McCain Eye's 2016 Run?


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Dear God - if he does go against Hitlary it'll be like the night of the walking dead.

McCain - loyal American. Career military.

Hitlary - married to an adultering, lying, impeached, disbarred sexual pervert. Most recently, she was responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans.

God - what a fucking choice in 2016 if this pans out...

McCain considering seeking reelection in 2016
never gonna happen.

it will be Ted Cruz vs Hillary.

and Hillary will mop the floor with his hairpiece.
never gonna happen.

it will be Ted Cruz vs Hillary.

and Hillary will mop the floor with his hairpiece.

Is Hillary going to tout her failure in Benghazi and her adultering husband while she's mopping?

Her being an old fucking hag isn't much help either...
McCain ruined ANY chances he would have ever had when he didn't vet that idiot Palin. His career of being in the highest office is now over.

Hillary screwed up with the Benghazi thing. I don't want her any more either.

I want someone new. Fresh. Smart.

I won't hold my breath.
There's no way in the world the GOP would nominate McCain. He barely made it last time.
But the Dems here will swear up and down he's the best hope for the party in 2016.
McCain ruined ANY chances he would have ever had when he didn't vet that idiot Palin. His career of being in the highest office is now over.

Hillary screwed up with the Benghazi thing. I don't want her any more either.

I want someone new. Fresh. Smart.

I won't hold my breath.


It's my contention that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the hell OUT of POLITICS.

Like I did with Bennett, I sort of hope he runs, gets primaried, runs as an indep, wins and caucuses with the gop. It would drive the TPM even nuttier.

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