Maybe God doesn't exist, but maybe...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Earth does, and that's all that's needed. Contrary to the Bible, Israel has everything Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed over, gay pride marches through Jerusalem every year, gays serving openly in the military, complete equality. So why isn't God angry with Israel? Maybe God doesn't exist at all. But faith in God does, and that's what moves mountains? does, and that's all that's needed. Contrary to the Bible, Israel has everything Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed over, gay pride marches through Jerusalem every year, gays serving openly in the military, complete equality. So why isn't God angry with Israel? Maybe God doesn't exist at all. But faith in God does, and that's what moves mountains?

Sounds like you think being gay is wrong.

Imagine that — you, of all people, who just said this in another thread:

delta4embassy said:
Having sex is always a choice. But my personal opinion is sexual orientations don't actually exist in nature. Rather horny people or animals will simply seek sex from whoever's willing. As such, prisoners in all-monosexual groups (all men/women) will seek sex from whoever's willing and available. Because of a prisoner's lack of female options, they opt to 'make due.' But that's not homosexuality, as many prisoners have explained to researchers inquiring about this phenomenae. They explain they don't continue homosexual relationships outside of prison and simply 'made due' with what was available.

I don't believe homosexuality or heterosexuality is something you're born with. Rather I think we're born, for all intents and purposes, bisexual. Or as I think of myself, 'just sexual.' And it's only society's insistence of picking a term that makes people then identify as one or the other, gay or straight. But given the means and opportunity, most experiment. But because of our inherent homophobia and discriminatory practices against homosexuality, only those for whom it's more positively linked to positive experiences opt for it over heterosexual relationships.

Gee. :badgrin:

Source: Why are so many prisoners homosexual US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum does, and that's all that's needed.

Actually, this is very good point. Clap your hands hard enough and Tinkerbell lives.

No, of course "god" isn't real but that doesn't matter because people believe he's real.

Its a shared delusion that serves a very real purpose. It keeps believers getting out of bed every day, makes it possible for them to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Yes, its true that they are mindless haters but its likely that also serves a very real purpose - at least for them.

They can stick together, holding on to their insanity, huddled in the dark, pretending that their hate is a good thing.

For the most part, belief in the various gods is harmless enough and the believers are welcome to their delusions.
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble? does, and that's all that's needed.

Actually, this is very good point. Clap your hands hard enough and Tinkerbell lives.

No, of course "god" isn't real but that doesn't matter because people believe he's real.

Its a shared delusion that serves a very real purpose. It keeps believers getting out of bed every day, makes it possible for them to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Yes, its true that they are mindless haters but its likely that also serves a very real purpose - at least for them.

They can stick together, holding on to their insanity, huddled in the dark, pretending that their hate is a good thing.

For the most part, belief in the various gods is harmless enough and the believers are welcome to their delusions.
What keeps you going...the anal massage from Fred?
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble?

No. That's a cop out. That's saying we don't need to understand sexuality that is different from out own. It says we don't need to pass laws to protect the least among us.

Believe whatever you want but stop blaming the president for your shortcomings.
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble?

No. That's a cop out. That's saying we don't need to understand sexuality that is different from out own. It says we don't need to pass laws to protect the least among us.

Believe whatever you want but stop blaming the president for your shortcomings.
The Luddster gets one Katyusha...he can give it to Fred.
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble?

No. That's a cop out. That's saying we don't need to understand sexuality that is different from out own. It says we don't need to pass laws to protect the least among us.

Believe whatever you want but stop blaming the president for your shortcomings.
The Luddster gets one Katyusha...he can give it to Fred.

When you can take responsibility for your own words


talk like an actual grown up, come see me.

IF you believe in a god then you must believe that god made gays.

That puts it on him.

IF you do not believe in a god, then you are you going to blame?

If you want to talk about god making gays, start a thread. Otherwise, have the balls to stick with the subject of this thread.
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble?

Don't worry about Obama; worry about yourself. Hatefulness is hardly Godliness.
The ultimate decision about gays rests with God. I am sure He will be understanding. If not, what the fuck do you think He will do with the perfect asshole Obabble?

Don't worry about Obama; worry about yourself. Hatefulness is hardly Godliness.
Another Katyusha for The Luddster. If you watch sports you cannot deny the existence of God!,,,, how about dem Cowboys!
What the fuck does "God will be understanding" mean to you stupid gay non believers. You will not go to hell for being will for denying God. Have a nice trip.
One thing for sure.....there is absolutely nothing at all to lose, but everything to gain by believing in God and His Holy Word.
What the fuck does "God will be understanding" mean to you stupid gay non believers. You will not go to hell for being will for denying God. Have a nice trip.

There's that nice "xtian" hate we're used to getting from our fake xtians.
One thing for sure.....there is absolutely nothing at all to lose, but everything to gain by believing in God and His Holy Word.

Uh no.

Many people do not and cannot believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus and tinkerbell.

You're welcome to your delusions and really, I do understand you're afraid to face life without them but for many, there is no there there.
our Heavenly Father does exist. I am a witness. I know He lives because of the power of the Holy Ghost.

and if you truly have faith, you can know too. He has promised that those who ask receive. Those that seek will find. Those that knock will have it opened unto them. You can learn as Peter did in Matthew 16.

all it takes is a little faith.even if it is just enough faith to experiment on the word. When I first was studying I made a choice to believe that if there was a God He has the power to reveal Himself. And it wasn't long before He did.

He has His arms continually open for you. Come to Him. Be healed. Open your eyes you things you cannot now imagine.
The role of "God" played out almost 14 billion years ago. It was a one-off.
We humanoids, drifting across the cosmos on a tiny blue grain of sand, are but one result of that "play".

When we pay homage to such a deity, we only glorify ourselves and reveal a self-adulation and conceit borne of man-made nonsense.

I never understood the personification of "God". I think that in itself is blasphemy.
our Heavenly Father does exist. I am a witness. I know He lives because of the power of the Holy Ghost.

and if you truly have faith, you can know too. He has promised that those who ask receive. Those that seek will find. Those that knock will have it opened unto them. You can learn as Peter did in Matthew 16.

all it takes is a little faith.even if it is just enough faith to experiment on the word. When I first was studying I made a choice to believe that if there was a God He has the power to reveal Himself. And it wasn't long before He did.

He has His arms continually open for you. Come to Him. Be healed. Open your eyes you things you cannot now imagine.
Sorry but I don't buy into this shit. Most atheists were once very religious and accepted everything about god that was told to them. They truly had faith, Some asked for him to reveal himself, in which he didn't of course. They believed within their hearts that he was just as real as marmalade jam. Guess what. Nothing ever happened. Then they found reason, logic, basic understanding of science & history...etc.
our Heavenly Father does exist. I am a witness. I know He lives because of the power of the Holy Ghost.

and if you truly have faith, you can know too. He has promised that those who ask receive. Those that seek will find. Those that knock will have it opened unto them. You can learn as Peter did in Matthew 16.

all it takes is a little faith.even if it is just enough faith to experiment on the word. When I first was studying I made a choice to believe that if there was a God He has the power to reveal Himself. And it wasn't long before He did.

He has His arms continually open for you. Come to Him. Be healed. Open your eyes you things you cannot now imagine.

If all it takes is a little bit of faith how do you explain the Bible not being sufficient and needing a faith with another whole book?
One thing for sure.....there is absolutely nothing at all to lose, but everything to gain by believing in God and His Holy Word.

Uh no.

Many people do not and cannot believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus and tinkerbell.

You're welcome to your delusions and really, I do understand you're afraid to face life without them but for many, there is no there there.

So Luddly, what exactly do you have to lose by believing in God? I will tell you.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. what do you have to gain by believing in God? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHNG....for instance, freedom to truly live a joy filled life and not a hollow, doubt filled existence without purpose..

As for the tooth fairy, Santa, and Tinkerbelle, why don't you start a thread bashing the wonderful youngsters that do?

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