Maybe It Was Because He Frowns On Sodomy And Extolls Traditional Marriage


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Apparently Glenn Beck took a trip back to New York City recently and felt he was treated a lot like Lot was long ago when he visited Soddom and Gommorrha looking for an honest man. That'll teach ya to visit the land of Pinch Sulzberger and his anal fornicators expecting to slide by incognito. Especially in this day and age when we're being lead by our Class Warrior In Chief and the expression of the day, every day, in order to heighten the sense of class division coming from our Governors is "Look! There go evil rich people!". Even though you happen to be a self made man who literally picked himself up out of the gutter, dried himself out, cleaned himself up and subsequently made himself a tidy fortune advising people to "Make straight the way of the Lord!", "You're rich and you don't like my life style" is all they know.
And you shoulda known better thinkin you were going to still be able to "Fly the Friendly Skies" when American is in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings. Why just today the news came out that American can chuck the Pilots Contract out the window and pay the pilots what management thinks they're worth, if they want to pay them at all. Bankruptcy does that to employees, not knowing whether your job will still be there when you land or whether the bank will even be able to put cash into your bank account in return after you hand them your pay check.]

"On his radio show Tuesday, Glenn Beck told the tale of his harrowing Labor Day visit to New York City, capped by a journey home in he was subjected to "subhuman" treatment by an American Airlines flight attendant who didn't open his soda for him.

"What have we become as a nation?" Beck lamented, before launching into his narrative, which started with the brave conservative crusader visiting a barbecue restaurant where he got dirty looks from the staff. (It was a "minority-owned shop," he pointed out. "Was that the line that I dared to cross? No, it couldn’t be because there were white people in there.") Then at breakfast in some other unnamed restaurant, "I was openly mocked by the patrons, and my wife was begging to leave as she heard the wait staff and management gasp in horror that they actually had to serve me." But Beck is used to this kind of thing in New York. Remember when he got wine spilled on him by summer-movie terrorists who he was afraid were going to lynch him?"
Subhuman, lmao.

What a puss, he can't open his own can of soda.

Maybe if he'd burst into tears the flight attendant would have realized he was in the presence of the great Glenn Beck.
apparently, the only people whinier than glenn are his listeners.

[Apparently Glenn Beck took a trip back to New York City recently and felt he was treated a lot like Lot was long ago when he visited Soddom and Gommorrha looking for an honest man. That'll teach ya to visit the land of Pinch Sulzberger and his anal fornicators expecting to slide by incognito. Especially in this day and age when we're being lead by our Class Warrior In Chief and the expression of the day, every day, in order to heighten the sense of class division coming from our Governors is "Look! There go evil rich people!". Even though you happen to be a self made man who literally picked himself up out of the gutter, dried himself out, cleaned himself up and subsequently made himself a tidy fortune advising people to "Make straight the way of the Lord!", "You're rich and you don't like my life style" is all they know.
And you shoulda known better thinkin you were going to still be able to "Fly the Friendly Skies" when American is in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings. Why just today the news came out that American can chuck the Pilots Contract out the window and pay the pilots what management thinks they're worth, if they want to pay them at all. Bankruptcy does that to employees, not knowing whether your job will still be there when you land or whether the bank will even be able to put cash into your bank account in return after you hand them your pay check.]

"On his radio show Tuesday, Glenn Beck told the tale of his harrowing Labor Day visit to New York City, capped by a journey home in he was subjected to "subhuman" treatment by an American Airlines flight attendant who didn't open his soda for him.

"What have we become as a nation?" Beck lamented, before launching into his narrative, which started with the brave conservative crusader visiting a barbecue restaurant where he got dirty looks from the staff. (It was a "minority-owned shop," he pointed out. "Was that the line that I dared to cross? No, it couldn’t be because there were white people in there.") Then at breakfast in some other unnamed restaurant, "I was openly mocked by the patrons, and my wife was begging to leave as she heard the wait staff and management gasp in horror that they actually had to serve me." But Beck is used to this kind of thing in New York. Remember when he got wine spilled on him by summer-movie terrorists who he was afraid were going to lynch him?"

I bet if he had handed her a pack of free birth control she'd opened that soda. You Betchya.
Beck is taking this too personally. There is a general breakdown in courtesy and civility. He's just seeing it, perhaps for the first time.
Pretty ironic that the tax exempt Media Matters furnishes the left with ammunition about a radio personality while the sleaziest SOB that ever came down the pike is going to be a keynote speaker for the party of random sodomy and no family values.
Pretty ironic that the tax exempt Media Matters furnishes the left with ammunition about a radio personality while the sleaziest SOB that ever came down the pike is going to be a keynote speaker for the party of random sodomy and no family values.

donald rumsfeld is the keynote speaker for the dnc?

You see what soda does to you? It's just a can full of nasty chemicals and it don't mean sh*t if the FDA approved it for human consumption because they approve lot's of pure crap!

Stop drinking it!
"Maybe It Was Because He Frowns On Sodomy And Extolls Traditional Marriage"


Maybe it's because he's just a dick!
Republicans reduce the humanity of their gay children, brothers and sisters, aunt and uncles to "sodomy".
Subhuman, lmao.

What a puss, he can't open his own can of soda.

Maybe if he'd burst into tears the flight attendant would have realized he was in the presence of the great Glenn Beck.

I dont think he has a problem opening his own soda. The point is he shouldnt have to open it when its being opened for everyone else and the can shouldnt have been shaken up before put on his tray.

Or do you think he should open it and let the soda spray everyone when it explodes?
I bet if he had handed her a pack of free birth control she'd opened that soda. You Betchya.

Im not sure the man would have cared about free birth control. nor do i think he would have opened it after shaking it any more then glenn did.

Point is if you are being a professional, you should treat all people the same.
[Apparently Glenn Beck took a trip back to New York City recently and felt he was treated a lot like Lot was long ago when he visited Soddom and Gommorrha looking for an honest man. That'll teach ya to visit the land of Pinch Sulzberger and his anal fornicators expecting to slide by incognito. Especially in this day and age when we're being lead by our Class Warrior In Chief and the expression of the day, every day, in order to heighten the sense of class division coming from our Governors is "Look! There go evil rich people!". Even though you happen to be a self made man who literally picked himself up out of the gutter, dried himself out, cleaned himself up and subsequently made himself a tidy fortune advising people to "Make straight the way of the Lord!", "You're rich and you don't like my life style" is all they know.
And you shoulda known better thinkin you were going to still be able to "Fly the Friendly Skies" when American is in the middle of bankruptcy proceedings. Why just today the news came out that American can chuck the Pilots Contract out the window and pay the pilots what management thinks they're worth, if they want to pay them at all. Bankruptcy does that to employees, not knowing whether your job will still be there when you land or whether the bank will even be able to put cash into your bank account in return after you hand them your pay check.]

"On his radio show Tuesday, Glenn Beck told the tale of his harrowing Labor Day visit to New York City, capped by a journey home in he was subjected to "subhuman" treatment by an American Airlines flight attendant who didn't open his soda for him.

"What have we become as a nation?" Beck lamented, before launching into his narrative, which started with the brave conservative crusader visiting a barbecue restaurant where he got dirty looks from the staff. (It was a "minority-owned shop," he pointed out. "Was that the line that I dared to cross? No, it couldn’t be because there were white people in there.") Then at breakfast in some other unnamed restaurant, "I was openly mocked by the patrons, and my wife was begging to leave as she heard the wait staff and management gasp in horror that they actually had to serve me." But Beck is used to this kind of thing in New York. Remember when he got wine spilled on him by summer-movie terrorists who he was afraid were going to lynch him?"

Life is so hard for Glenn Beck. Let's send him money to make it all better.

of course a Drama Queen would expect to be treated like royalty.

I dont see why expecting service providers to treat you the same way they treat anyone else is an expectation of the royal treatment. I tend to think that if you are a professional, you dont treat someone like garbage because you disagree with them about something. It's just not the proper way to run a business.
Republicans reduce the humanity of their gay children, brothers and sisters, aunt and uncles to "sodomy".

I wonder how many of these Republican "kings" are actually closet "queens"?

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