Maybe democrats should focus on Americans issues and not foreigners and we won’t have shootings..


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And not do a damn thing
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Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.
Whites are being attacked.. we are being told our opinion means nothing,, intersectionality

But democrats are in Italy and when they come back they will blame the gun, they will scream at law enforcement officers on the border. And it do a damn thing

“Americans” stopped voting for Mexicrats...the filthy piece shits know stay relevant they need more wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, men in dresses and degenerate filth.
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.
Trump hates Europe loves Russia
Trump is not a Christian (adulterer, never in church, lies, bully,....)
Trump hates free market.
But you still love him and accusing the Democrats for not being Christian's, anti capitalism, hating European culture? Are you insane? Dumb? Or both?
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.
Trump hates Europe loves Russia
Trump is not a Christian (adulterer, never in church, lies, bully,....)
Trump hates free market.
But you still love him and accusing the Democrats for not being Christian's, anti capitalism, hating European culture? Are you insane? Dumb? Or both?
Cool story
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Meanwhile... The Left has done nothing to fix the problems pointed out in the writings attributed to the shooter.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!
That why I posted it cause I knew you would like it
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!
Typical Lefties. They do nothing to solve problems; and then piss, and moan when someone else does...
just my opinion..

We spend all day talking about foreigners, Muslims trying to bomb us.. and we have kids dying of over doses. Broken families, no opportunity, free speech is limited.....

Free speech is not limited, there is more opportunity in my great nation than any other country in the world, broken families and drug abuse are certainly nothing new. It is completely illogical to blame the very limited attention paid to international news for domestic problems at home. I'm not at all surprised that you have no idea what logic is.

Stop with the pessimistic, illogical whining and worry about getting your own shit together, kid.
Drug abuse is nothing new lol.. yea we had people overdosing like this for years lol MORON .. black fatherless rate went from 11% to 77% in 40 years.
FREE SPEECH is very much limited NBA owners cant be called owners now.. but governors ..
democrats shut down free speech with violence, attack blacks, elderly, children..
University’s won’t let conservatives speak.

American families are struggling..

But democrats put foreigners first
Fact: Democrats will always support any policy that is bad for America, and they will oppose any policy that is good for the nation.

These people hate America. They hate whites, European culture, Christianity, and capitalism. They will say and do anything to eradicate all of the above.
Trump hates Europe loves Russia
Trump is not a Christian (adulterer, never in church, lies, bully,....)
Trump hates free market.
But you still love him and accusing the Democrats for not being Christian's, anti capitalism, hating European culture? Are you insane? Dumb? Or both?
All 3 of the "authors" in the post above yours are stupid, stupid, stupid. They are 3 babbling idiots.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!
That why I posted it cause I knew you would like it
You think we are gong to sit around and be invaded?
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!

Only a completely un-American scumbag would applaud mass murder. Beyond disgraceful.
We have mass over doses because of illegals lowering American wages and not assimilating
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Good for him!
That why I posted it cause I knew you would like it
You think we are gong to sit around and be invaded?
The pathetic part is that many will. The same pathetic pieces of shit who will feign shock when some don’t...
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Meanwhile... The Left has done nothing to fix the problems pointed out in the writings attributed to the shooter.

What has the right done to fix these problems pointed out by the shooter is more to the question
I would think that it would make a great discussion as to what should be done. Go for it.
El Paso today white guy shoots up walmart targeting hispanic population in the hopes of getting at least a few illegals. A manifesto was left behind mention that there would be a shooting and it may or may not be one posted by the shooter

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.
Meanwhile... The Left has done nothing to fix the problems pointed out in the writings attributed to the shooter.

What has the right done to fix these problems pointed out by the shooter is more to the question
Not enough... But The current POTUS keeps getting obstructed with the efforts that have been made. But more certainly needs to be done. Looks like at least one got tired of waiting...

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