Maybe I'll vote democrat again

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Maybe i'll vote Democrat again

When they throw B Hussein O in Guantanamo
Slam the door, lock it.
When Bernie Sanders finally takes a dime from his own pocket,
When AOC can speak, her IQ sounds more than ten,
Maybe i'll vote democrat again.

They got this freak show they call Beto who pretends he's mexican,
When the polls get close i bet mayor Pete will take it on the chin,
When someone tells Kamala Harris that she cant sleep her way in,
When i see Liz warren's teepee, I'll vote Democrat again.

When Candace owens hosts the View instead of those four hags,
Whose lovely personalities could make a buzzard gag,
When you turn on your tv and there's real news on CNN,
Maybe i'll vote democrat again.

If JFK was here today he'd scream and shake his fists,
That his beloved party's been hijacked by socialists.
Take away our guns is number one in their bag of dirty tricks
But if they try it, we're gonna party, like it's 1776.
When they can talk the cattle into holding their farts in,
That's when i'll vote democrat again.

When Slick Willy finally fesses up to all his misadventures,
When Pelosi gives a speech, she's not lyin' through her dentures,
When creepy ole Joe Biden stops sniffin' little girls' skin,
Maybe i'll vote democrat again.

Chucky Schumer is a tumor on the colon of our nation,
He knows that they can't win without illegal immigration.
They got delusion by collusion because they didn't win.
When Al Sharpton pays his taxes, I'll vote democrat again.

If JFK was here today he'd scream and shake his fists,
That his beloved party's been hijacked by communists,
Take away our guns is number one in their bag of dirty tricks
But if they try it, we're gonna party, like it's 1776.
They all scream impeachment just to cover their rear ends
And when they hang for treason, I'll vote democrat again.

When they campaign on killin' babies
well then what else can I say?
But this looks like the perfect time
To walk awaaaay.

So when the Jew and the Arabs call truce,
When Caitlin's back to bein' Bruce,
When the Clintons finally get the noose,
Maybe i'll vote democrat again.

So you can take your Green New Deal
And blow it out a cow's rear end
(long, slow, modest, humble cow fart)
'Cause I aint EVER EVER EVER votin' Democrat Ag'in.


There are many things that make us
But the thing that makes us whole
Is what no other creature has
And that, friends, is our soul

The body is demanding
Poets call it crude
It has a thirst for water
It fights its way to food

All its subtle systems
Are delicate and needy
It’s programmed for survival
It’s hungry and its greedy

It knows somehow instinctively
It really is defenseless
A single cell can kill it
It sees that fact as senseless

And so when there is danger
We see, year after year
The body is assaulted and
So many live in fear

The soul is more resilient
Secure and everlasting
Immune to most contagion
It flourishes when fasting

As strong when you grow older
As it blossomed in your youth
It has one ever present need
And that of course is truth

So when the truth is hidden
(It often is today)
In the dark and gloomy wood
The soul can lose its way

There is no jab to cure the soul
No man-made therapeutic
No chemical from science
No new-age pharmaceutic

Read, then, words of wisdom
Believe what you can see
When disease attacks the soul
The truth will set it free


Just a Bill​

As Democrats in Congress
Persist in tempting fate
I ask myself repeatedly
Where is the debate?

Your caucus is in trouble
Enthusiasm’s fading
Show us all you talent at
Informing and persuading

The bill is a monstrosity
No matter how you spin in
And though I’ve paid attention
I still don’t know what’s in it

What bridges will be reinforced
What roadways will be paved
Whose lives will be affected
What industries are saved

I’d like a few specifics
And tell us what they mean
Please let us know the target price
You see for gasoline

The income tax is raised, I know
On those with Jags, not Chevys
But there are other taxes
That this legislation levies

Where will this affect me
Why won’t people say
I know the cost is zero
But how much will I pay

And while the Congress squabbles
About IRS amounts
There won’t be any dollars left
In any bank accounts.

The Nightly News is silent
The media just snoozes
I want to know the facts
Not just who wins or loses

So Congresspeople-take your time
You’re surely going to need it
And promise us, before you vote
For pity’s sake please read it


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