Mayor Bill de Blasio punishes children for OVERT POLITICAL GAIN

So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

Charter schools aren't profit making operations, numskull.
So why do I care then? Am I a charity?

You should care that the children are getting a better education, but apparently, that is not on your list of left wing causes. After all, if you smarten them kids up, they might become tax paying Republicans.
So I have a great business idea but in order for it to work the government has to let me use one of its buildings, rent free. Am I approved?

I thought the Left was all for a good education?...
They don't like charter schools because they seem to work..
Charter schools work but they can't afford rent? Show me the "work" part?

The work part came in when their parent's paid the taxes to support public schools but now they want their money back because the government option was a failure. Public schools don't pay rent, they are tax funded.

Let's do something crazy here and let all of the kids get a voucher to go to school anywhere they want. Let's then have charter schools and public schools compete for that voucher in order to get paid. I'm guessing you will be scared to death because the charter schools will take all of your kids and do far better than your now bankrupt public school. When that happens it won't just come down to who can pay for a building it will become what they can do with the one they must pay for themselves. Public schools and their unions will die, and let's face it that's your biggest concern. The kids don't matter at all in your mind.
I thought the Left was all for a good education?...
They don't like charter schools because they seem to work..
Charter schools work but they can't afford rent? Show me the "work" part?

The work part came in when their parent's paid the taxes to support public schools but now they want their money back because the government option was a failure. Public schools don't pay rent, they are tax funded.

Let's do something crazy here and let all of the kids get a voucher to go to school anywhere they want. Let's then have charter schools and public schools compete for that voucher in order to get paid. I'm guessing you will be scared to death because the charter schools will take all of your kids and do far better than your now bankrupt public school. When that happens it won't just come down to who can pay for a building it will become what they can do with the one they must pay for themselves. Public schools and their unions will die, and let's face it that's your biggest concern. The kids don't matter at all in your mind.
Charter schools can't afford rent apparently? Why would I worry about things that can't pay the rent?
The Democratic Party is in the pockets of the unions. The unions oppose charter schools because by and large they outperform the joke we call a public school system, therefore the Democrats will oppose charter schools and any other method that gets more kids out of the failing government schools. They could give a flying monkey's ass about the consequences their actions have on poor, minority children.
Every child deserves the best education that they can get...
And were did that nonsense come from? Who exactly is going to pay for that? I had no children, so why should I care, let alone pay for that? It does me no benefit. That looks like my money down the shitter for the children of others. What's the benefit to me, the tax-payer?

You tell me that the marketplace has a fix for this but they can't even afford rent? That's not a business, that's a charity.
Charter schools work but they can't afford rent? Show me the "work" part?

The work part came in when their parent's paid the taxes to support public schools but now they want their money back because the government option was a failure. Public schools don't pay rent, they are tax funded.

Let's do something crazy here and let all of the kids get a voucher to go to school anywhere they want. Let's then have charter schools and public schools compete for that voucher in order to get paid. I'm guessing you will be scared to death because the charter schools will take all of your kids and do far better than your now bankrupt public school. When that happens it won't just come down to who can pay for a building it will become what they can do with the one they must pay for themselves. Public schools and their unions will die, and let's face it that's your biggest concern. The kids don't matter at all in your mind.
Charter schools can't afford rent apparently? Why would I worry about things that can't pay the rent?

You apparently aren't a very smart individual, and by apparently I mean all of your previous posts prove it. In every thread.

Why should the parents of charter school children pay taxes in order to keep the public school that has failed them open?

Public schools don't have to pay rent or pay for the upkeep or even teach the kids in order to keep getting their money. They have your taxes.

I think you are afraid that given an even playing field your public teachers and schools would not fare so well. And that will crush your unions, tax dollars and ideology that has to be forced on people because it is such a failure. People with a choice will abandon your ideas because they are actually not as stupid as you think they are.

You need stupid people to keep the public/union school system alive. Competition is your biggest threat.
The work part came in when their parent's paid the taxes to support public schools but now they want their money back because the government option was a failure. Public schools don't pay rent, they are tax funded.

Let's do something crazy here and let all of the kids get a voucher to go to school anywhere they want. Let's then have charter schools and public schools compete for that voucher in order to get paid. I'm guessing you will be scared to death because the charter schools will take all of your kids and do far better than your now bankrupt public school. When that happens it won't just come down to who can pay for a building it will become what they can do with the one they must pay for themselves. Public schools and their unions will die, and let's face it that's your biggest concern. The kids don't matter at all in your mind.
Charter schools can't afford rent apparently? Why would I worry about things that can't pay the rent?

You apparently aren't a very smart individual, and by apparently I mean all of your previous posts prove it. In every thread.

Why should the parents of charter school children pay taxes in order to keep the public school that has failed them open?

Public schools don't have to pay rent or pay for the upkeep or even teach the kids in order to keep getting their money. They have your taxes.

I think you are afraid that given an even playing field your public teachers and schools would not fare so well. And that will crush your unions, tax dollars and ideology that has to be forced on people because it is such a failure. People with a choice will abandon your ideas because they are actually not as stupid as you think they are.

You need stupid people to keep the public/union school system alive. Competition is your biggest threat.
So let me get this straight, you want to start a new school to complete with an old school only you get equal the money we give each student, you pick the students, plus you get to ignore all the set rules, and you get to use the buildings we pay for and do the upkeep on for free, and you hope to show better result in the end? Do I get to start my own version where I get all of the same benefits, I get to pick the kids, no contracts, no rent, and then say look how great I am doing at the end of the year? What a deal. And all I had to do was cheery-pick the kids, ignore the rules, and use your buildings rent free to just maybe produce better results. I love it. How could I lose and yet they do lose? They don't do as well, and they take money from an already underfunded system.

So, let's go for it. You get one generation. No public dollars. No federal support. And 20 years to prove that it works, that it can pay for itself. The Private kids versus the Public kids, year by year and test by test, dollar to dollar. In twenty years, based on the criteria, we know who wins. Go...
The work part came in when their parent's paid the taxes to support public schools but now they want their money back because the government option was a failure. Public schools don't pay rent, they are tax funded.

Let's do something crazy here and let all of the kids get a voucher to go to school anywhere they want. Let's then have charter schools and public schools compete for that voucher in order to get paid. I'm guessing you will be scared to death because the charter schools will take all of your kids and do far better than your now bankrupt public school. When that happens it won't just come down to who can pay for a building it will become what they can do with the one they must pay for themselves. Public schools and their unions will die, and let's face it that's your biggest concern. The kids don't matter at all in your mind.
Charter schools can't afford rent apparently? Why would I worry about things that can't pay the rent?

You apparently aren't a very smart individual, and by apparently I mean all of your previous posts prove it. In every thread.

Why should the parents of charter school children pay taxes in order to keep the public school that has failed them open?

Public schools don't have to pay rent or pay for the upkeep or even teach the kids in order to keep getting their money. They have your taxes.

I think you are afraid that given an even playing field your public teachers and schools would not fare so well. And that will crush your unions, tax dollars and ideology that has to be forced on people because it is such a failure. People with a choice will abandon your ideas because they are actually not as stupid as you think they are.

You need stupid people to keep the public/union school system alive. Competition is your biggest threat.

I think you should put your money where your mouth is.
The Democratic Party is in the pockets of the unions. The unions oppose charter schools because by and large they outperform the joke we call a public school system, therefore the Democrats will oppose charter schools and any other method that gets more kids out of the failing government schools. They could give a flying monkey's ass about the consequences their actions have on poor, minority children.

"When children start paying union dues we will start representing children."

Democrats hate children. Democrats hate education. Democrats love ignorance. Democrats oppose school choice, vouchers, charters--virtually everything that has been proven to work in education in the last 30 years.
Thanks for voting, New Yorkers! You now have what you deserve. Pathetic.

Well, no, only the numskulls that voted for deBlasio are getting what they deserved. The kids attending those schools certainly didn't deserve it. Although their stupid parents probably deserve a kick in the teeth.
Liberal Love and Tolerance at it's best:

not quite sure what that loony comment has to do with the price of rice in china. typical rightwingnut spew.

if you want to run private schools, run private schools.

if you want to suck money out of the public school system to fund schools that pick and choose their students (and then claim those schools are a "success") then i'd oppose it.

you can't measure the academic success of charter schools, which don't have to take every kid in their zone with public schools that do.

and it's to my job to pay taxes so those funds can be taken from my son's school.

as for political gain, could be worse… you could refuse to provide healthcare for your working poor so you can get political gain from ranting about the ACA.

congrats o the 50th failed vote btw…. i think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
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The Democratic Party is in the pockets of the unions. The unions oppose charter schools because by and large they outperform the joke we call a public school system, therefore the Democrats will oppose charter schools and any other method that gets more kids out of the failing government schools. They could give a flying monkey's ass about the consequences their actions have on poor, minority children.

"When children start paying union dues we will start representing children."

Democrats hate children. Democrats hate education. Democrats love ignorance. Democrats oppose school choice, vouchers, charters--virtually everything that has been proven to work in education in the last 30 years.

Unions have always been and always will be synonymous with brutal thuggery.

Teaching used to be considered a vocation, a calling, to be practiced with devotion and unselfish love for the children.

In a truly secret vote - I suspect - many, if not most teachers with a modicum of decency and dedication would reject the union.
I can't imagine government objecting to better student performance. Furthermore, I can't imagine responsible parents exposing their children to public inner-city schools.
I can't imagine government objecting to better student performance. Furthermore, I can't imagine responsible parents exposing their children to public inner-city schools.

You'd have to understand the Democrat Plantation mentality. They hate it worse than anything when slaves flee their plantation; it's genetic with them. Today's Democrat can't tolerate inner city kids better themselves. They view it as an insult, like public schools, food stamps and public housing isn't good enough for them. Dems would rather destroy these kids futures than see them leave the plantation
How dare someone have a better solution to education....

Except that they really don't.


So let's be honest what the Charter School movement is. Yet another attempt by big corporations to grab a shitload of money out of the public coffers.

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