Maybe Polls Are Way Off?If Hillary Is Winning,Then Why Wont They Stop Beating Up Donald Trump?

:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh: Are any of us also feeling this way?, Now, if Hillary was actually about 10 points ahead of Trump, why would Democrats feel the need to create more scandals out of the blue? You would think that the rats would be making up these "Groping Stories" if Donald had a commanding 10 to 12 point lead, right? :disbelief:
Maybe the Hillary people have seen the real internals, and also are very aware that most polls are skewed about 10 points in her favor, therefore the race is actually still a tie, or Donald is actually ahead 5 or 6 points? Maybe Democrats are in panic mode being that for months, Hillary still draws a crowd of 300ish while Trump draws 15,000 with another 5000 who couldn't get into the arena?
:poke: :stupid: :iagree:
Rexx, first lets clear up exactly who is creating these 'scandals' of 'groping' stories. While I am certain the Clinton campaign is delighted about them, are you sure the campaign is responsible for the exposure? Is there any evidence, for example, that Trump accusers have been paid in either travel or GoFundMe accounts such as I have heard the 4 Bubba accusers were compensated?

I should be clear..this is a non-issue for me. Not because I approve of the practice, IF it happened, but because our electorate is concentrating on non-issues because of it and the bar is already below grade. Regarding the powerful taking advantage of sexual privilege, IMHO it is probably a disgusting given. But it isn't what scares me about Trump. I have not commented on this part of the opposition against him except to say I thought it childish. When the going gets rough, somebody always drags out an issue of sex.
I look at it a different way. Why doesn't Trump go out every day and stick with the issues and expound on cleaning up Washington? Every few days he should be putting out new material on how he'll streamline government, eliminating waste, cut bureaucracy and insure efficient use of taxpayers dollars. But he chooses to roll in the mud. It seems like Trump enjoys wearing on his back a sign that says "Kick Me" and if he can't take his own campaign seriously then I sure wouldn't expect the media or us voters to.
She's run $1 billion in ads and they're all negative. She has nothing good to say about anyone, herself included
:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh: Are any of us also feeling this way?, Now, if Hillary was actually about 10 points ahead of Trump, why would Democrats feel the need to create more scandals out of the blue? You would think that the rats would be making up these "Groping Stories" if Donald had a commanding 10 to 12 point lead, right? :disbelief:
Maybe the Hillary people have seen the real internals, and also are very aware that most polls are skewed about 10 points in her favor, therefore the race is actually still a tie, or Donald is actually ahead 5 or 6 points? Maybe Democrats are in panic mode being that for months, Hillary still draws a crowd of 300ish while Trump draws 15,000 with another 5000 who couldn't get into the arena?
:poke: :stupid: :iagree:
This must be the newest handed down talking point. I've seen it expressed about 5 different ways since yesterday afternoon.
Kick a monster while he is down to ensure the monster doesn't get back up. Besides, Trump started the thing with his attacks on the twenty-year-old worn out Clinton sex scandals. Brought politics to a new and disgusting low and forced it into the gutter. He is getting what he deserved.
Buyers regret sets in as the real Donald "Groper Cleveland" Trump raises it true head. (you know, the one he thinks with).
Trump is naked guy high on PCP charging at with a you a knife. When you run out of ammo, reload and keep shooting.
The Dems have bigger plans than just beating the shit out of Trump
:dunno: :eek-52: :eusa_doh: Are any of us also feeling this way?, Now, if Hillary was actually about 10 points ahead of Trump, why would Democrats feel the need to create more scandals out of the blue? You would think that the rats would be making up these "Groping Stories" if Donald had a commanding 10 to 12 point lead, right? :disbelief:
Maybe the Hillary people have seen the real internals, and also are very aware that most polls are skewed about 10 points in her favor, therefore the race is actually still a tie, or Donald is actually ahead 5 or 6 points? Maybe Democrats are in panic mode being that for months, Hillary still draws a crowd of 300ish while Trump draws 15,000 with another 5000 who couldn't get into the arena?
:poke: :stupid: :iagree:

Didn't you guys make the same 'skewed polls' horseshit in the last election? How'd that work out again?

Ah I remember.

'Unskewed' Pollster: 'Nate Silver Was Right, And I Was Wrong'

But this time its different, huh?

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