maybe the Taliban is not all bad?? ..killed an ISIS who killed Americans in Afghanistan


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

What I can't figure out is which bombing it was that killed 11 US Marines.. the one ISIS did or the one the Taliban did?


It was ISIS-K who carried out the bombing at Kabul Airport, not the Taliban. Biden responded with a drone strike that killed 10 civilians, including 7 children. Up until now, the Taliban has more or less tolerated ISIS-K, with the exception of a few skirmishes.
ISIS is joining forces with the Taliban since the idiot Democrats handed Afghanistan over to them along with $85 BILLION dollars worth of US weaponry.
ISIS is a weird doomsday cult that wrecks everyplace they try to set up shop. No one wants to give them safe harbor because they know we will go anywhere to drop bombs on them. Looks like the Taliban might have learned their lesson about giving people like that a safe haven.
ISIS should have been neutralized by the Taliban in 2020 according to the Doha Accords. But since Benedict Donald lied when he claimed our huge reduction in troop strength in 2020 was condition based, based on the Taliban honoring the Accords. The Taliban only complied with one out of seven of those conditions. Stopping Islamic terrorists from using Afghanistan as a base to attack the USA was one that the Taliban was allowed to ignored. But lying is what Donnie Dangerously does so well. Faux Not News surely covered for him as all the Neo-GOP can't believe that our withdrawal was basically unconditional. The other media opinion/news networks didn't do to hot informing the public on how bad Afghanistan was in the fall of 2020 either. Trumpybears' Skedaddle Accords.

ISIS and the Taliban are at war. They should kill each other.
ISIS is a weird doomsday cult that wrecks everyplace they try to set up shop. No one wants to give them safe harbor because they know we will go anywhere to drop bombs on them. Looks like the Taliban might have learned their lesson about giving people like that a safe haven.
And what do you base that on, gut feel?
ISIS should have been neutralized by the Taliban in 2020 according to the Doha Accords. But since Benedict Donald lied when he claimed our huge reduction in troop strength in 2020 was condition based, based on the Taliban honoring the Accords. The Taliban only complied with one out of seven of those conditions. Stopping Islamic terrorists from using Afghanistan as a base to attack the USA was one that the Taliban was allowed to ignored. But lying is what Donnie Dangerously does so well. Faux Not News surely covered for him as all the Neo-GOP can't believe that our withdrawal was basically unconditional. The other media opinion/news networks didn't do to hot informing the public on how bad Afghanistan was in the fall of 2020 either. Trumpybears' Skedaddle Accords.

ISIS and the Taliban are at war. They should kill each other.

Not one American soldier was killed in Afghanistan throughout the last 18 months of Trump's presidency, ya dumb bastard.

At least not until Joe Biden fucked up the withdrawal plan.

What I can't figure out is which bombing it was that killed 11 US Marines.. the one ISIS did or the one the Taliban did?


Oh horray for W and Biden who both LOVE The Taliban, and Col Tim Osman, who trusted the Taliban, and Israel, who ordered W to sell out The Northern Alliance and hand Afghan to the Taliban

GOOD THING BIDEN LEFT THEM $80 billion in brand new US weapons because we can trust them...

Not one American soldier was killed in Afghanistan throughout the last 18 months of Trump's presidency, ya dumb bastard.

At least not until Joe Biden fucked up the withdrawal plan.
US Soldiers didn't engage the Taliban in combat either. The truce was between the US, our Nato Allies and the Taliban. The only condition the Taliban complied with. What about the other 6 conditions? Like the truce and peace talks with the Afghans we supported. They should have started in March 2020. I mean was the Trumpybears' plan just a cut-n-run or what? "Hey don't shoot our guys in the butt as we leave...."

There was no withdrawal plan left for the incoming administration. The contentious transfer of power began with Dumbshit Donnie ordering the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th 2021, only to flip flop a week later and just reduce the number to 2500 troops. You know that didn't sit well with our allies. After that, the Big Prick washed his hands of Afghanistan. Biden didn't decide on the final withdrawal of all our troops until mid April.
Oh horray for W and Biden who both LOVE The Taliban, and Col Tim Osman, who trusted the Taliban, and Israel, who ordered W to sell out The Northern Alliance and hand Afghan to the Taliban

GOOD THING BIDEN LEFT THEM $80 billion in brand new US weapons because we can trust them...


What was the US supposed to do, demand the Afghan Army hand over all its gear before we left?
What was the US supposed to do, demand the Afghan Army hand over all its gear before we left?
The reason we have to blame Biden for Afghanistan is we can't blame ourselves or the 20 year nation building disaster our leaders carried out in our name. Nope. Saul Biden's fault it ended the way it did. In a few years as the memory fades, the MIC will want to try again, they'll say we just need to not do what Biden did. It was all his fault, don't you remember his failures? Rinse & Repeat.
The reason we have to blame Biden for Afghanistan is we can't blame ourselves or the 20 year nation building disaster our leaders carried out in our name. Nope. Saul Biden's fault it ended the way it did. In a few years as the memory fades, the MIC will want to try again, they'll say we just need to not do what Biden did. It was all his fault, don't you remember his failures? Rinse & Repeat.

Traitor Joe was the Dem Senate's #1 supporter of W, right down to making "Osama" "NOT A PRIORITY."

Traitor Joe owns the whole treasonous mess in Afghan, right down to Zionist Fascist "US" Army Rangers shooting Pat Tillman execution style and hate hoaxing it AQ.

Both Traitor Joe and W LOVE THE TALIBAN, as did Col Tim Osman. W sided with Taliban in Afghan's civil war vs. The Northern Alliance. Traitor Joe gave them $80 billion brand new US weapons.




What I can't figure out is which bombing it was that killed 11 US Marines.. the one ISIS did or the one the Taliban did?


ISIS.. Trump released 5000 from the prisons in September 2020.
Traitor Joe was the Dem Senate's #1 supporter of W, right down to making "Osama" "NOT A PRIORITY."

Traitor Joe owns the whole treasonous mess in Afghan, right down to Zionist Fascist "US" Army Rangers shooting Pat Tillman execution style and hate hoaxing it AQ.

Both Traitor Joe and W LOVE THE TALIBAN, as did Col Tim Osman. W sided with Taliban in Afghan's civil war vs. The Northern Alliance. Traitor Joe gave them $80 billion brand new US weapons.



This is some real old ignorant bullshit about the Saud being Jewish and Tim Osman.
This is some real old ignorant bullshit about the Saud being Jewish and Tim Osman.

No it is all true and explains everything.

Why was Jeff Epstein's #1 customer Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman??

A Jew is best pals with... a muslim???

Get real. Both made a fortune investing in gold, oil, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910.

Still waiting for ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi....

Col Tim Osman was never there...


Afghan Taliban leaders have made great strides in the fight against opium.
The BBC visited the main poppy-growing areas and had exclusive access to remote provinces, where journalists saw that farmers were either not growing opium poppy in compliance with the Taliban ban, or their poppy crops were being destroyed if they violated orders.
This is confirmed by the research of experts who analyzed satellite images and said that the reduction of opium crops is probably as high as 80%.

Recall that at the time of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and until the Americans left, the country was the world's leading producer of opium poppy, from which heroin was made.

The correlation is obvious even to BBC correspondents. The U.S. needs a lot of money and heroin.
"The Taliban's counter-narcotics operation is the most successful in human history," The Telegraph

Afghan poppy production has fallen by about 80 percent in the past year as the Taliban moves from farm to farm, destroying crops and punishing "farmers."

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