McCain Didn't Kill Healthcare Reform

Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
oh, it was much more, the dems voted too. now they can say the dems still own obummerfail.
Collins has always voted no. Murkowski and McCain always SAID they wanted to repeal Obamacare then they went with the democrats which makes them fucking rats! Cancer or no cancer he sold us out. Now we are stuck with fucking Obamacare!

Not for long we're not....I have an OP ready to go in a few minutes about electing more Repubs next year.....they have TEN vulnerable Senate seats....all we need are TWO.

Ever heard of Motor voters? since they don't worry about rolls I have a lot of places to work this year about vote time. Like every seat that can be swung with less than ten thousand votes needs to be swung by whatever means needed Ten will make it over 60 and close to an outright constitutional altering majority, ONE state ONE vote!!
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
You are being willfully obtuse.

We are stuck with ObamaCare because health care costs were outpacing inflation for DECADES. And in all that time, even when they had control of the House and Senate and White House like they do now, Republicans did NOTHING.

The American people demanded something be done, and the Democrats are the only ones who put a plan on the table.

THAT is why we have ObamaCare, and you fucking know it.

And now you dumb shits want to go back to the days when health care was rising even faster than it does under ObamaCare.

McCain voted to save you dumbasses from yourselves.

And where's Trump's plan?

You dipshits still haven't noticed all the smoke being blown up your asses, and all the red herrings being thrown in front of you to keep you from noticing Trump fucking hoaxed you retards.

Trump made the mistake of believing in the few shit Republicans that are blocking the repeal. If he gets a repeal, he will sign it. YOU STUPID lying shit pump! So why not do yourself a favor and post something with just a small amount of truth in it. You communist are so below the line intellectually it is sad. NAH it's funny as hell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
oh, it was much more, the dems voted too. now they can say the dems still own obummerfail.

Nope you're not getting away with that one. For 7 LONG YEARS all we have heard from Republicans is that they're going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare. That was the very first thing that came out of their mouths at every single campaign stop. They had 7 LONG YEARS to work on and come up with a plan and they didn't.

JOHN BOEHNER--stated a few months ago, that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season. Citing Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
Seriously. You Chumps should be checked for Alzheimer's if you don't remember the whole fucking REASON we are stuck with ObamaCare.

How the FUCK did you forget?

obama passed it with only democrat votes...that is why we are stuck with obamacare......
You are being willfully obtuse.

We are stuck with ObamaCare because health care costs were outpacing inflation for DECADES. And in all that time, even when they had control of the House and Senate and White House like they do now, Republicans did NOTHING.

The American people demanded something be done, and the Democrats are the only ones who put a plan on the table.

THAT is why we have ObamaCare, and you fucking know it.

And now you dumb shits want to go back to the days when health care was rising even faster than it does under ObamaCare.

McCain voted to save you dumbasses from yourselves.

And where's Trump's plan?

You dipshits still haven't noticed all the smoke being blown up your asses, and all the red herrings being thrown in front of you to keep you from noticing Trump fucking hoaxed you retards.

Trump made the mistake of believing in the few shit Republicans that are blocking the repeal. If he gets a repeal, he will sign it. YOU STUPID lying shit pump! So why not do yourself a favor and post something with just a small amount of truth in it. You communist are so below the line intellectually it is sad. NAH it's funny as hell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Trump told you he had a replacement plan. He told you he had a plan that was going to lower your health care to "a tiny fraction of the cost".

Where is it? Where is his replacement for ObamaCare?

When your medical bills come in the mail, remember Trump lied to you.

When your health insurance bill comes in the mail or out of your paycheck, remember.

Trump lied to you.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This was so Senate Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
The democrats wrote in the ACA that Medicare drug prices could not be negotiated! Dems hate seniors!
It can if Trump wants to F Up 20 million or more people
What? He should not touch obummercare right? Hands off! It will not implode! Right?
No it needs funding and it needs modification It needs some BI PARTISANSHIP and it will succeed Unfortunately that word is not in most repubs dictionary
eddie, you're the reason it will die. your party. the ones that want failure for american citizens. the ship will now sink

fk america the new slogan of the left.

hear about your apprenticeship AH getting Preibus to leave ? Does this fn moron think he's playing a game?

Smart lady
The Mooch’s wife, Deirdre Ball, dumps his ass, files for divorce
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
oh, it was much more, the dems voted too. now they can say the dems still own obummerfail.

Nope you're not getting away with that one. For 7 LONG YEARS all we have heard from Republicans is that they're going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare. That was the very first thing that came out of their mouths at every single campaign stop. They had 7 LONG YEARS to work on and come up with a plan and they didn't.

JOHN BOEHNER--stated a few months ago, that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season. Citing Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
well friend your libturd reps voted for obummerfail today. they still own it.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
oh, it was much more, the dems voted too. now they can say the dems still own obummerfail.

Nope you're not getting away with that one. For 7 LONG YEARS all we have heard from Republicans is that they're going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare. That was the very first thing that came out of their mouths at every single campaign stop. They had 7 LONG YEARS to work on and come up with a plan and they didn't.

JOHN BOEHNER--stated a few months ago, that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season. Citing Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
well friend your libturd reps voted for obummerfail today. they still own it.
Or repubturds didn't have the nads to end it
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
oh, it was much more, the dems voted too. now they can say the dems still own obummerfail.

Nope you're not getting away with that one. For 7 LONG YEARS all we have heard from Republicans is that they're going to Repeal & Replace Obamacare. That was the very first thing that came out of their mouths at every single campaign stop. They had 7 LONG YEARS to work on and come up with a plan and they didn't.

JOHN BOEHNER--stated a few months ago, that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season. Citing Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced
well friend your libturd reps voted for obummerfail today. they still own it.
Or repubturds didn't have the nads to end it
didn't have the votes, needed 60 only got 52, that's called short
Have to disagree He deserves the medal of freedom He stopped repub BS right in it's tracks
Are you on Obamacare without a subsidy? That is what he stuck us with and with no means to change or fix it. Like I said we are stuck with Obamacare for good now. No matter how bad it gets we are stuck with it. Thanks to a vengeful man named John that should of retired decades ago. He has no idea of what it's like to have your health care coverage take 1/3 of your income away every month.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

At what point does an adult decide to use the word "Dummycraps"?
This....coming from an asshole that only thinks of Russia...Russia....Russia.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

What's more important...a good bill or a partisan but pyrrhic victory?
Apparently when it comes to Dummycraps and the media a putrid victory is more important.
look derp, you are a minority not a majority ... credible legislation is passed to promote the will of the people, not the pipe dream of some damn fringe group..

get it ?
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!

I find it really interesting that Trump and his supporters don't know much about how our political system works. The ONLY part of the swamp in DC that Trump has any control over is who he appoints to his cabinet, and who he appoints for the various positions required. That is the ONLY place where he can "drain the swamp".

Threatening Senators like he did with Murkowski, sending over a cabinet member to tell her that Alaska could be in danger of losing some of the things that they want if she didn't vote like Trump wanted isn't following the will of the people, it's succumbing to a dictator.

Murkowski said that the reason she voted the bill down is because it would put an undue hardship on Alaskans, and she doesn't work for Trump, she works for Alaska.

If people REALLY want to drain the DC swamp, they need to elect different representatives and hope that the next president is someone who knows how to govern, because Trump sure doesn't.

Guess the Simpsons was pretty prophetic back in 2000 when Lisa Simpson was elected as POTUS and said that first thing on her agenda was fixing everything that was ruined by Trump.

You refuse to see is all. just like all your kind.
See pure lying BS propaganda as fact? Gotcha.
Sorry, I get it now. Cnn told you right? It must be true then.
And BBC, PBS, Le Monde, the Guardian, the Hindustani Times, USA Today, Fact Check, Snopes, Politifact, NYT, WAPO, Buffalo News- in fact every respected media outside of dupe world.

Fix the COSTS of health care, the actual problem now. ACA gives the framework to do it...
McCain prevented 16 million people from losing their health insurance and a 20% premium cost INCREASE ..

and dipshit partisan hacks are bitching about it

Fukem n feed em fish heads.
How would 16 million lose their healthcare? Explain that!
I guess we cannot expect an answer to this claim huh?
Do you have a computer, dupe?

In a hasty analysis sought by the Senate’s Democrats, congressional budget analysts are estimating that the changes would leave an additional 1 million Americans uninsured this year because consumers would immediately become free to drop coverage. The loss of insurance would quickly swell to 15 million in 2018, mainly among people who buy health plans on their own — the kind of coverage sold through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces — or through their jobs.

At the end of the coming decade, 16 million extra people would be uninsured, according to the nonpartisan budget scorekeepers. That is almost three-fourths of the 22 million extra people the analysts predicted would be uninsured under the Better Care Reconciliation Act, the much broader Senate Republican bill that would unwind much of the Affordable Care Act and substitute new policies. The Senate, including nine Republicans, rejected that bill in a vote Tuesday night.

Under the skinny version, the largest additional segment of people without coverage in 2026 would be 7 million who otherwise would be on Medicaid, the public insurance program for low-income Americans. That’s even though the skinny plan would not touch Medicaid’s rules or funding. The broader GOP health-care legislation would reduce Medicaid recipients that year by 15 million. That broader bill would abolish the Affordable Care Act’s expansion and, for the first time in Medicaid’s half-century history, start in a few years to restrict funding for the program as a whole.

For people who buy their own health policies, the skinny plan would cause 5 million fewer Americans to have coverage in a decade — the same as under the broader bill.

[Five things to know about the Senate’s bid to unwind the ACA]

‘Skinny repeal’ of Obamacare would leave 16 million more people uninsured in a decade
Did they get it right with obummercare?
Yes. First the GOP needs to allow it to be implemented
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that sent McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.

The skinny bill repeal was nothing more than a political dog and pony show. This was so Senate Republicans could go back to their districts in 2018 and proclaim that "THEY VOTED" to repeal Obamacare. That's all this was about. Not one single Republican liked the GOP health care bill--and they were trying to send it back to Ryan--and the house who wrote the POS in the first place--and put it in committee to rehash. But you can't trust the house to do that.

John McCain, Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski are the HERO'S in this. You can bet they were all pressured to no end. They stood up for the American people and what was right. They weren't going to vote on a bill that NO ONE liked & or try to use it as a political football.

Mitch McConnell stated after the vote: "Well I guess we'll have to work with Democrats on this." Ya Think! That's what we elected them to do. And they can start with Prescription Drug costs. We are paying 4 to 6 times more for the same dam pill as Canada & Europe are. This skyrockets premiums, puts huge deficits into Medicare/Medicade programs and the only thing Republicans ever do is cut benefits to address it.
Why Drugs cost More in U.S.
Here are the 6 reasons why prescription drugs are so expensive
The democrats wrote in the ACA that Medicare drug prices could not be negotiated! Dems hate seniors!

The only candidate that was campaigning on doing anything about the cost of Prescription drugs was Hillary Clinton. So I don't think you'll find an argument with Democrats doing something about that, but you may with Republicans as Big PHARMA are huge donors to the Republican party.

We'll just have to wait and see which party is opposed to that.
Sure, he sided with the Rats but who didn't see that coming? According to what I've read, the Senate GOP were going on the promise Paul Ryan wouldn't just let their "Skinny" plan become law in the House. But earlier in the evening, one of Ryan's aides said reconciliation "was an option" other words, Ryan might have done just that. And that send McCain into orbit. He may have brain cancer and be easily triggered into tirades, but he's still coherent enough not to get snookered by Paul Ryan. Here in Arizona the Medicaid money is essential to civil order and McCain wasn't about to see it vanish by a political ploy. McConnell was mysterious about the Medicaid money all week and the Turtle isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

I watched Pence approach McCain on the Senate floor just before the vote. They spoke for less than a minute when a woman came steaming up to McCain and interrupted them. Then a guy walked up to them and McCain turned to them, leaving Pence standing there being ignored. When it was clear their conversation was over, Pence took a couple steps back, clearly frustrated. Then he started to leave but stopped and turned around to look at McCain but McCain was GONE. He did this to the Vice President of the United States. I voted for McCain over the years but last year I didn't, leaving my ballot blank in the Senate race. Love him (few do) or hate him (many do), John McCain votes his conscience. He wants repeal and replace same as everybody else, but he wants it done right and for that, he must be respected.
McCain also doesn't mind handing the Dummycraps a victory either.

What's more important...a good bill or a partisan but pyrrhic victory?
You have obamacare. Right?

Whether agree with it or disagree it was done over some 18 months, with input from healthcare groups, doctors, insurance, public hearings, senate committees, stumping around the country explaining it.

The Republicans have done none of that. Not a bit. They hastily cobbled together pieces of crap that even their own party would not pass.
Since when have the politicians followed to will of the people? Trump really needs to drain this filthy stinking swamp!

I find it really interesting that Trump and his supporters don't know much about how our political system works. The ONLY part of the swamp in DC that Trump has any control over is who he appoints to his cabinet, and who he appoints for the various positions required. That is the ONLY place where he can "drain the swamp".

Threatening Senators like he did with Murkowski, sending over a cabinet member to tell her that Alaska could be in danger of losing some of the things that they want if she didn't vote like Trump wanted isn't following the will of the people, it's succumbing to a dictator.

Murkowski said that the reason she voted the bill down is because it would put an undue hardship on Alaskans, and she doesn't work for Trump, she works for Alaska.

If people REALLY want to drain the DC swamp, they need to elect different representatives and hope that the next president is someone who knows how to govern, because Trump sure doesn't.

Guess the Simpsons was pretty prophetic back in 2000 when Lisa Simpson was elected as POTUS and said that first thing on her agenda was fixing everything that was ruined by Trump.

You refuse to see is all. just like all your kind.
See pure lying BS propaganda as fact? Gotcha.
Sorry, I get it now. Cnn told you right? It must be true then.
And BBC, PBS, Le Monde, the Guardian, the Hindustani Times, USA Today, Fact Check, Snopes, Politifact, NYT, WAPO, Buffalo News- in fact every respected media outside of dupe world.

Fix the COSTS of health care, the actual problem now. ACA gives the framework to do it...
So ACA was the framework and after seven long years the democrats did shit about e costs except make them rise?

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