I believe the polls also had Kerry winning the 2004 election too, but we all seen what happened right?
The polls had Obama winning New Hampshire, but Hillary won.....Wow look at that polls aren't everything huh?
Conservatives aren't staying home trust me, when they hear that Obama wants to spend 800 billion dollars in new governmental spending, they'll be out. What is Obama going to do in the South, when it gets out that his Pastor gave his highest Social award to a anti-white, anti-semetic. Louis Farrahkan stated that whites are potential humans through evolution. I can see him sweeping the south and not generating any excitement let me tell you.....LOL
Kerry *was* winning until he got swiftboated.
Polls are only a snapshot of current circumstances. But no, the religious right isn't going out to vote in droves because economics isn't their issue... "morality" is and McCain doesn't give them what they want on that level.