Lock him up! Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man?

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
its like the Fred Floyd case we all said what the hell takes so long to get the case started ... in Trumps case they have need his tax returns to prove their case ... every time a court order was produced to have him give up his taxes, he had a rebuttal for the court why they shouldn't give up his taxes ... well this last month was attempt to stop his taxers from being released ... from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case ... trump has committed so many crimes now that they are officially seenig his taxes ... now they are starting to have reason to charge him with a crime ... but like all prosecutors they want to have all of their ducks in a row ... like they did in the Floyd case ... he will soon be sweating large orange drops dow the side of his face when he confronts the press
Just be patient I suppose.
Stay stupid you mean

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
It's probably safe to say that, if he has indeed broken laws, we'll know about it within a year. Right now all we have is the same types of rumors, conjecture and assumptions that Trumpsters cling to on their end.

If nothing significant is found, then that's it. The good thing is this probably won't be an endless process.
The left spent 4 years looking for crimes......nothing found....but you say the next year will tell all?

Grow the fuck up child.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
It's probably safe to say that, if he has indeed broken laws, we'll know about it within a year. Right now all we have is the same types of rumors, conjecture and assumptions that Trumpsters cling to on their end.

If nothing significant is found, then that's it. The good thing is this probably won't be an endless process.
The left spent 4 years looking for crimes......nothing found....but you say the next year will tell all?

Grow the fuck up child.
Maybe you should read what I wrote, instead of whining like a damaged snowflake.

I said "if" twice, because I have no idea if they'll find anything. And I suspect we'll have a better picture before the 2022 elections, since so much of this is political.

"Grow the fuck up child".

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

Exposing Democrat crime and treason, 4 failed years of coup attempts and Impeachments, kicking the DNC's ass for 4 years, butt-hurt, and sour grapes are not reasons to convict...

As opposed to irrefutable evidence of violations of both Constitutional and Rule of Law, illegally colluding with the Russiabs and foreign spies in a failed coup attempt

... The FBI/DHS/Treadury departments public declaring they have financial records proving tge current President & family engaged if financial crimes to include influence peddling, Russian Miney Laundetin, & raking $1 BILLION from the CCP....

...Irrefutable evidence several Democrats facilitated CCP espionage for large sums of money...and 'other' payment, like Feinstein, Swalwell, & the Bidens...

...a rogue FBI proven to have violated Constitution & Rule Of Law for DECADES...and still doing it...to illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, & US Presidents....

These are more than enough to hold Democrats accountable....if there was anyone in the DOJ NIT corrupt or brave enough to do so.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

Lock him up! Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man?​

Because repeatedly pissing off foreign and domestic commies is not illegal.

Because everything you’re told from your “news” sources is made up for political gain. There are no crimes.
so when Trump on a telephone call the the republican sectary of Georgia told him to remove 1200 votes from the count for Biden isn't illegal??? plus he did it twice and both times he was recorded
that wasn't illegal ??? in all of his business deals he made his property more value then they were to get a loan ... the when he filed his taxes trump devalued those property so he could claimed a tax right off ... thats fraud any way you lookout it ... and he did this many times .... causing companies to lose the money they invested and it cost the tax payers more money that he didn't pay taxes on ... also a crime... then on January 6 he tells his followers to go down to the capitol and take back our government ... that inciting to riot so you are saying that the things trump said in his own words which was reported in the press is done only for political gain??? looks like we're LAUGHatRIGHTIES TODAY HUH

Typical leftist liar. That story was recanted by the Washington Post who admit they made it up.

heres the problem he's on tape saying case closed ... jail the bomb

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
its like the Fred Floyd case we all said what the hell takes so long to get the case started ... in Trumps case they have need his tax returns to prove their case ... every time a court order was produced to have him give up his taxes, he had a rebuttal for the court why they shouldn't give up his taxes ... well this last month was attempt to stop his taxers from being released ... from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case ... trump has committed so many crimes now that they are officially seenig his taxes ... now they are starting to have reason to charge him with a crime ... but like all prosecutors they want to have all of their ducks in a row ... like they did in the Floyd case ... he will soon be sweating large orange drops dow the side of his face when he confronts the press

"from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case"

Oh really, what's your source for this inside information that hasn't been disclosed or reported, and apparently only you know about? LOL.
Harry Reid told him......
your so full of it, makes me laugh at how ridiculous your post is ... where do you get this shit your local conspiracy theorist ???

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

What's because the OP has TDS for all I got Alex?
Trump's real "crime" is trying to drain the "DC Swamp".

Seriously, we're still on this whole "drain the swamp" BS?
Newsflash. Trump WAS the swamp. He helped build it. Then reinforced it with his shitty
real estate skills. Don't know why the lemmings still swallow this hook, line, and sinker.
Shitty real estate skills? Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, that is the shitty truth.

Trump's Organization, including his customized 757, demonstrate competence at running a large complex organization.
Xiden never ran as much as a lemonade stand, and it shows every day. Xiden is "Putin's Bitch", that's all he is.
View attachment 492621

After several pages of your posts in this thread, you've narrowed it down that you're in the K-12 public school system, I just haven't yet pinpointed what grade. I'm guessing 8th grade, but that's being generous.
so you can'r refute my post ... sad, really sad ... what next my grammar is bad ????I misspelled a word ??? It appears you can't defend any of your positions ... and I pointed out how wrong you are ... thats what happens when these repub-lie-clowns try and defend their hero, I mean Zero trump ...

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
Hey dummy, Donald J. Trump's taxes were audited by the Internal Revenue Service (just FYI, they're our actual tax experts). An IRS tax audit is extremely thorough and doesn't just cover one year. They go back anywhere from seven to ten years. As the IRS agents couldn't find anything illegal for that period, then he's done nothing illegal. Further, the wealthy have multiple LEGAL loopholes that they can use for deductions and in the end, can in some cases, end up paying less than your average citizen. However, because of his businesses prior to the presidency, he had to pay not only pay federal taxes, but also state, county and city taxes.
The only people being seditious are Antifa, BLM and the pro-Marxist leftist politicians.
As I've said before, perhaps you should focus on your idiotic nation, with its ongoing colossal stupidity.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
Hey dummy, Donald J. Trump's taxes were audited by the Internal Revenue Service (just FYI, they're our actual tax experts). An IRS tax audit is extremely thorough and doesn't just cover one year. They go back anywhere from seven to ten years. As the IRS agents couldn't find anything illegal for that period, then he's done nothing illegal. Further, the wealthy have multiple LEGAL loopholes that they can use for deductions and in the end, can in some cases, end up paying less than your average citizen. However, because of his businesses prior to the presidency, he had to pay not only pay federal taxes, but also state, county and city taxes.
The only people being seditious are Antifa, BLM and the pro-Marxist leftist politicians.
As I've said before, perhaps you should focus on your idiotic nation, with its ongoing colossal stupidity.
hey rocket scientist there's no reason he couldn't show his tax return at all ... he didn't want you to see several things ... he wasn't a billion air ... no banks in the U.S. would lend to him...he started borrowing from the Russians and he was heavily in debt with the Russians ... can't remember the guy who researched his so called wealth but it show us what a crook trump is ... trump even tried to sue the guy from releasing the book ... trump failed at that suit too ... he's a crook a thief and a dishonorable man ... and you can't defend what I just wrote ...
hey rocket scientist there's no reason he couldn't show his tax return at all ... he didn't want you to see several things ... he wasn't a billion air ..
you haven't a clue what's in a tax return. too funny.
Ones net worth is never displayed in a tax return. Ever. Especially when you are an S-corp or a c-corp. People are naïve. They believe what they are told. They dont give a fuck about the truth
I know what’s in a tax return it appears you don’t ... I get it you can’t fix stupid ... sad not funny that you’re stupid
then wise old one, what would you find that would tell you anything of value in a tax return?

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
its like the Fred Floyd case we all said what the hell takes so long to get the case started ... in Trumps case they have need his tax returns to prove their case ... every time a court order was produced to have him give up his taxes, he had a rebuttal for the court why they shouldn't give up his taxes ... well this last month was attempt to stop his taxers from being released ... from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case ... trump has committed so many crimes now that they are officially seenig his taxes ... now they are starting to have reason to charge him with a crime ... but like all prosecutors they want to have all of their ducks in a row ... like they did in the Floyd case ... he will soon be sweating large orange drops dow the side of his face when he confronts the press

"from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case"

Oh really, what's your source for this inside information that hasn't been disclosed or reported, and apparently only you know about? LOL.
Harry Reid told him......
your so full of it, makes me laugh at how ridiculous your post is ... where do you get this shit your local conspiracy theorist ???

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
Hey dummy, Donald J. Trump's taxes were audited by the Internal Revenue Service (just FYI, they're our actual tax experts). An IRS tax audit is extremely thorough and doesn't just cover one year. They go back anywhere from seven to ten years. As the IRS agents couldn't find anything illegal for that period, then he's done nothing illegal. Further, the wealthy have multiple LEGAL loopholes that they can use for deductions and in the end, can in some cases, end up paying less than your average citizen. However, because of his businesses prior to the presidency, he had to pay not only pay federal taxes, but also state, county and city taxes.
The only people being seditious are Antifa, BLM and the pro-Marxist leftist politicians.
As I've said before, perhaps you should focus on your idiotic nation, with its ongoing colossal stupidity.
hey rocket scientist there's no reason he couldn't show his tax return at all ... he didn't want you to see several things ... he wasn't a billion air ... no banks in the U.S. would lend to him...he started borrowing from the Russians and he was heavily in debt with the Russians ... can't remember the guy who researched his so called wealth but it show us what a crook trump is ... trump even tried to sue the guy from releasing the book ... trump failed at that suit too ... he's a crook a thief and a dishonorable man ... and you can't defend what I just wrote ...
Let's assume what you claim about Trumps taxes is true. (YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE assumption)

Point out exactly what is illegal.


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