McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
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Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

And neither do Collins or least McCain got back and was the 50th vote to get the bill on the Senate Floor...neither of those women did. McConnell is the goat here, not McCain....McCain just took the bullet.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

McCain loves the dummycraps...not sure why he keeps pretending he is not one.
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!

Not for long we're not....I have an OP ready to go in a few minutes about electing more Repubs next year.....they have TEN vulnerable Senate seats....all we need are TWO.
McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

I agree. McCain did not kill healthcare reform. He didn't, among other reasons, because the legislation proposed and labeled as healthcare reform was not reform; it was merely different flawed legislation. The proposed legislation was somewhat better in some ways and materially worse in others. That makes it merely different, not better.

Sage people don't implement something different for the sake of the difference. They implement things that are universally better than that which they supercede. That does not mean that the "new" solution fixes all the problems of what exists currently. It means they don't give up the already achieved gains and they effect new gains. In other words, they don't "throw out the baby and the bath water."
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

You are wrong.....he doesn't want to repeal it.....he likes obamacare and the power it gives to the government.....reconcilliation was a way to keep debating this crappy healthcare bill....he killed that...
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

McCain loves the dummycraps...not sure why he keeps pretending he is not one.

mccain is a republican member of the democrat party.......
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!

Not for long we're not....I have an OP ready to go in a few minutes about electing more Repubs next year.....they have TEN vulnerable Senate seats....all we need are TWO.

We need those Republican senate seats for only one reason, since they won't repeal obamacare....Judges and justices....that's it.....once we replace ginsburg, kennedy and get a conservative to replace Thomas if he decides to retire, then we can punish the senate, not before.....
McCain is much more comfortable being in the minority. Then he can preach about bipartisanship while not being responsible for any policy decisions.
amnesty 'juan' mkcain is a pwick and thats that , same goes for 'linsey' and jeff flake amongst others .
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
I have to give it to John McCain, I disagree with with most of his politics...but he sure know how to get revenge. He knows he's not running for another term. He could have just said he was too sick to come back to vote on the motion to proceed and that would have killed it. But he saw a way to show that being captured does not make you a loser. He captured Drumpf and hung him by his own petard. He knew he would never vote to pass anything and this with all eyes were on him he said to the president..."can you hear me now"...
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

At what point does an adult decide to use the word "Dummycraps"?
You are wrong.....he doesn't want to repeal it.....he likes obamacare and the power it gives to the government.....reconcilliation was a way to keep debating this crappy healthcare bill....he killed that...

No I'm not....I've watched McCain for years...he HATED Obama and everything he stood for...especially the ACA. And now we have a President who will sign a repeal/replace bill....McCain says do them both at the same time. It took the Rats 2 years to get Barry-Care....we have time.
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!
Let me be the first to punch your TS card Just remember you stuck us with the lying pos grifter Trump
I have to give it to John McCain, I disagree with with most of his politics...but he sure know how to get revenge. He knows he's not running for another term. He could have just said he was too sick to come back to vote on the motion to proceed and that would have killed it. But he saw a way to show that being captured does not make you a loser. He captured Drumpf and hung him by his own petard. He knew he would never vote to pass anything and this with all eyes were on him he said to the president..."can you hear me now"...

Yeah? When ol John sees the right plan, he'll take a machete to your Rat's grand designs to socialize medicine. Believe me when I say you have no friend and certainly no ally in John McCain.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

So he leaves Obamacare in place and he represents a State that had 117% premium increase this year....the highest in the Nation.

That is not being a patriot.....that is being an asshole. :(

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