McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!
Let me be the first to punch your TS card Just remember you stuck us with the lying pos grifter Trump
Fuck ewe! We are talking about that rats ass pos called McCain.
It's kind of ironic that I started writing this OP about McCain being a jackass and as I continued, I realized he just did what he always does....go by what he believes. He probably won't be alive much longer and he damn sure won't end up like our Barry Goldwater did, with a young liberal wife destroying his legacy by putting his name to liberal horseshit. It wouldn't surprise me if John goes up to his home in Sedona some weekend in the coming weeks and puts a round through his brain.
I have to give it to John McCain, I disagree with with most of his politics...but he sure know how to get revenge. He knows he's not running for another term. He could have just said he was too sick to come back to vote on the motion to proceed and that would have killed it. But he saw a way to show that being captured does not make you a loser. He captured Drumpf and hung him by his own petard. He knew he would never vote to pass anything and this with all eyes were on him he said to the president..."can you hear me now"...

Yeah? When ol John sees the right plan, he'll take a machete to your Rat's grand designs to socialize medicine. Believe me when I say you have no friend and certainly no ally in John McCain.
Guess you know the one about keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!
Let me be the first to punch your TS card Just remember you stuck us with the lying pos grifter Trump
Fuck ewe! We are talking about that rats ass pos called McCain.
A real hero ..came through in the clutch
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
Sorry Tom...he does this all the damn time. Pulls defeat from the jaws of victory. This senate bill was stupid but it was a foot in the door. Now the door is shut and locked. If it was a tax bill or some idiotic environment bill that would be one thing but this is healthcare. There are people suffering due to a lack of affordable coverage. No pass for John McCain this time. What he did he did out of spite for Trump not for what was best for America. He is the most vengeful SOB in the senate and he proved that hands or thumbs down last night. He can not go away fast enough for me.
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..
Bullshit he did not. He ensured more bankruptcies and death and suffering due to Obamacare. He hurt folks with his stupid play in front of God and everyone.
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
Us Jews have a simpler warning sign for unexplained vengeful behavior that comes out of the tarnished mental state of political prisoners. We are told not to listen to their rhetoric or follow them nor elect them or let them lead.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus a political prisoner of Rome who wrote 3/4 the lawless book that along with the political imprisoned 3-4 christs that make up the character Jesus, caused 50 million murders against apponents of that book and icon and over thousands of wars,
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Zarquawi, George Soros who finances destabilization of Gov'ts using paid riots, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

So John McCain is in a different mind set
due to his horrific ordeal, his need for control of his life is greater then those who do not go through such captivity and abuse.
His need for vengeance is different, his need to survive is different, his concern for humanity is different and he could have easily been compromised by threats as well.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!

I find it really interesting that Trump and his supporters don't know much about how our political system works. The ONLY part of the swamp in DC that Trump has any control over is who he appoints to his cabinet, and who he appoints for the various positions required. That is the ONLY place where he can "drain the swamp".

Threatening Senators like he did with Murkowski, sending over a cabinet member to tell her that Alaska could be in danger of losing some of the things that they want if she didn't vote like Trump wanted isn't following the will of the people, it's succumbing to a dictator.

Murkowski said that the reason she voted the bill down is because it would put an undue hardship on Alaskans, and she doesn't work for Trump, she works for Alaska.

If people REALLY want to drain the DC swamp, they need to elect different representatives and hope that the next president is someone who knows how to govern, because Trump sure doesn't.

Guess the Simpsons was pretty prophetic back in 2000 when Lisa Simpson was elected as POTUS and said that first thing on her agenda was fixing everything that was ruined by Trump.
Maybe he just doesn't want to GTH. Could some GOPers POSSIBLY go after the COSTS of Big Health, which after all is the problem with health care in this country? Nobody said ACA was the final cure, dupes, just a framework to finally find solutions, something to be tinkered with forever. OF course, shyttehead conservatives and their dupes will screw up things and try and scrap it forever, just like their counterparts in the UK and other places...
Maybe he just doesn't want to GTH. Could some GOPers POSSIBLY go after the COSTS of Big Health, which after all is the problem with health care in this country? Nobody said ACA was the final cure, dupes, just a framework to finally find solutions, something to be tinkered with forever. OF course, shyttehead conservatives and their dupes will screw up things and try and scrap it forever, just like their counterparts in the UK and other places...
So then tell us why the shithead Dems did not go after costs in healthcare if that is the real problem? Why load us down with the pos called obamacare?
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!

ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!

I find it really interesting that Trump and his supporters don't know much about how our political system works. The ONLY part of the swamp in DC that Trump has any control over is who he appoints to his cabinet, and who he appoints for the various positions required. That is the ONLY place where he can "drain the swamp".

Threatening Senators like he did with Murkowski, sending over a cabinet member to tell her that Alaska could be in danger of losing some of the things that they want if she didn't vote like Trump wanted isn't following the will of the people, it's succumbing to a dictator.

Murkowski said that the reason she voted the bill down is because it would put an undue hardship on Alaskans, and she doesn't work for Trump, she works for Alaska.

If people REALLY want to drain the DC swamp, they need to elect different representatives and hope that the next president is someone who knows how to govern, because Trump sure doesn't.

Guess the Simpsons was pretty prophetic back in 2000 when Lisa Simpson was elected as POTUS and said that first thing on her agenda was fixing everything that was ruined by Trump.

You refuse to see is all. just like all your kind.
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!

ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

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