The Right To Bear Arms

Reckon you've never been a victim of the gun laws. I've had three or four or . . guns taken away from me in California almost three decades ago for minor B.S. If it's not carried just right, it's concealed. And even if it is, if it's loaded, another charge and loss.

So, yeah. Make hunter pay as much as the rest of us.

p.s. mine were black powder firearms to boot . . .
Reckon you've never been a victim of the gun laws. I've had three or four or . . guns taken away from me in California almost three decades ago for minor B.S. If it's not carried just right, it's concealed. And even if it is, if it's loaded, another charge and loss.

So, yeah. Make hunter pay as much as the rest of us.

p.s. mine were black powder firearms to boot . . .
Don’t you know, demofks think the xiden’s aren’t to be touched. They truly are above our laws. Xiden’s quid pro quo is evidence
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Biden violated the law, when you run afoul of the law, then you lose rights because you are unable to be trusted. Funny that you want to arm drug addicts, that seems like a really stupid idea. Why do you believe otherwise?

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals thinks it is OK and any restrictions you advocate violate the Second Amendment.

Remember that the Supreme Court ruled that you can’t have a restriction on firearms that did not have a similar restriction at the time of the ratification of the Second.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals thinks it is OK and any restrictions you advocate violate the Second Amendment.

Remember that the Supreme Court ruled that you can’t have a restriction on firearms that did not have a similar restriction at the time of the ratification of the Second.
Such decisions by he SC in the past have been "revisited" and "evolved". Push things too far and you'll get fresh interpretations that you may not like.
Biden violated the law, when you run afoul of the law, then you lose rights because you are unable to be trusted. Funny that you want to arm drug addicts, that seems like a really stupid idea. Why do you believe otherwise?

Can you point to the part of the 2nd that limits firearms for people that use drugs?
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals thinks it is OK and any restrictions you advocate violate the Second Amendment.

Remember that the Supreme Court ruled that you can’t have a restriction on firearms that did not have a similar restriction at the time of the ratification of the Second.
Then he can appeal and hope it is the 5th Circuit Court, just like every other average American.

I think Biden and Trump were both were tried for political reasons, at this point, I don’t care, they break the law and you pay.
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