Mayorkas: Nation of Immigrants Narrative Is More Important than Congress's Law

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This guy wants to bring the idea of being an exceptional White American down to the level of a third worlders, no matter how much the taxpaying American hurts in the pocketbook. He wants White Americans to be the minority. He needs to be impeached ASAP. He is using loopholes in immigration law to destroy America from within using the Cloward-Piven Act. Read the article. This guy is dangerous like the Usurper.

This guy wants to bring the idea of being an exceptional White American down to the level of a third worlders, no matter how much the taxpaying American hurts in the pocketbook. He wants White Americans to be the minority. He needs to be impeached ASAP. He is using loopholes in immigration law to destroy America from within using the Cloward-Piven Act. Read the article. This guy is dangerous like the Usurper.

Mayorkas is on a trajectory to find out we are a nation of laws and he is not above them OR the king. I hope he rots in jail.
Mayorkas is a criminal.
Orders of magnitude worse than just a criminal, this is treason, its not even remotely restricted to Biden and its cabinet, the entire senate, both so-called aisles are heavily vested in the treason, Mcconnell, Graham, Rubio, all of them. The reason they charged a 73 year old rancher with 1st degree murder in death of illegal alien animal, is because they had to, they are all traitors, and they know damn well that once we start killing illegal aliens who invade our property and homes, murdering our families and friends, they know that the moment we start in in earnest defending our homes and lives, that we are likely to start killing the traitors next, and you know what, as there is literally no accountability, no rule of law, that is exactly what Americans need to be doing, and not stop doing until every federal traitor is gone!

This is not a political debate, they are exterminating our culture, that is what Biden does, exterminate you and your culture...:boohoo:
This guy wants to bring the idea of being an exceptional White American down to the level of a third worlders, no matter how much the taxpaying American hurts in the pocketbook. He wants White Americans to be the minority.

If only there was a good sized asteroid heading straight for DC right now.

Nothing angers me more than this treason, its an obscenity a single American comports to any law whatsoever, they act against us in name of law but no law pertains to them, that is not a constitutional republic, that is totalitarian tyranny, and there is only one way to treat such filth, and it is not via the ludicrously fixed ballot boxes... :wink:
Orders of magnitude worse than just a criminal, this is treason, its not even remotely restricted to Biden and its cabinet, the entire senate, both so-called aisles are heavily vested in the treason, Mcconnell, Graham, Rubio, all of them. The reason they charged a 73 year old rancher with 1st degree murder in death of illegal alien animal, is because they had to, they are all traitors, and they know damn well that once we start killing illegal aliens who invade our property and homes, murdering our families and friends, they know that the moment we start in in earnest defending our homes and lives, that we are likely to start killing the traitors next, and you know what, as there is literally no accountability, no rule of law, that is exactly what Americans need to be doing, and not stop doing until every federal traitor is gone!

This is not a political debate, they are exterminating our culture, that is what Biden does, exterminate you and your culture...:boohoo:
Incredible excellent truthful post.
it is about more dem voters
What a bunch of horseshit. These immigrants that become citizens don't sign some contract requiring them to vote for Democrats. The Republican party can attempt to earn their vote just as easily as the Democrat party can. Making your claim is an open admission that the Republican party does not support policies that can improve the lives, of not only immigrants, but the poor and middle class.
This guy wants to bring the idea of being an exceptional White American down to the level of a third worlders, no matter how much the taxpaying American hurts in the pocketbook. He wants White Americans to be the minority. He needs to be impeached ASAP. He is using loopholes in immigration law to destroy America from within using the Cloward-Piven Act. Read the article. This guy is dangerous like the Usurper.

What a bunch of Brietbrat horseshit. From your link,

For example, Mayorkas has released millions of migrants into the U.S. economy to compete for the jobs and housing needed by Americans, despite federal laws that require the detention of asylum seekers and the exclusion of economic migrants.
But then look at this Breitbrat article,

Under current rules, migrants can ask for a Credible Fear Interview. If approved, they can stay in the country for a few years while a courtroom judge decides if their evidence justifies the award of asylum

Now, which one is it. Are immigrants required to be in detention or can they be released until their court appointed review?

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