone mentioned Hamas did some street improvements. sorry - the crew may have to come back to re-pave..... the "mortar" bottom line - is to kill people: men, women, pregnant women, children, the disabled/handicapped, young, old....doesn't matter who - where ever they to kill.....

Rockets are a threat. Mortars are a threat. IEDs are threats. Machine guns are threats. Knives are threats. Tunnels are threats. Bombs are threats. Lethal threats all.

You were trying to claim that these threats are not really threats. You are also claiming that even when there are deaths as a direct result of these threats, they are not really threats, because there were not enough dead people for the threat to exist.

How many dead people does it take? Come on, YOU made the claim. Rescind it or own up to it.
The people you deliberately shot to death on the 30th (and the previous 4 weeks), were not threats to your life. The 8 month old baby you shot a can of tear gas at, was not a threat to your life. People baking bread in blue tents, were not a threat to your life. People playing soccer, were not a threat to your life. People walking up to a fence, or flying a fire kite, or burning a tire, or protesting the inhuman treatment of their conditions, are not threats to your life.

Que pasa, mutha?

Did I say any of those things were threats? No, I don't think I did. (Though I'd argue with you about the fire kites -- those ARE threats).

You said there were not enough DEAD JEWS for the Arabs in Gaza to be considered a threat. I'm asking you how many DEAD JEWS is enough? What's the number? 10? 27? 100? 2000? Six million? How many DEAD JEWS does it take until the Jewish people are 'permitted' to defend themselves?

In what seems to be a calculated escalation in Southern Israel, the Gaza vicinity is again unquiet.

Starting just before 7 AM this morning, Palestinian Islamic Jihad started firing rockets and mortars, dozens of them, unto Israel; Iron Dome took care of multiple rockets, yet a mortar shell did hit just nearby a kindergarten. Over 20 launched were directed at Israeli communities.

9 AM, the launches return with sirens. Over 24 'Code Red' sirens are heard in Gaza vicinity in less than 2 hours. 8:02 and 9:36 sign the second wave of launchings in Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev.

The second wave of launchings occurs around noon, and then every hour. Islamic Jihad claims that 'Blood shall be answered in Blood' (as they claim attacks on said civilian targets are a legitimate response to the targeting and killing of 3 of their men yesterday while they tried to cross the border and kill Israeli soldiers). Around 4:00, and then 4:36 PM sirens are heard again all across Gaza vicinity, one of the mortars hit a school playground. IDF starts retaliating, targeting Dozens of Hamas sites in Gaza, no casualties reported.


Israeli Cabinet says the rocket firing won't go without a response, and Islamic Jihad threatens again. One of the afternoon launches had Hamas stamp on it.

Third round of launches start at 7:28 PM, following by 7:51. The mortar shells are exchanged with Grads, and the ranges increase to Ofakim and Netivot.

Sirens are against heard late evening with multiple rocket launchings. Israel again attacks, while the last Sirens were heard on 1:08, 1:13, 1:17, 1:24.

Sources: Ynet, Rotter
Every time the Palestinians start these attacks all over again they get their butts bombed by the IDF.

Nothing new about that.
Too bad the Arabs didn’t abide by that “ International Law” in 1967. They were the ones who were seeking to “ conquer by conquest” Since you’re such an expert on “ International Law” tell us please why the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the region just prior to the War and why Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran which was an International Waterway, and why Israel made a formal complaint to the U.N and nothing was done? :dig:
UN resolution 228 indicates it was Israel that didn't honor international law.

You mean “ International Law” was honored by the Arabs when Nasser promised he was going to destroy Israel and blocked International Waters? “ International Law” was respected when Israel went to the U.N. and nothing was done? “ Internatioal Law” was respected when the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the area knowing what was going to happen?
Would you be concerned about “ International Law” if the Arabs had won and Israel was dessimated? Of course not! FUCK. YOU !
Too bad the Arabs didn’t abide by that “ International Law” in 1967. They were the ones who were seeking to “ conquer by conquest” Since you’re such an expert on “ International Law” tell us please why the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the region just prior to the War and why Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran which was an International Waterway, and why Israel made a formal complaint to the U.N and nothing was done? :dig:
UN resolution 228 indicates it was Israel that didn't honor international law.

You mean “ International Law” was honored by the Arabs when Nasser promised he was going to destroy Israel and blocked International Waters? “ International Law” was respected when Israel went to the U.N. and nothing was done? “ Internatioal Law” was respected when the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the area knowing what was going to happen?
Would you be concerned about “ International Law” if the Arabs had won and Israel was dessimated? Of course not! FUCK. YOU !

So what’s changed? Well, first of all, the situation on the ground.

When Hamas began its weekly riots at the Gaza border fence, some took this as the sign of an inevitable escalation to all-out war. Yet on May 14—the day of the heaviest onslaught that provoked the E.U. criticism—Hamas abruptly called off its invasion. Whatever the reason, the decision was taken to cool it.

Then suddenly, Islamic Jihad—aided and abetted by Hamas—launched its missile onslaught. It was clear this did not enjoy wide support. Russia didn’t want it. Egypt didn’t want it. The Gulf states will tolerate nothing that gets in the way of their tacit alliance with the United States and Israel against Iran. Even Hamas reportedly got cold feet over the scale of the attack.

So who wanted it? Step forward the Islamic Republic of Iran, backers of Hamas and patrons of Islamic Jihad. And why did Iran want it? Because the regime is distinctly rattled.

America’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal has thrown it into disarray. The United States is threatening to impose condign sanctions. The Iranian rial is in freefall. The recent speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo extended U.S. policy way beyond curtailing Iran’s nuclear activities.

Iran, he said, must stop supporting Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, support disarming Shi’ite militias in Iraq and withdraw from Syria. The United States would work to counteract its cyber activities, track down its operatives and proxies and “crush” them.

Israel is now destroying more and more Iranian assets in Syria with U.S. backing.

(full article online)

Europe makes an about-face on Israel
Too bad the Arabs didn’t abide by that “ International Law” in 1967. They were the ones who were seeking to “ conquer by conquest” Since you’re such an expert on “ International Law” tell us please why the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the region just prior to the War and why Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran which was an International Waterway, and why Israel made a formal complaint to the U.N and nothing was done? :dig:
UN resolution 228 indicates it was Israel that didn't honor international law.

You mean “ International Law” was honored by the Arabs when Nasser promised he was going to destroy Israel and blocked International Waters? “ International Law” was respected when Israel went to the U.N. and nothing was done? “ Internatioal Law” was respected when the U.N. “ peacekeepers” left the area knowing what was going to happen?
Would you be concerned about “ International Law” if the Arabs had won and Israel was decimated and every Israeli was killed? :asshole:? ? Of course not! FUCK. YOU !
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