Mayo clinic says wearing a cloth mask...

So we both seem to think it rides on those droplets prior to them drying up.

I have a slightly different take on mask than most people. When I was first stationed in Japan I found it odd that people wore mask on the subways and in public. I asked one of the Japanese men I had come to know why they did it, what they were trying to protect themselves from. I was told it was not about protecting themselves, but as a common courtesy to others. It was about keeping their germs from flying all over the place when they breath or sneeze.

Prior to COVID we all thought it was common sense to cover our mouth when we coughed or sneezed, we instinctively stayed further away from people when they told us they were sick. But when the Govt gives it a name (social distancing) people are suddenly against it. Same kind of holds true with mask.

I do not like wearing a mask, but if a business I walk into makes me wear one, I either wear one or I go to a different business. Just seems wrong to force some hourly employee have to choose between maybe losing a job or trying to get some jerk to put on a mask.
I'm not anti-mask.

I'm anti-media.

The media should report the truth...not regurgitate the party line... Regardless of whether that party is trying to sell a cloth mask lie or a yellowcake uranium lie.

P.S. here is the link I read about the droplets. The droplets that are the most dangerous are the smallest droplets that easily escape the cloth mask. It fact the cloth mask may actually exacerbate the danger by breaking up large droplets into smaller droplets.

Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.Jan 6 2021

COVID-19 can be transmitted when an infected person talks, coughs, sneezes or sings, expelling virus-containing respiratory droplets that can reach the mouth, nose or eyes of previously uninfected people. These aqueous droplets tend to fall rapidly out of the air and evaporate on the floor or the ground, but some smaller droplets can evaporate before reaching the ground, leaving virus nuclei floating through the air.
Such infinitesimal aerosolized particles, or aerosols, can travel on air currents for hours and infect people, particularly when they spend prolonged periods of time in indoor settings that lack adequate ventilation.

Golfing Gator

Somehow a dumbass redneck truckdriver from a town so small the "welcome to" and "now leaving" are opposite sides of the same sign sussed out the facts ... While all those high paid "journalists" in New York and Washington DC couldn't figure it out?

The report linked to doesn't quite say all cloth masks are useless, and in fact recommends triple layer masks. In any case two studies from Europe indicate the shots and boosters that increase T cells make the omnicron variant symptoms a lot milder.

Also in any case nobody died and left some self-impressed pajama boi Twitter monitors in charge of deciding who is spreading 'fake news', especially with the government drones running around contradicting themselves and changing their stories every week. Somebody tell me again why anybody sane bothers with Twitter or any of the other rambling loon infested 'social media' fads?
They're only in my snot? If I cough, no virus can get thru the huge pores of a cloth mask?

Did your surgeon tell you that?
The virus can fit through your mask in a laboratory setting In the real word, not so much! The virus cannot exist outside moisture droplets that you expel when coughing or sneezing. The virus doe snot just float in the breeze! Masks were never intended as a primary purpose to protect you. They prevent you from spreading the virus. a waste of time...

Who else has been saying that?

But if you and I said this on Twitter they would have banned us for covid19 misinformation.

Then wear a PROPER MASK you idiot
The virus can fit through your mask in a laboratory setting In the real word, not so much! The virus cannot exist outside moisture droplets that you expel when coughing or sneezing. The virus doe snot just float in the breeze! Masks were never intended as a primary purpose to protect you. They prevent you from spreading the virus.
You have a link to that...cuz this days otherwise...

The virus can fit through your mask in a laboratory setting In the real word, not so much! The virus cannot exist outside moisture droplets that you expel when coughing or sneezing. The virus doe snot just float in the breeze! Masks were never intended as a primary purpose to protect you. They prevent you from spreading the virus.
And give you SOME level of personal protection....which is better than none
You have a link to that...cuz this days otherwise...

That link is to a message board post. I was wearing a mask BEFORE COVID and I will be wearing one again after it disappears.
Hey're talking about CLOTH masks only. There ARE better masks ya know stupid
Holy smokes... You're a fucking genius.

That you could somehow extrapolate from the thread title using the exact words "cloth masks" that I was only talking about cloth masks... answer the fucking's Mensa to beg you to write a dissertation on your incredible powers of observation!
They're only in my snot? If I cough, no virus can get thru the huge pores of a cloth mask?

Did your surgeon tell you that?
You fucking dope. If you cough the virus laden water droplets spew out as much as 12 feet without a mask.

With a mask it drops to inches...where the bulk of it falls to the ground.

Which is better for limiting the spread of the virus?
Yeah dumbshit...that's the title that I WROTE.

It's a fucking thread about cloth masks being useless.

Thanks Captain Obvious for making an ass out of yourself name-calling while explaining that in a thread titled "cloth masks" quoting an article about cloth masks where we are discussing cloth masks that I was only taking about cloth masks.

Now...go sit your dumb ass in the corner until you get your head on straight and catch up to everyone else in this thread.

That link is to a message board post. I was wearing a mask BEFORE COVID and I will be wearing one again after it disappears.
Sorry...wrong link. I was distracted by the village idiot.

Here you go...

I'm not claiming this link is correct. But it seems legit...

The article claims that smaller droplets... The kind that easily pass though a cloth mask... and even worse can be created by cloth masks dispersing large droplets into smaller droplets like water through a strainer... That those droplets can evaporate before they hit the ground and leave the virus nuclei airborne and aerosolized. That allows the virus to float on air currents indoors for hours.
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What cracks me up is these covidiots claim that masks trap CO2 molecules in the mask but not virus particles or the mucus laden droplets carrying the virus.

CO2 molecules are many times SMALLER than virus particles

That tells you a lot about their "logic"

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