Mayor Bill de Blasio punishes children for OVERT POLITICAL GAIN

So the kids who go to charters dont go to school for free?

Your inconsistency is showing. Zip it up.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

Why shouldn't they go free? The public schools suck and fail the kids miserably. The same kids who would be sitting in public schools are sitting in charters.
Your reasons start with "the unions oppose them" and end with "I hate kids."

There is no statistical difference in quality overall between charter schools and public schools.

There are good charters, and shitty ones. Just like there are good public schools, and shitty ones.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

Why shouldn't they go free? The public schools suck and fail the kids miserably. The same kids who would be sitting in public schools are sitting in charters.
Your reasons start with "the unions oppose them" and end with "I hate kids."

There is no statistical difference in quality overall between charter schools and public schools.

There are good charters, and shitty ones. Just like there are good public schools, and shitty ones.

There are good charter schools in areas where there are shitty public schools. Overall charter schools raise students' achievements. ANd they give parents choice. If the charter is really shitty, parents won't send their kids there and they will close. That's that competition thing we conservatives are always talking about.
So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

So the government has a deplorable education system, but in order for it go on destroying the minds of our children it has to block school choice and all at the expense of the taxpayers who don't want the government schools for their children. Can we have our money back?
Mine first. I never had kids. You owe me thirty years of property taxes, 20 of them on two or more properties. I'll be on the lookout for your check.

The public education system isn't my system. It's lefty's, lefty. Your point is pointless.
Really? What do you call it?
(If personal insults are all the rebuttal you have ... then you really don't have much now do you?)

WHat do I call it? How about efficient use of resources? Remember that the charters are educating students the city would otherwise be responsible for. The charters are using facilities the city is not using.
I realize the distinction is probably lost on you. As long as "big eevul scary corporations" are involved you're knee jerk against it. Just like DiBlasio.
Well I have this great business idea. All it requires is the use of a government building rent-free. Am I approved?

Addressed and ignored by you since you don't have the integrity to be honest:
Read the article about the re-location part.

An overt fascist supporting an overt fascist mayor. Not surprised.

So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I have an even more insane idea. How about we require that you, and every other person, purchase a product through force of law. THEN we can look at the competition and point out that selling their product is damn near impossible since customers have to purchase the product TWICE.

Considering that parents are forced to purchase public education (and not refunded a dime of that if they pay for private school) it is a wonder that private education even exists at all. The sheer fact that people willingly pay twice just to get out of public schools shows just how crappy the public product really is.

The ONE thing that the lefts refusal to allow any choice does is trap inner city students in schools that do not work and are dangerous to attend. Things like charter schools, vouchers and other programs allow those trapped students who really want access to a better education an outlet to actually achieve that. The left fights that desperately though because it is not about getting good education – it’s about stopping ANYONE from getting ahead.

The poor are fucked in this system because you have locked them into the worst education institutes in the entire country and then DEMAND that they not have any option to go anywhere else. The left fight for the poor? Please, education is the ONE place where you can actually help them break out of that poverty and it is fought each and every step without a single concrete reason.

You already HAVE forced that idea on us. It is called a public school. How about we move those taxes that are allotted to each child to the institution of the parents choice. That would make to much damn sense though.
So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

So the government has a deplorable education system, but in order for it go on destroying the minds of our children it has to block school choice and all at the expense of the taxpayers who don't want the government schools for their children. Can we have our money back?
Mine first. I never had kids. You owe me thirty years of property taxes, 20 of them on two or more properties. I'll be on the lookout for your check.

I don't owe you jack shit. I have been opposed to public education every since I could vote. Your Komrades are the ones who vote for it. Have them right you a check.
But the public schools get rent free use of a building, the Charter schools want the same deal

See how that works?
Rent free? Hardly. The taxpayers paid for that, with bonds and property taxes, so that children could go to school for free. You want a school building, pass a bond or raise capital another way. We had to and they don't get a break.
So the kids who go to charters dont go to school for free?

Your inconsistency is showing. Zip it up.

These numskulls like to pretend that charter schools are not government schools.
Rent free? Hardly. The taxpayers paid for that, with bonds and property taxes, so that children could go to school for free. You want a school building, pass a bond or raise capital another way. We had to and they don't get a break.
So the kids who go to charters dont go to school for free?

Your inconsistency is showing. Zip it up.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

Charter schools are public schools, numskull.
Rent free? Hardly. The taxpayers paid for that, with bonds and property taxes, so that children could go to school for free. You want a school building, pass a bond or raise capital another way. We had to and they don't get a break.
So the kids who go to charters dont go to school for free?

Your inconsistency is showing. Zip it up.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

And therin lies the problem. You seem to think that because YOU want my children to attend the local school where they will get a shit education and more than likely be assaulted or shot that it should matter to me. Well, it does not you authoritarian fuck. YOU should have no say whatsoever in the education facility that my children go to. It is bad enough that you force me to pay for the shit education system but now you are not only forcing me to pay but ALSO demanding where those funds are directed. Then, when you fail to establish an education facility that is worth a damn, you remove the ability for me to take my child anywhere else. That is of course unless I am wealthy. Then you are more than happy to allow me to PAY TWICE and get my child a quality education. The poor though, fuck ‘em right? They don’t get that option. You have already fleeced what they can pay and given that to a failing school. No way in hell you will give that inner city impoverished child the power to get a quality education at another institution with those EXACT SAME funds…

The hypocrisy of the liberals here is unending. If you really were trying to better the poor then you might actually support things that would allow those same poor to find alternate facilities to educate their children. It is precisely the failing schools that the poor get herded in that create a large portion of the generational poverty in this nation. Without the tools it is very hard to succeed.
Mine first. I never had kids. You owe me thirty years of property taxes, 20 of them on two or more properties. I'll be on the lookout for your check.

The doctor treating you was educated in schools you paid for. You're welcome.
And I happily did so don't make the stupid argument shouldn't have had to pay since we all do. Education is not about making a buck, nor is it supposed to be.

Why should I have to pay for educating your kid or anyone else's?
Why should I have to pay for educating your kid or anyone else's?

Because as of now education up to a certain age is mandatory and public, and you live in this country. I'm not so sure the former should be the case and I'm quite sure the latter should not, but that's the situation as it stands as of now.
I was half-watching something on FNC last night and a guest told the host that he was raised in the same tenement building as Justice Sotomayor.

But that her parents cared enough to pull her out of the Public Schools and send her to a Catholic School.

She is now a Supreme Court Justice.

Our Public School system is a joke. A sick joke.

It is run by Unions who care only about themselves and it is propped up by the scum of the motherfucking earth, dimocrap scumbags, who care NOTHING for children and only for their own greed and power.

"When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children." ~ Albert Shanker, Head of Teachers Unions for 43 years

DeBlowsio is doing this for one reason and one reason only..... The Teachers Union Backed him and the Charter Schools are not Union.

Just like the Horse and Buggy Union in New Yawk Shitty? Their Union didn't back him so he's shutting them down.

Guys and gals, I'm telling you.... dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

They would sacrifice your children.... Hell, they would sacrifice their OWN children to stay in power.

Sick motherfuckers. scumbags. ALL of them

Even the ones they elect
So your complaint is that the teacher's union represents the interests of its members? Seriously?

The thing is, being a teacher is a tough job. half of new teachers quit in their first five years. Politicians and parents are usually quick to blame them for not doing their part.

The thing is, the reason why Catholic or Charter schools do better (and in the case of Charter schools, 75% of them don't) is because parents are engaged.

But here's the key thing. Every other industrialized nation has unionized teachers and public schools.
So the kids who go to charters dont go to school for free?

Your inconsistency is showing. Zip it up.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

Charter schools are public schools, numskull.
We already have Public schools nitwit, we call them Public Schools, and they already have buildings unlike your Charter schools.
The kids who go to Charter schools shouldn't go for free. We have Public schools for that, bought and mostly paid for, and I want them there, for a whole host of reasons that start with meeting the rest of their fellow citizens.

Charter schools are public schools, numskull.
We already have Public schools nitwit, we call them Public Schools, and they already have buildings unlike your Charter schools.

So, "To Hell with the kids, Unions Uber Alles!" is your mantra, right?

Typical dimocrap
Education is not about making a buck, nor is it supposed to be.
Why not?
Because children are not products.

That makes no sense. No one is selling the students. Education is a service. Other services are paid for and subject to the forces of competition that have made this country great. There is a reason our K-12 public schools tend to suck but our universities are by far the best in the world.

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