Mayorkas: Nation of Immigrants Narrative Is More Important than Congress's Law

When 75% of folks arriving were seriously vetted
LOL, the first federal immigration law was the Page Act of 1875 which prohibited 'undesirable" immigrants, in short Asian contract laborers. The Bureau of Immigration and Immigration was not established until 1906. In short, there was no "vetting" for the first 150 years.
Not true!
Do tell? What agency "vetted" them? And better yet, how were they vetted? Did they use the internet? Did they make a phone call to the country of origin? Maybe it was Interpool, did they check their database? I am sorry, but I am going to need a little more than "not true", you know, like documentation.

While citizenship might have been restricted to white males, immigration was not limited to any significant degree until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Interestingly enough, the Steerage Act of 1819 required better conditions for passengers on inbound ships, protecting immigrants not restricting them.
America can have open borders and we'd be better off with the extra workers.
Only if you go back to the social system of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries where immigrants had to sink or swim without governmental assistance. With the current welfare state we can’t afford uncontrolled immigration.
This guy wants to bring the idea of being an exceptional White American down to the level of a third worlders, no matter how much the taxpaying American hurts in the pocketbook. He wants White Americans to be the minority. He needs to be impeached ASAP. He is using loopholes in immigration law to destroy America from within using the Cloward-Piven Act. Read the article. This guy is dangerous like the Usurper.

Mayorkas lies almost as much as Biden.

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