McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!

ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
I love that phrase votes his conscience, it's not his vote, it's the constituents vote and the constituents voted for repeal.And sir, is my problem with some politicians who don't represent the people who voted them into office. that is the stank that needs to leave DC.

Now me personally, I'd prefer they let this obummerfail die. it will. just around 2018 elections. ooops. and because it did go to vote and the dems voted against repeal, they still own obummerfail. oops squared.

There is no win win in repeal and replace due to the limit of votes. time for obummerfail to finish its death spiral.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!

ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?
ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?

moot point ... Obamacare is here to stay regardless.

either deal with it or jump off a tall building ..
ask the CBO that was their analysis ..

not that you are smart enough to understand what they would tell you ...
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?
and did the CBO predict what would happen with no changes? nope!! funny shit stupid americans that believe a human knows shit about this stuff. I predict!! right? I predict idiots in government wouldn't know the difference between poop and pee. They can't, they walk around in it all day every day.
So the CBO and the democrats want to force something by mandates down American's throats! Well guess what? Even with your stinking mandates people are opting out because they cannot afford the unaffordable obummercare! You have fucked up the middle class. Don't that make you cream your drawers?
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?

moot point ... Obamacare is here to stay regardless.

either deal with it or jump off a tall building ..
No it isn't. It is failing! It is unsustainable!
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!

I find it really interesting that Trump and his supporters don't know much about how our political system works. The ONLY part of the swamp in DC that Trump has any control over is who he appoints to his cabinet, and who he appoints for the various positions required. That is the ONLY place where he can "drain the swamp".

Threatening Senators like he did with Murkowski, sending over a cabinet member to tell her that Alaska could be in danger of losing some of the things that they want if she didn't vote like Trump wanted isn't following the will of the people, it's succumbing to a dictator.

Murkowski said that the reason she voted the bill down is because it would put an undue hardship on Alaskans, and she doesn't work for Trump, she works for Alaska.

If people REALLY want to drain the DC swamp, they need to elect different representatives and hope that the next president is someone who knows how to govern, because Trump sure doesn't.

Guess the Simpsons was pretty prophetic back in 2000 when Lisa Simpson was elected as POTUS and said that first thing on her agenda was fixing everything that was ruined by Trump.

You refuse to see is all. just like all your kind.
See pure lying BS propaganda as fact? Gotcha.
Sorry, I get it now. Cnn told you right? It must be true then.
Can't you tell me? You made the claim!

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?

moot point ... Obamacare is here to stay regardless.

either deal with it or jump off a tall building ..
the right move has been made, we will watch obummerfail die. I can't wait until 2018 elections. dems still own the sinking ship. it didn't transition like they thought.

I can.

ask yourself this .. how many people are covered by medicaid too.

if the light goes off theres hope, if not find a hillary bashing thread.
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?

moot point ... Obamacare is here to stay regardless.

either deal with it or jump off a tall building ..
No it isn't. It is failing! It is unsustainable!

yeah, go with that one ....
Let's conclude with this FACT. The democrats know they fucked up the healthcare and the economy. That is why they are now on TV screaming " let's work together." Fuck then, they should have voted to undo what they had done. Fuck them and John McCain too.

Actually, what the problem for the democrats is, is this, hilary was supposed to be President.....then they could move to the next phase which is single payer control over healthcare. obamacare was supposed to explode, and hilary was supposed to be there to push single payer it is collapsing and obamacare is still called obamacare and democrats all voted for it......they need to get the stupid party to jump in and take the blame......and the republicans seem more than willing to take the blame for the obamacare failure....
So? The bill cuts no one from Medicaid it simply slows the expansion of Medicaid! Do you comprehend this concept?

It would make the most far-reaching changes and deepest cuts to Medicaid in the program's 52-year history.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that if signed into law, Senate Republicans’ proposed “skinny” health care bill would lead to 16 million fewer people having insurance by the year 2026, according to a newly released score.

The eight-page bill, the Health Care Freedom Act of 2017, was released late Thursday night, just hours before a planned final Senate vote on it. You can read Sarah Kliff’s full explainer on it here — among other provisions, it would eliminate Obamacare’s individual mandate and eliminate the employer mandate through 2024.

Though the Senate bill leaves Obamacare’s subsidies and its Medicaid expansion in place (and doesn’t include the deep Medicaid cuts that were in the House bill), the CBO has long scored the mandates as very powerful, and projects that their elimination would result in far fewer Americans having insurance because they would be able to forgo it without risking a penalty or fearing that they’re violating the law.

If this bill were to be signed into law, the CBO projects that the percentage of Americans with insurance will drop from 90 percent in 2017 to 85 percent in 2026.
Did the CBO get obamacare right?

moot point ... Obamacare is here to stay regardless.

either deal with it or jump off a tall building ..
No it isn't. It is failing! It is unsustainable!

yeah, go with that one ....
Let's conclude with this FACT. The democrats know they fucked up the healthcare and the economy. That is why they are now on TV screaming " let's work together." Fuck then, they should have voted to undo what they had done. Fuck them and John McCain too.

Actually, what the problem for the democrats is, is this, hilary was supposed to be President.....then they could move to the next phase which is single payer control over healthcare. obamacare was supposed to explode, and hilary was supposed to be there to push single payer it is collapsing and obamacare is still called obamacare and democrats all voted for it......they need to get the stupid party to jump in and take the blame......and the republicans seem more than willing to take the blame for the obamacare failure....
2guy, no see the beauty of the vote in the senate is that the dems had to vote. They still voted for obummerfail. it's still theirs.

I love that phrase votes his conscience, it's not his vote, it's the constituents vote and the constituents voted for repeal.And sir, is my problem with some politicians who don't represent the people who voted them into office. that is the stank that needs to leave DC.

Now me personally, I'd prefer they let this obummerfail die. it will. just around 2018 elections. ooops. and because it did go to vote and the dems voted against repeal, they still own obummerfail. oops squared.

There is no win win in repeal and replace due to the limit of votes. time for obummerfail to finish its death spiral.

I've always believed that House members vote for what their constituents want but we entrust Senators to vote for what they think is best for us. I don't see this as the end of the repeal/replace at will be done by this time next year when vulnerable Rat Senators start feeling their feet on fire. I thought there might be a Dem who'd flip and that's why McCain was huddling with them...he didn't want to go maverick and have one of them replace his vote. It's a mess but it will get cleaned up....Oh, and thanks to my pals for not calling me names....I just figure McCain was being McCain and in the end he'll be back onboard.
If obummercare is so great it will not implode! Let us see!
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
no, no it doesn't and I am more than tired of people like you who like to give away my money. fk off.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

What's more important...a good bill or a partisan but pyrrhic victory?
I love that phrase votes his conscience, it's not his vote, it's the constituents vote and the constituents voted for repeal.And sir, is my problem with some politicians who don't represent the people who voted them into office. that is the stank that needs to leave DC.

Now me personally, I'd prefer they let this obummerfail die. it will. just around 2018 elections. ooops. and because it did go to vote and the dems voted against repeal, they still own obummerfail. oops squared.

There is no win win in repeal and replace due to the limit of votes. time for obummerfail to finish its death spiral.

I've always believed that House members vote for what their constituents want but we entrust Senators to vote for what they think is best for us. I don't see this as the end of the repeal/replace at will be done by this time next year when vulnerable Rat Senators start feeling their feet on fire. I thought there might be a Dem who'd flip and that's why McCain was huddling with them...he didn't want to go maverick and have one of them replace his vote. It's a mess but it will get cleaned up....Oh, and thanks to my pals for not calling me names....I just figure McCain was being McCain and in the end he'll be back on board.
well don't get me wrong, the problem is that he offered no solution, voting for failure is worse than voting for something that might work better. But when the facts are available and failure is imminent, the constituents then must come into play. no ideas is a dangerous game to play with peoples lives.
Trump bears the entire blame. He has thoroughly hoaxed the rubes. He never had the plan he claimed he had. He flat out lied to his supporters.

Trump holds his supporters in utter contempt. He lies to their faces and spits on them, and then tells them its liquid sunshine. And they sit there and take it and bleev him.

Even now, Trump's supporters are not demanding he keep his promises. Even now.

Trump has been too busy sleeping in until 10:30 every day, going golfing, and eating two desserts at every meal to be bothered with the people who put his fat ass in the catbird seat.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016


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