Zone1 Maybe We Need A Malcolm X Day

BS. Look, the races have never been unified and Obama damn sure didn't try separating anything. So quit trying that. The Republican party is the racist party, we see that and white liberals don't have a damn thing to do with it. There is only 1 plantation, the alt right plantation.
You have a short memory.... how sad for you....
Malcolm X didn't cheat on his wife. He didn't allegedly rape anyone. He was not an "alcoholic", he didn't "plagiarize." He had no relationship with the Communist Party. Maybe we need to give him a day. Right wingers misuse one sentence he spoke also. Don't try making him a Republican too, because Malcolm X made himself very clear about his political affiliation.

"I am not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it. I am one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats, and one of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans, and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism... You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocracy... If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail. If you're black, you were born in jail, in the North as well as the South. Stop talking about the South. Long as you south of the Canadian border, you're south."

It's funny how some see Malcolm X. The same "experts" on human nature that tell us how racism is natural don't seem to understand that anger is a natural outcome when people are abused. People call Malcolm and others like him racists as if blacks are just supposed to have taken what we have endured with a smile. What makes people have this kind of thinking?To think that you get to mistreat people for generations and they should not be angry but be grateful because they are here is evil. Yet these same people make stuff up out of nothing to be angry about even as the government has given them everything. Then people wonder why things get said.

Malcolm X lived in the North, yet he advocated for voting rights. Funny how that happened.

Malcolm would find a whiny race hustler like you annoying, IM2!


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More like a lamb being led to slaughter.... by rich white liberals...
I don't think a fake native American and a white racist are qualified to tell blacks about our political views. We see what Republicans are about and if anybody is like lambs being led to slaughter it's black Republicans.
Again, the national policy was racial separation. Whites made that law. And X was murdered because he threatened to expose Elijah Muhammad. So Muhammad took the FBI money they paid to get rid of black agitators.

You got proof the FBI paid him or is that some lame conspiracy theory.
There's more evidence of 2020 shenanigans that then FBI paying to off Malcom X, especially since he was turning away from his own racism at the time and going mainstream Muslim.
There is no such evidence of any 2020 shenanigans.

And there is evidence of the FBI Counterintelligence Program of J. Edgar Hoover that involved the destabilization of civil rights organizations to include assassination. .

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