McAuliffe thought virtual meeting was private. This is what he said about Biden

They were lying about it from Day One. They knew he wasn't ready for prime time, but they used Trump's toxicity to ignore it.
They cheated.............Trump is loved by millions of people which you can see visually with all the people that attend his rallies, that put signs and flags, and that voted for him. Biden, on the other hand, won fewer counties than Hilliary by almost half---how did he a record number of votes then that mostly popped up in the middle of the night after STRANGE occurances. If Trumps personality was toxic costing him the vote----you would have seen voters spread out among all counties where he would have won more counties than Hilliary not less.

The lies about Trumps personality being toxic is pushed by the lib propaganda media and swamp pols is about control---they wanted a way to try to silence Trump from calling them out. Trump's personality isn't toxic--its actually funny and more entertaining.
California is controlled by fraud. We haven't had an honest election in 15 years. Virginia isn't quite there. McAuliffe is going to lose and the parents in rebellion are going to win.

We'll see, but don't bet the farm on it.

They cheated.............Trump is loved by millions of people which you can see visually with all the people that attend his rallies, that put signs and flags, and that voted for him.
Trump is despised by millions more which is why an empty suit was able to defeat him.
Interesting that a former governor who is running again and has time and time embraced the current president would now be distancing himself from that president in a state he won by ten points.

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Verrrrry interesting!! I have great hopes of the Virginia gubernatorial race. If that one goes GOP, we may sweep the House and Senate.
This is all I have to say about that....

McAuliffe just proved Democrats aren't completely stupid, that even they know Biden is an unqualified train wreck.
During the final VA gubernatorial debate, Princess Blanding of the Virginia Liberation Party disrupted the event.

She is on the ballot, but complained about not being allowed on stage.

Of course they weren't going to let her on stage; she would only end up taking votes from McAuliffe.

Worse yet, the final debate was not even on television/cable where I live, even though they covered the other debates live. What's up with that?

I wish more Black people had a chance to see this happen. One more example of Democrats suppressing their viewpoints...

They sent over security. Ms. Blanding continued her protest while surrounded by security. She repeatedly tells one man not to touch her. She gets some support from the crowd. She eventually leaves of her own volition.

Video of her is in the second part of this interesting video...

She almost wants to make me vote for her Left-Wing self (but she's not on my ballot yet anyway). Standing up to the man. Standing for her own 1A rights. I can relate.
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