Mayor Adams...and who told illegals ..." surge to the border"

Dems and republicans used COVID to change rules for public safety. That’s not cheating and stealing an election. The people still voted. There no evidence of fake or fraudulent votes. The voice of the people was resounding for Biden. When people like you claim the election was stolen or the Dem cheated you’re really just making yourselves sound ignorant
Dems made changes that made their cheaters job easier
Dems made changes that made their cheaters job easier
You have no proof of cheating… the changes simply made voting easier and more accessible for people during a pandemic. Dems and republicans did it. If you have proof that significant cheating was done then show it. But we both know you don’t
I understand that

2020 was the Wild West and the cheating was widespread and subtile

But it was there
You can’t say cheating was widespread and subtle if you don’t have proof of it. There are safeguards in our voting system to catch cheaters which works well.
It doesn’t matter how much money or attention went into anti trump narratives. My opinions are based on what i saw from his own mouth. Also when it comes to media I watch more fox than any other station and listen to conservative radio in the car that was hyper focused on pro trump anti leftist…. Didn’t sway my opinion
So not only are you a pompous and truly ignorant person but a LIAR! More importantly you have in all your comments provided
no proof!
Prove to me he didn't do what 2 other presidents did!
Prove to me that the USA wasn't energy independent the first time in 62 years.

Prove to me that Blacks didn't make more under Trump than under Obama?
Here I'll prove it:
If their final decision comes down to which candidate will continue the economic progress that lifted median Black household incomes to their highest levels on record and pushed Black unemployment rates and poverty rates down to their lowest levels, then there is really just one choice: President Trump.
Unemployment rates for Blacks hovered for months at or near historic lows. Workers with less than a high school diploma and criminal records left the sidelines of the workforce.

Before the coronavirus, the labor force participation rates of Blacks, prime-age workers 25 to 54, and women ticked up from Obama-era lows. Even years into the Obama economic recovery, these workers were still leaving the labor force.

High employment under Trump led to minorities experiencing the largest income gains. Real median income grew by 7.9% for Blacks in 2019. That outpaced 2018’s income growth of 2.6% and 2017’s income decline of -2.4%. Notably, Black median income growth last year surpassed income growth rates under the Obama administration.

Now PLEASE prove what USATODAY wrote is wrong! Otherwise you are a really uninformed, truly ignorant and frankly
just a poor example of a very provincial and narrow minded person who has no sophistication when it comes to reality!
So not only are you a pompous and truly ignorant person but a LIAR! More importantly you have in all your comments provided
no proof!
Prove to me he didn't do what 2 other presidents did!
Prove to me that the USA wasn't energy independent the first time in 62 years.

Prove to me that Blacks didn't make more under Trump than under Obama?
Here I'll prove it:
If their final decision comes down to which candidate will continue the economic progress that lifted median Black household incomes to their highest levels on record and pushed Black unemployment rates and poverty rates down to their lowest levels, then there is really just one choice: President Trump.
Unemployment rates for Blacks hovered for months at or near historic lows. Workers with less than a high school diploma and criminal records left the sidelines of the workforce.

Before the coronavirus, the labor force participation rates of Blacks, prime-age workers 25 to 54, and women ticked up from Obama-era lows. Even years into the Obama economic recovery, these workers were still leaving the labor force.

High employment under Trump led to minorities experiencing the largest income gains. Real median income grew by 7.9% for Blacks in 2019. That outpaced 2018’s income growth of 2.6% and 2017’s income decline of -2.4%. Notably, Black median income growth last year surpassed income growth rates under the Obama administration.

Now PLEASE prove what USATODAY wrote is wrong! Otherwise you are a really uninformed, truly ignorant and frankly
just a poor example of a very provincial and narrow minded person who has no sophistication when it comes to reality!
What in the world do you think I lied about?! Haha, what an absurd claim!!
I didn’t dislike Trump personally, I was a fan of his before he ran for President. His TV shows were great. But as a leader he was toxic. He divided our country and undermined our institutions for selfish reasons and that’s unforgivable.
get outa here

you can't divide what is already divided
What in the world do you think I lied about?! Haha, what an absurd claim!!
You wrote: "When people like you claim the election was stolen or the Dem cheated you’re really just making yourselves sound ignorant"
"just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."
In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail and another 26% voted in person before Election Day.
In 2016, 21% mailed in their ballots and 19% voted in person prior to Election Day.
Absentee ballots: Georgia:Biden narrowly won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes.
Biden won by 44,000 votes in GA,AZ,WI
We have data for only 15 of the 50 states,1 but it tells a consistent story: Biden won the absentee vote in 14 out of the 15 states (all but Texas), and Trump won the Election Day vote in 14 out of the 15 as well (all but Connecticut).
So while everyone attests there was no massive voter fraud, I'm asking other readers not Slade3200 because he is a liar and more importantly can't tell the difference or honestly won't tell but to the rest of you...
this photo shows election workers struggling to determine which is valid..the ballot or the voter file like
the following photo shows 3 signatures... oh and these examiners hav 5 seconds to determine validity!
Which signature is the real one...remember the voter mailed the ballot in signed the envelope and these people are
comparing the envelope signature with the voter form signature. I'm going to shout!


You can’t say cheating was widespread and subtle if you don’t have proof of it. There are safeguards in our voting system to catch cheaters which works well.
Its true that I cant prove it
Its true that I cant prove it

"just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."

Absentee ballots: Georgia: Biden narrowly won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes.
Biden won by 44,000 votes in GA,AZ,WI
We have data for only 15 of the 50 states,1 but it tells a consistent story: Biden won the absentee vote in 14 out of the 15 states (all but Texas), and Trump won the Election Day vote in 14 out of the 15 as well (all but Connecticut).
So while everyone attests there was no massive voter fraud,
I'm asking other readers..........
this photo shows election workers struggling to determine which is valid..the ballot or the voter file like the attached PDF of
AZ signature verification rules Indicate. Oh and signature verification examiners have 5 seconds to determine validity!


Which signature is the real one...remember the voter mailed the ballot in signed the envelope and these people are
comparing the envelope signature with the voter form signature.



  • AZsignaturepg1.png
    84 KB · Views: 8
  • AzSignaturep2.png
    87.2 KB · Views: 10
  • AZsignaturep3.png
    67.7 KB · Views: 9
Last edited:
You wrote: "When people like you claim the election was stolen or the Dem cheated you’re really just making yourselves sound ignorant"
"just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."
In 2020, 43% of voters cast ballots by mail and another 26% voted in person before Election Day.
In 2016, 21% mailed in their ballots and 19% voted in person prior to Election Day.
Absentee ballots: Georgia:Biden narrowly won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes.
Biden won by 44,000 votes in GA,AZ,WI
We have data for only 15 of the 50 states,1 but it tells a consistent story: Biden won the absentee vote in 14 out of the 15 states (all but Texas), and Trump won the Election Day vote in 14 out of the 15 as well (all but Connecticut).
So while everyone attests there was no massive voter fraud, I'm asking other readers not Slade3200 because he is a liar and more importantly can't tell the difference or honestly won't tell but to the rest of you...
this photo shows election workers struggling to determine which is valid..the ballot or the voter file like
the following photo shows 3 signatures... oh and these examiners hav 5 seconds to determine validity!
Which signature is the real one...remember the voter mailed the ballot in signed the envelope and these people are
comparing the envelope signature with the voter form signature. I'm going to shout!

View attachment 678778

View attachment 678779
It’s funny you sound like the Dems claiming trump stole from Hillary. The signatures are easily caught as mismatching. My signature was flagged this past election. The system works as far as I’ve seen. Do you have any proof that is isn’t working? Anything to show at all?
I’m smart enough to know that dems used the wuflu as an excuse to change voting rules willy/nilly that really benefited the the cheaters
It was NOT an open and fair election. Setting aside the Dems cheating for a moment, Dems and the Dem news media spent 4 years RIGGING the election. Countless fabricated accusations and investigations into Trump. Near total silence on anything great Trump did as president. Fighting Trump even on legislation Dems themselves had proposed just to deny him a win. RIGGED debates with RIGGED moderators the whole thing was RIGGED from the get go.
Its true that I cant prove it
And yet science and statistics strongly support cheating in the few key swing states. Government's own expert on election cheating, a guy who's job it is to monitor election fraud in other countries elections said the following...of the 7 key indicators of election fraud, only 3 of which are enough to strongly support fraud, he found all 7 indicators in the 2020 presidential election. :oops:

Fraud was strongly indicated in key Dem districts in key swing states where only a small number of votes were needed to cheat Biden the win. In one key Dem district the Dems own media reported very low voter turnout on election day. No lines, they were worried. The next morning after some late night ahem, ballot counting that district achieved it's all time record high election day turnout. :oops: Some Dem districts had historic high voter turn out, some near 100% turn out, yet ONLY in those few Dem districts in the key swing states. Similar Dem districts all over the country not in key swing states voter turnout was within historical norms.

Voting patterns did not follow the down ballot, again in key swing states which is exceptionally unusual and an indicator of election fraud.

Detecting massive Dem election fraud and proving it in court are two very different things. Science, statistics, the historic voting record and lets be honest just common sense strongly support election fraud. Trying to prove the fraud in court, not so easy when obviously Dems are doing everything they can to hide the fraud.

Thieves would love that but its not going to happrn
You say it was stolen, then you say you can’t prove it, but still say it happened. You don’t see the absurdity and dishonesty in that?!

You’ve been pumped full of lies from a sore loser. That’s it.

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