Mayor Bill de Blasio punishes children for OVERT POLITICAL GAIN


2ndAmendment has lied by editing a quote. This is very dishonest, shame on him.

Here's the correct quote:

Success Academy ranks in the top 1 percent for math and top 7 percent for English, according to its website.

Big difference.

I await her/his apology to the board for such dishonest behavior.
I await her/his apology to the board for such dishonest behavior.

You are the last person who should expect an apology from anyone, you low-life scum. You have a history of unapologetically lying yourself.
The libs now have a problem because Andrew Cuomo is supporting the charters. Oops.
So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I thought the Left was all for a good education?...
They don't like charter schools because they seem to work..
Charter schools work but they can't afford rent? Show me the "work" part?

Failing charter schools - Sun Sentinel

F grades soar for Florida charter schools: Florida charter schools get F grades - Orlando Sentinel

Charter Schools - Missing the Grade - Part1: Orlando Sentinel Special Report - Orlando Sentinel

The Failed Charter Schools of Florida | Diane Ravitch's blog

Florida Charter Schools Failing Disabled Students : NPR
This is about allowing them to exist, not their funding.
Where did he ban them? Oh right, he didn't.

Keep to topics you know, like plywood
So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I have an even more insane idea. How about we require that you, and every other person, purchase a product through force of law. THEN we can look at the competition and point out that selling their product is damn near impossible since customers have to purchase the product TWICE.

Considering that parents are forced to purchase public education (and not refunded a dime of that if they pay for private school) it is a wonder that private education even exists at all. The sheer fact that people willingly pay twice just to get out of public schools shows just how crappy the public product really is.

The ONE thing that the lefts refusal to allow any choice does is trap inner city students in schools that do not work and are dangerous to attend. Things like charter schools, vouchers and other programs allow those trapped students who really want access to a better education an outlet to actually achieve that. The left fights that desperately though because it is not about getting good education – it’s about stopping ANYONE from getting ahead.

The poor are fucked in this system because you have locked them into the worst education institutes in the entire country and then DEMAND that they not have any option to go anywhere else. The left fight for the poor? Please, education is the ONE place where you can actually help them break out of that poverty and it is fought each and every step without a single concrete reason.

You wont see the LOLberals here addressing this post. It completely tyurns their typical dishonest, nonsense arguments into shit smear. Because, this is correct.

I guess you called this one. No one actually cares what the real point is.
Charter schools and choice are a good idea. The fight over charter schools tends to be about them being a way to undermine the power of the unions. Unionize charter school teachers, make their budget reflect the cost of the building, and put them on equal footing with other public schools and then the choice process can work.

The whole point of choice is to create a market like environment. If that market is inherently imbalanced due to one side being subsidized over the other or if it is just about union v non-union teachers it really isn't creating the market conditions intended.

Republicans are supposed to want good market conditions. They have to choose what is more important, union breaking or market conditions. Hiding behind one to do the other is BS.

What does unionizing charter schools have to do with market conditions at all? That is a completely asinine statement. Unionizing, aside from being about the choice of the worker so it should NEVER be forced, has nothing to do with the market force in general.

The ‘imbalance’ here is not because one is unionized and the other is not. The imbalance comes from the fact that one is legally mandated to be funded through the force of law. The other is not.

That is where the ‘correction’ should start so that you would have to make all schools compete for their students and allow parents to choose the institution that fits their child’s needs. This is EXTREMELY important for the poor who cannot pay for school twice and are not allowed to take their education dollars anywhere else. They are FORCED into shit schools that are physically dangerous to attend. Many want to take their child elsewhere but the liberals have blocked any chance of that ever happening. Without some modicum of options, the poverty cycle is unlikely to be broken – something that the liberals continually point out when demanding more handouts. I wonder why handouts that DO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM are pushed with those facts yet education choice where the real root is somehow never makes it to the conversation.
Looks like 2ndAmend is eating shit on this story.

The mayor is searching for a place for these school.

The mayor is fighting to keep these schools open and holding them up as an example of excellence.

Looks like 2ndAmend is eating shit on this story.

The mayor is searching for a place for these school.

The mayor is fighting to keep these schools open and holding them up as an example of excellence.


Actually you're lying again.
How can we tell you're lying? You write posts here.
Looks like 2ndAmend is eating shit on this story.

The mayor is searching for a place for these school.

The mayor is fighting to keep these schools open and holding them up as an example of excellence.


Have you lost all sense of understanding of the fact that when you post an obvious lie, as truth, you make yourself as irrelevant as the liberal/progressive/socialists?!!
Looks like 2ndAmend is eating shit on this story.

The mayor is searching for a place for these school.

The mayor is fighting to keep these schools open and holding them up as an example of excellence.


Get the fuck out of the thread!

Seriously leave!
Charter schools that can’t co-locate have little recourse, as the schools receive less money than traditional district schools. Per-pupil operating funding for charter schools is significantly lower, and charter schools don’t get money to build brick-and-mortar schools

So they can't cut it financially on their own and they're looking for a government handout?
Charter schools that can’t co-locate have little recourse, as the schools receive less money than traditional district schools. Per-pupil operating funding for charter schools is significantly lower, and charter schools don’t get money to build brick-and-mortar schools

So they can't cut it financially on their own and they're looking for a government handout?

No handout, jerkoff.
Charter schools that can’t co-locate have little recourse, as the schools receive less money than traditional district schools. Per-pupil operating funding for charter schools is significantly lower, and charter schools don’t get money to build brick-and-mortar schools

So they can't cut it financially on their own and they're looking for a government handout?

No handout, jerkoff.

Really? What do you call it?
(If personal insults are all the rebuttal you have ... then you really don't have much now do you?)
So they can't cut it financially on their own and they're looking for a government handout?

No handout, jerkoff.

Really? What do you call it?
(If personal insults are all the rebuttal you have ... then you really don't have much now do you?)

WHat do I call it? How about efficient use of resources? Remember that the charters are educating students the city would otherwise be responsible for. The charters are using facilities the city is not using.
I realize the distinction is probably lost on you. As long as "big eevul scary corporations" are involved you're knee jerk against it. Just like DiBlasio.

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