Maybe it is the scary looking gun

I'm afraid you're missing the point.

I'm not missing the point, since your argument is based on false premise. You're afraid for no reason.

My argument is that perhaps the very styling of the gun is what makes it more attractive as a weapon with which to commit a gun massacre.

What "styling of the gun" you're referring to? Different shootings were done with different guns. Get your facts straight first, since most shootings were done with semi auto handguns.

For example, Columbine shooting was done with Savage-Springfield pump action shotgun, Hi Point 995 carbine, Stevens 311D double-barreled sawed-off shotgun, and TEC-9 SA handgun.
Fort Hood shooting was done with FN Five-Seven and Smith & Wesson revolver .357 magnum.
Virginia Tech was done with Walther P22 SA handgun, .22 caliber, and Glock 19 SA handgun, 9 mm.

But, but, but... AR-15!!!!!!! ReeeEEE....

If other weapons are just as effective in terms of rate of fire and lethality of round trajectory, why aren't those weapons used as often as the military style weapons?

Other weapons are just as effective, as I sampled above.

Also, I'd like you to refer the shooting where military style weapons were used. I heard of only one, and it was the biggest massacre in US history. Waco, Texas, military style weapons were used by the US government.

If cultural aspects like video games and movies can bear blame, why not cultural aspects like the style of the weapon itself?

I don't see a reason why video games should bear blame more than bad parenting, or more than indoctrination is government schools.

It seems that there are unfortunate people much more interested in protecting guns than protecting the public against lunatic gunmen.

Nobody is protecting guns. What is see is protecting of constitutional rights.

Now, since I answered your questions, you answer mine.

If a police officer shoot an unarmed man, do you blame an officer or a gun?
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Oh boy . Here come the gun nerds with their spam .

Let’s cut to the chase . They are weapons of war specifically designed to kill lots of people quickly .
Na,They are just sporting rifles you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... so quit falling down the fucking well you little weasel

Yeah sure. If hunting people is your “sport”.
Oh boy . Here come the gun nerds with their spam .

Let’s cut to the chase . They are weapons of war specifically designed to kill lots of people quickly .
Na,They are just sporting rifles you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... so quit falling down the fucking well you little weasel

Yeah sure. If hunting people is your “sport”.
Only in Hollywood movies, and on progressive sites on the Internet... lol
Quit falling down the well little weasel
Oh boy . Here come the gun nerds with their spam .

Let’s cut to the chase . They are weapons of war specifically designed to kill lots of people quickly .
Na,They are just sporting rifles you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... so quit falling down the fucking well you little weasel

Yeah sure. If hunting people is your “sport”.
so get rid of the AR15 and that "sport" goes away. is that your premise?

how many people are killed a year with an AR15? now a .45 or 9mm?
Bathtubs aren’t designed to kill people.

The German Socialists turned showers into killing tools, twit. They used them to kill a large part of the 12 million innocent men, women and children they murdered....

And because they used them irresponsibly, we must outlaw all showers.

Is cylcon D legal ? The poison gas they used ?

No. Enough with these dumb ass analogies . They just prove how psycho you gun nuts are.
Oh boy . Here come the gun nerds with their spam .

Let’s cut to the chase . They are weapons of war specifically designed to kill lots of people quickly .
Na,They are just sporting rifles you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... so quit falling down the fucking well you little weasel

Yeah sure. If hunting people is your “sport”.
so get rid of the AR15 and that "sport" goes away. is that your premise?

how many people are killed a year with an AR15? now a .45 or 9mm?

I don’t know . The nra uses its power to stop any gov sponcered studies .

It does seem like a popular weapon in the weekly barricaded nut cop shootinbg .
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.
What “sport” are they used for ?

You gun nerds failed to answer .
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.

How about some stats on AR ownership in that time frame ?
Bathtubs aren’t designed to kill people.

The German Socialists turned showers into killing tools, twit. They used them to kill a large part of the 12 million innocent men, women and children they murdered....

And because they used them irresponsibly, we must outlaw all showers.

Is cylcon D legal ? The poison gas they used ?

No. Enough with these dumb ass analogies . They just prove how psycho you gun nuts are.

Your argument was that bathtubs are not designed to kill people. My argument is that anything could be turned into weapon, so it's bathtub. Nazi confirmed it.

Right now I'm holding a paper clip. It's certainly is not designed to be a weapon. But it could be.

Now fuck off. Politely.
Maybe we can't see the forest for the trees.

Maybe one of the unfortunate reasons "assault style weapons" are used in many gun violence circumstances is the style. If video games and movies can be blamed for gun violence, why not the 'style' of weaponry? Are violent criminals drawn to the menacing look of these weapons more than the technical aspects of firing systems and round speed and lethality of sporting style weapons? Could similar cultural aspects attract those who watch violent movies and play violent video games to violent looking weapons?

Is it just cooler to carry a gun with a long magazine projecting from it? A gun that's all black and blinded up with military styling?

Gun lovers would agree that other sporting style weapons are just as, or more, deadly? Yet we don't see that many mass shootings committed with those sporting style weapons. If they are just as effective for self defense and a military style weapon, why have the military style weapon around?

As gun violence increased, could a corollary be seen in the increase of popularity of military style weapons, the "scary looking" guns?

I may be wrong, but I never heard this point of view proffered.

I see where you're comming from...but I would argue that the federal ban in 1994 is ...if not the cause...a significant contributing factor.

AR15's were a niche weapon owned by veterans and a limited number of firearm aficionados before the ban.

The ban made them the forbidden fruit.

And those lacking knowledge of firearms, ammunition and balistics assume the government wouldn't ban them simply based on cosmetic characteristic (which is exactly what they did). They assume (wrongly) that they are more dangerous/deadly/reliable than other weapons.

You know Cruz stopped shooting, not because he was stopped by an outside force...but because his rifle jammed. For the uninitiated, this means it either failed to eject a spent cartridge, failed to feed a round, double fed, failed to fire (dud), etc.

Happens all the time when dealing with large magazines...the larger the mag, the more likely a malfunction, because the spring is very, very tight on a full magazine...putting much more pressure on round one and two...and very loose at the end of the magazine.

In of the first things a new soldier is taught is the acronym SPORTS...when the weapon jams, Slap the magazine, Pull the charging handle, Observe the chamber, Release the charging handle, Tap the forward assist, Squeeze the trigger. It is so ingrained, it springs to mind instantly 20 years since I wore a uniform.

Had Cruz had a weapon he was more familiar with...or one that is more resistant to jamming (I have semi-auto pistols that have NEVER jammed through thousands of rounds)...the death toll could have been much higher. Especially in light of the fact the police were ordered not to enter the school.
Can you imagine if he had a shotgun with a wide spread, could of killed many more people. Yet the scary Armalite Rifle - 15 can only shoot one person per pull of the trigger.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.

How about some stats on AR ownership in that time frame ?


Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, AR-15 SA rifle, .223 caliber,
Sandy Hook Elementary, Bushmaster XM-15 SA rifle, .223 caliber,
Clackamas Town Center, AR-15 SA rifle, .223 caliber,
Youth With a Mission center in Arvada, Bushmaster XM-15 SA rifle, .223 caliber; Beretta handgun, .40 caliber, and Springfield Armory pistol, 9 mm caliber.

For complete list from Columbine to Sandy Hook click HERE.

You'll notice that AR-15 is not mostly used gun.
Maybe one of the unfortunate reasons "assault style weapons" are used in many gun violence circumstances is the style.

nope it is because it has been highly over rated by anti gun nutz

the ar is really nothing more then a sooped up 22

sure it can pump out the rounds but then again any semi auto can

most of my rifles are far more deadly then the ar
You're missing the point. If non military style guns are just as, if not more effective, why are the ARs so prevalent?

You're missing a point. AR is not military style gun. It just looks like it is.

Now that we cleared that up, if there are guns just as, if not more effective, why gun grabbers are pursuing to ban ARs? Shouldn't they go after those more effective first?
I'm afraid you're missing the point.

My argument is that perhaps the very styling of the gun is what makes it more attractive as a weapon with which to commit a gun massacre.

If other weapons are just as effective in terms of rate of fire and lethality of round trajectory, why aren't those weapons used as often as the military style weapons?

If cultural aspects like video games and movies can bear blame, why not cultural aspects like the style of the weapon itself?

It seems that there are unfortunate people much more interested in protecting guns than protecting the public against lunatic gunmen.

Your assertion is wrong

The AR frame is not the most popular rifle in the country because of the way it looks

It is the most popular rife frame in the country because it is light, easy to handle, infinitely customizeable accurate and just plain fun to shoot.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:

When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?

When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?

Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
When did we start medicating knowing ds vs deal with them?

When did we start handing out participation trophies so no one loses? When did we stop disciplining kids?
Oh boy . Here come the gun nerds with their spam .

Let’s cut to the chase . They are weapons of war specifically designed to kill lots of people quickly .
Na,They are just sporting rifles you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by child molesting Hollywood types... so quit falling down the fucking well you little weasel

Yeah sure. If hunting people is your “sport”.
so get rid of the AR15 and that "sport" goes away. is that your premise?

how many people are killed a year with an AR15? now a .45 or 9mm?

I don’t know . The nra uses its power to stop any gov sponcered studies .

It does seem like a popular weapon in the weekly barricaded nut cop shootinbg .
Bullshit. Google it. Info is all there if you put your favorite scapegoat., timmah.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.
And correct me if I'm wrong but the mass shooting in Australia was a bolt action. 22 still commonly available there.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.
And correct me if I'm wrong but the mass shooting in Australia was a bolt action. 22 still commonly available there.

If you're talking about Port Arthur, it was Colt's AR-15. He also had AR-10.
The shooter in LV was able to do a lot of damage because of his elevated position shooting down into a crowd of tens of thousands. Sandy Hook and the church shooting in Texas were confined spaces where nobody could escape. Any weapon would have been effective in those situations.
I still think bump stocks should be illegal. I know there are other ways to get rapid fire, which I refuse to go into, but it's inevitable that copy cats would go for bump stocks.

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