McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

McCain wants it done right.

A repeal without a replacement would cause health care costs to skyrocket even faster than they are now.

McCain voted to protect Trump's supporters from themselves.
how do you know this?

How do you NOT know this, idiot? Were you in a coma before 2009?

This is why I call you amnesiac morons "goldfish".

Our 2001 study in 5 states found that medical problems contributed to at least 46.2% of all bankruptcies. Since then, health costs and the numbers of un- and underinsured have increased, and bankruptcy laws have tightened.

We surveyed a random national sample of 2314 bankruptcy filers in 2007, abstracted their court records, and interviewed 1032 of them. We designated bankruptcies as “medical” based on debtors' stated reasons for filing, income loss due to illness, and the magnitude of their medical debts.

Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001.

Illness and medical bills contribute to a large and increasing share of US bankruptcies.



when obummerfail came out it was going to save 2500 dollars. did it? nope.

Which is why I have called ObamaCare a bait-and-switch con many, many times on this forum.

So why did you dumb shits fall for an even worse con by the New York liberal huckster?
If obummercare is so great it will not implode! Let us see!
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?
Trump has a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

What's he done with that? Held a couple lunches?

Where's the replacement plan he said he had?

Make him cough it up, Chumps.

No, dipshit....the failure now is on democrats, who created obamacare, and mccain, murkowsky and collins who voted as republican members of the democrat party to keep obamacare.......
Nope. You dumb fucks never even asked to see Trump's plan to give you health care at "a tiny fraction of the cost".

And you STILL haven't asked him where it is.

That's how stupid you are.

You own ObamaCare.

No, wait.

You DESERVE ObamaCare.

Your right......we don't own obamacare.......the democrats were the only ones who voted for dumb fucks own it......and Trump is moving in fighters to his keep under estimating the guy...and it keeps biting you in the ass....
The dump fk thinks he's playing a game on TV How many now have been let go or left??? TEN?? ELEVEN??
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?
Why did they allow a Senator with brain cancer to vote?

That ole boy wasn't thinking right, was he?
When John McCain is dead and gone, the dust that used to be John McCain will still be smarter than the average Trump voter.

McCain was never quite right in the head after the Communists tortured him, was he? Now he has brain cancer on top of that. Beaucoupl dinky dau.

Recently he said that Obamacare has to go. He had a chance to make that happen and he didn't.

He is as bad as those stupid 46 Democrats, two idiot Independents and the two cowardly RINO dingbats that voted against it. At least in McCain's case he has an excuse. He is crazy in the head. That doesn't apply to the other morons that voted against the bill.
Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

McCain wants it done right.

A repeal without a replacement would cause health care costs to skyrocket even faster than they are now.

McCain voted to protect Trump's supporters from themselves.
how do you know this?

How do you NOT know this, idiot? Were you in a coma before 2009?

This is why I call you morons goldfish.

Our 2001 study in 5 states found that medical problems contributed to at least 46.2% of all bankruptcies. Since then, health costs and the numbers of un- and underinsured have increased, and bankruptcy laws have tightened.

We surveyed a random national sample of 2314 bankruptcy filers in 2007, abstracted their court records, and interviewed 1032 of them. We designated bankruptcies as “medical” based on debtors' stated reasons for filing, income loss due to illness, and the magnitude of their medical debts.

Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001.

Illness and medical bills contribute to a large and increasing share of US bankruptcies.


when obummerfail came out it was going to save 2500 dollars. did it? nope.

Which is why I have called ObamaCare a bait-and-switch con many, many times on this forum.

So why did you dumb shits fall for an even worse con by the New York liberal huckster?
GOP has voted in no legislation. only dems. and they killed health insurance for most all americans. and the CBO took out of play any path forward accept the sinking obummerfail to go under.

And again, the prediction was savings of 2500 dollar. 25000 dollar, instead it went up 6000 dollar. fk that and the dems that voted it in.

If obummercare is so great it will not implode! Let us see!
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?
Why does obummercare need funding if everyone in mandated to buy it?
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
If obummercare is so great it will not implode! Let us see!
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
and again, the only skin in the game is libturds.
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?
one reason and one reason only, you have to pass it to know what it is. guarantee bill eh? fk america, only libturds voted it in. only and still own it today.
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
You are being willfully obtuse.

We are stuck with ObamaCare because health care costs were outpacing inflation for DECADES. And in all that time, even when they had control of the House and Senate and White House like they do now, Republicans did NOTHING.

The American people demanded something be done, and the Democrats are the only ones who put a plan on the table.

THAT is why we have ObamaCare, and you fucking know it.

And now you dumb shits want to go back to the days when health care was rising even faster than it does under ObamaCare.

McCain voted to save you dumbasses from yourselves.

And where's Trump's plan?

You dipshits still haven't noticed all the smoke being blown up your asses, and all the red herrings being thrown in front of you to keep you from noticing Trump fucking hoaxed you retards.
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
16 million didn't even sign up. So nope.
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
You are being willfully obtuse.

We are stuck with ObamaCare because health care costs were outpacing inflation for DECADES. And in all that time, even when they had control of the House and Senate and White House like they do now, Republicans did NOTHING.

The American people demanded something be done, and the Democrats are the only ones who put a plan on the table.

THAT is why we have ObamaCare, and you fucking know it.

And now you dumb shits want to go back to the days when health care was rising even faster than it does under ObamaCare.

McCain voted to save you dumbasses from yourselves.

And where's Trump's plan?

You dipshits still haven't noticed all the smoke being blown up your asses, and all the red herrings being thrown in front of you to keep you from noticing Trump fucking hoaxed you retards.
and obummerfail made it ten times worse. didn't solve anything. wow how delightful. and then you all want to brag how consrvatives can't legislate. yeah we know how the dems do it. fk america slogans.
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?
Watch the news
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!
Especially since that's more than the total that actually signed up...and subtract the other13/15% that never paid their premiums at all...ever.
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?
Why does obummercare need funding if everyone in mandated to buy it?
How Congress paid for Obamacare (in two charts)
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This was so Senate Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?

Funny we won the election. That makes the Republicans the MAJORITY. AND when you combine the total population of all the areas that voted for TRUMP, in ratio to the total population of the areas who voted for shitbitch AND oshitass they are less than half of the populations that voted for TRUMP. SO we are a large MAJORITY of the country. Lie to someone who cant find out the truth for themselves like another stupid liberal. WE GET IT you stupid liberals never will. Well maybe you will but not something you will like.

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