McAuliffe call parents who object to liberal reading list “racists”

Explain to the class what CRT is, dumbfuck.
This should be awesome :rofl:
I'm not sure the gop in VA, or any pol group anywhere outside academia, has any consensus on what CRT is, or is not. Teaching students about lynching or even Jefferson's personal mores is not CRT. But imo it's natural for parents to be concerned with curriculum changes, and the VA state dept of education has changed curriculum. Toni Morrison's Beloved had nothing to do with CRT. Although I didn't finish the book. And students still have Cliff Notes, which served me well. And I was in school before Morrison wrote the book. LOL

There are people of both LW and RW fringes who desire to exploit passions for political or social gain.
Do you have a problem with kids being taught actual history?
When I was in school they did not teach it.
Kids ARE being taught actual history. They are taught about slavery and Jim Crow of the South. They should continue to be taught that, as should they be taught about the Holocaust.

That is a far cry from getting white children to hate themselves because they are taught that all whites are racist, and to hate America because, according to their lie, it is a systemically racist country.

Liberals are trying to push the false narrative that schools are hiding slavery or the historical mistreatment of blacks.
They still are not treated fair.
Yeah, that’s the lie the libs are pushing. They are being treated more than fair. If I were black, and with the same level of intelligence, skill, discipline, and motivation, I could write my own ticket anywhere. I could have gone to Stanford Law School and made partner in a law firm. I could have gone to Harvard Medical and gotten a prestigious fellowship. I would have gone right up to EVP at a Fortune 100 corporation, rather than be “stuck” at the director level (still not bad….decent money) while blacks who were less competent than I be promoted over me.

Woe is me with the “oppressed black” talk. Everyone with a brain knows it’s not true.
I guess “domestic terrorists” was a bridge too far, so the Democrats - in desperation - are back to their old tactic of calling people who don’t submit to liberalism racists. In the latest, a parent objects to the book “Beloved” as being inappropriate for teens due to pornography and sick sex (beastilaity) as being a racist, and claims she and Youngkin are “banning black authors.” He further called it a “racist dog whistle” to Trump’s bigots, obviously don’t denigrating Virginians who voted for Trump.

The day is coming when the revenge of decent Americans everywhere on this psycho radical leftist madness makes the Inquisition look a round of miniature golf. Buy your wooden stakes now before the price of lumber skyrockets. You don't want to be left empty handed with six or eight radical leftist cultists in your custody and no wooden stakes to burn them at. Surely I jest . . . or do I?
Voice Concern Over Marxist-Based Curriculum / Indoctrination Makes You A 'Domestic Terrorist'

Voiced Opposition to Liberal-Child Porn/Propaganda Makes You A 'Racist'

Exposing The Liberal Extremist School Board Hid Your Child's Rape Gets You Arrested

The day is coming when the revenge of decent Americans everywhere on this psycho radical leftist madness makes the Inquisition look a round of miniature golf. Buy your wooden stakes now before the price of lumber skyrockets. You don't want to be left empty handed with six or eight radical leftist cultists in your custody and no wooden stakes to burn them at. Surely I jest . . . or do I?
I think it’s starting. Loudoun County is ground zero for saying “STOP!” to the harmful progressive agenda.

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