Mayor Bill de Blasio punishes children for OVERT POLITICAL GAIN

How dare someone have a better solution to education....

Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Joe, can you explain what this chart shows? Just curious.
How dare someone have a better solution to education....

Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Joe, can you explain what this chart shows? Just curious.

Most Charter schools do just as badly or worse than public schools.


Sorry, is reading graphs one of those things you can't quite master?
Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Joe, can you explain what this chart shows? Just curious.

Most Charter schools do just as badly or worse than public schools.


Sorry, is reading graphs one of those things you can't quite master?

Actually it's you with the problem.
What does "academic growth of charter schools" mean?
What did they compare exactly?
How did they compare them?
What criteria did they use?

People like Joe are easily swayed by pretty pictures that confirm their own bias.
Liberal Love and Tolerance at it's best:

not quite sure what that loony comment has to do with the price of rice in china. typical rightwingnut spew.

if you want to run private schools, run private schools.

if you want to suck money out of the public school system to fund schools that pick and choose their students (and then claim those schools are a "success") then i'd oppose it.

you can't measure the academic success of charter schools, which don't have to take every kid in their zone with public schools that do.

and it's to my job to pay taxes so those funds can be taken from my son's school.

as for political gain, could be worse… you could refuse to provide healthcare for your working poor so you can get political gain from ranting about the ACA.

congrats o the 50th failed vote btw…. i think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What in the hell difference does it make to any of you whether the $10,000 per pupil is paid to a private school or a public school? The point is to educate children, and children deserve to have that money spent where it will do them the most good.

Your son's school gets paid on a per child basis. Consequently, funds going to a private school would not have gone to your school anyway.

If you wish to support your local teacher union, do so. Don't expect tax payers to do it for you.

What in the hell difference does it make to any of you whether the $10,000 per pupil is paid to a private school or a public school? The point is to educate children, and children deserve to have that money spent where it will do them the most good.

Your son's school gets paid on a per child basis. Consequently, funds going to a private school would not have gone to your school anyway.

If you wish to support your local teacher union, do so. Don't expect tax payers to do it for you.

Has privatizing our prisons made them any better? Quite the contrary, they've made them worse.

Charter schools are a big scheme to loot the public coffers.
Where did he ban them? Oh right, he didn't.

Read the article about the re-location part.

An overt fascist supporting an overt fascist mayor. Not surprised.

So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I have an even more insane idea. How about we require that you, and every other person, purchase a product through force of law. THEN we can look at the competition and point out that selling their product is damn near impossible since customers have to purchase the product TWICE.

Considering that parents are forced to purchase public education (and not refunded a dime of that if they pay for private school) it is a wonder that private education even exists at all. The sheer fact that people willingly pay twice just to get out of public schools shows just how crappy the public product really is.

The ONE thing that the lefts refusal to allow any choice does is trap inner city students in schools that do not work and are dangerous to attend. Things like charter schools, vouchers and other programs allow those trapped students who really want access to a better education an outlet to actually achieve that. The left fights that desperately though because it is not about getting good education – it’s about stopping ANYONE from getting ahead.

The poor are fucked in this system because you have locked them into the worst education institutes in the entire country and then DEMAND that they not have any option to go anywhere else. The left fight for the poor? Please, education is the ONE place where you can actually help them break out of that poverty and it is fought each and every step without a single concrete reason.

What in the hell difference does it make to any of you whether the $10,000 per pupil is paid to a private school or a public school? The point is to educate children, and children deserve to have that money spent where it will do them the most good.

Your son's school gets paid on a per child basis. Consequently, funds going to a private school would not have gone to your school anyway.

If you wish to support your local teacher union, do so. Don't expect tax payers to do it for you.

Has privatizing our prisons made them any better? Quite the contrary, they've made them worse.

Charter schools are a big scheme to loot the public coffers.

Public schools are a big scheme to loot the public coffers, so what are you complaining about?
Joe, can you explain what this chart shows? Just curious.

Most Charter schools do just as badly or worse than public schools.


Sorry, is reading graphs one of those things you can't quite master?

Actually it's you with the problem.
What does "academic growth of charter schools" mean?
What did they compare exactly?
How did they compare them?
What criteria did they use?

People like Joe are easily swayed by pretty pictures that confirm their own bias.

His source appears to be some liberal think tank, so I wouldn't put much stock in the numbers.
How dare someone have a better solution to education....

Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Let's be more honest and provide a source and a link to your chart. Or is that too much to ask?
How dare someone have a better solution to education....

Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Let's be more honest and provide a source and a link to your chart. Or is that too much to ask?

Here's a link to their site.

FYI, I'm not a big fan of charter schools. In my view, a government school is a government school. Government control is the problem with government schools. The only way to cure the problem is to get government out of the education business.
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Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

Joe, can you explain what this chart shows? Just curious.

Most Charter schools do just as badly or worse than public schools.


Sorry, is reading graphs one of those things you can't quite master?

I think we'd like to know the definition of "significant" according to this chart.

What is academic growth? The amount of essays the students write?
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What in the hell difference does it make to any of you whether the $10,000 per pupil is paid to a private school or a public school? The point is to educate children, and children deserve to have that money spent where it will do them the most good.

Your son's school gets paid on a per child basis. Consequently, funds going to a private school would not have gone to your school anyway.

If you wish to support your local teacher union, do so. Don't expect tax payers to do it for you.

Has privatizing our prisons made them any better? Quite the contrary, they've made them worse.

Charter schools are a big scheme to loot the public coffers.

I wouldn't' say that public schooling itself is a bad idea either. We should look at which curriculum and methods are being used in the most successful schools, including the most successful public schools.
Read the article about the re-location part.

An overt fascist supporting an overt fascist mayor. Not surprised.

So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I have an even more insane idea. How about we require that you, and every other person, purchase a product through force of law. THEN we can look at the competition and point out that selling their product is damn near impossible since customers have to purchase the product TWICE.

Considering that parents are forced to purchase public education (and not refunded a dime of that if they pay for private school) it is a wonder that private education even exists at all. The sheer fact that people willingly pay twice just to get out of public schools shows just how crappy the public product really is.

The ONE thing that the lefts refusal to allow any choice does is trap inner city students in schools that do not work and are dangerous to attend. Things like charter schools, vouchers and other programs allow those trapped students who really want access to a better education an outlet to actually achieve that. The left fights that desperately though because it is not about getting good education – it’s about stopping ANYONE from getting ahead.

The poor are fucked in this system because you have locked them into the worst education institutes in the entire country and then DEMAND that they not have any option to go anywhere else. The left fight for the poor? Please, education is the ONE place where you can actually help them break out of that poverty and it is fought each and every step without a single concrete reason.

Don't forget that attendance is mandatory. Which means if you cant' afford a private school or home schooling, then your child is forced to be subjected to brainwashing.
Most Charter schools do just as badly or worse than public schools.


Sorry, is reading graphs one of those things you can't quite master?

Actually it's you with the problem.
What does "academic growth of charter schools" mean?
What did they compare exactly?
How did they compare them?
What criteria did they use?

People like Joe are easily swayed by pretty pictures that confirm their own bias.

His source appears to be some liberal think tank, so I wouldn't put much stock in the numbers.

They're meaningless.
But if the charters were doing a poor job compared to the competing public schools then parents wouldn't send their kids there. It's a marketplace competiton that libs just can't abide. They cannot stand parents making choices for their own children. THey want them to sit in the back of the bus and take what the gov't tells them and shut up.

What in the hell difference does it make to any of you whether the $10,000 per pupil is paid to a private school or a public school? The point is to educate children, and children deserve to have that money spent where it will do them the most good.

Your son's school gets paid on a per child basis. Consequently, funds going to a private school would not have gone to your school anyway.

If you wish to support your local teacher union, do so. Don't expect tax payers to do it for you.

Has privatizing our prisons made them any better? Quite the contrary, they've made them worse.

Charter schools are a big scheme to loot the public coffers.

I wouldn't' say that public schooling itself is a bad idea either. We should look at which curriculum and methods are being used in the most successful schools, including the most successful public schools.

The method that "successful" public schools use is having students with smart educated parents. You see, the little known secret of education is that parents actually do most of the teaching. If the neighborhood where a school is located is full of college educated professionals, then their children will be smart and perform well in school. If the neighborhood is low income and full of families where mom has to bring home the bacon and doesn't have time for tutoring little Jose, then the children will be ignorant and the school won't "perform." All the school does is validate the job parents do of tutoring their children. They are basically superfluous. They could all disappear tomorrow and it wouldn't hurt this country a bit.

I wouldn't' say that public schooling itself is a bad idea either. We should look at which curriculum and methods are being used in the most successful schools, including the most successful public schools.

I think if you made the rich kids go to the same schools as the poor kids, the schools would get better.

I do think that there are a lot of problems, some of which have to do with the schools, some of which have to do with the fact that no matter how much time or money you throw at them, some kids aren't going to learn.

Now, I don't have a big problem with Vouchers for parochial schools. Not because I have wonderfuly fond memories of my Catholic Education, but because I think for some kids, that m ight be a good option.

I think we also need some reform, so it doesn't take 10 years to fire a teacher who gets caught diddling kids, much less ones that are plain old incompetent...

But I am always a bit suspicious when the Rich come along and say,"Hey, we got this great new program that benefits us, go ahead and try it."
libs dont give a crap about children; or anybody else for that matter. everything they do in the name of whomever they do it for is in the name of increasing the power and size of the federal government

idiots and hypocrites
They're meaningless.
But if the charters were doing a poor job compared to the competing public schools then parents wouldn't send their kids there. It's a marketplace competiton that libs just can't abide. They cannot stand parents making choices for their own children. THey want them to sit in the back of the bus and take what the gov't tells them and shut up.

Charters spend a lot of money convincing people that they are a solution.

And they are about as useful as those commercials for weight loss products and gold investment you guys hear on Hate Radio. (How's that working out for you, guys?)

Incidently, here's the source of my chart--- Deseret News, the Mormon Newspaper.

Study: Majority of U.S. charter schools perform equal or worse than traditional schools | Deseret News

In the 26 states that participated in the study, which together account for 95 percent of the nation's charter school students, researchers again found that most charter schools are performing no better, if not worse, than their traditional school counterparts in reading and mathematics, based on standardized tests.

Nationwide, 25 percent of charter schools show significantly stronger learning gains in reading than their traditional school counterparts. The remaining 75 percent of charter schools showed either no signficant difference or were significantly weaker than traditional schools.

In short, not a cure-all. Just another scheme for the wealthy to get their hooks in the public coffers.
They're meaningless.
But if the charters were doing a poor job compared to the competing public schools then parents wouldn't send their kids there. It's a marketplace competiton that libs just can't abide. They cannot stand parents making choices for their own children. THey want them to sit in the back of the bus and take what the gov't tells them and shut up.

Charters spend a lot of money convincing people that they are a solution.

And they are about as useful as those commercials for weight loss products and gold investment you guys hear on Hate Radio. (How's that working out for you, guys?)

Incidently, here's the source of my chart--- Deseret News, the Mormon Newspaper.

Study: Majority of U.S. charter schools perform equal or worse than traditional schools | Deseret News

In the 26 states that participated in the study, which together account for 95 percent of the nation's charter school students, researchers again found that most charter schools are performing no better, if not worse, than their traditional school counterparts in reading and mathematics, based on standardized tests.

Nationwide, 25 percent of charter schools show significantly stronger learning gains in reading than their traditional school counterparts. The remaining 75 percent of charter schools showed either no signficant difference or were significantly weaker than traditional schools.

In short, not a cure-all. Just another scheme for the wealthy to get their hooks in the public coffers.

you dont know what you're talking about as usual. i doubt you know anybody that goes to a charter school or has children in one. Charter schools are WAY better than the failing, violent public schools in places like New York City

this is one the Left is going to lose; because many minorities have their children in them.

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