Mayor Pete's Brother-In-Law: He's Lying About Our Family, Playing 'Victim Card' For Political Gain

"he exploited his husband's family's painful history to score intersectionality political points."
Truly shocking! The left is exploiting identity politics for political gain?

I suppose the next thing they will be telling us is Jussie Smollett was NOT the victim in a homophobic/racist attack by white supremacists? Yeah....right!
"Wow. Pete Buttigieg fine with ginning up hate against his brother-in-law with a BS story about how he disowned his gay brother (Pete's husband)." - Coulter

Of course he's playing the victim. Haven't you heard? If in this our current Age if one does not prove himself the most victimized of all then his life isn't worth shit. Being a mature, upright and productive member of society who takes responsibility for his own actions good and bad and realizes life is not fair is perhaps the worst thing a modern man can do, right?

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