McCain is the Greatest Flip Flopper of all time

I'm too lazy to go find if there's an article or something on this already, but just saw on CNN straight from the horse's mouth: McCain asked by Wolf Blitzen if what he thought of the fact that Al-Malaki approved of the 16-month withdrawal, and McCain said something to the effect of "Well, yeah, I mean, that is a reasonable, er, timetable"

Actually, I'll just go try and find it somewhere.

McCain On Obama's Iraq Plan: "I Think It's A Pretty Good Timetable"

Huffington Post said:
Back in January of this year, John McCain pilloried Mitt Romney for encouraging President Bush in April 2007 to develop a private "series of timetables and milestones" for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq.

"Timetables was the buzzword for those that wanted to get out," McCain scolded Romney at a Jan. 30 debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif.

How the (time)tables have turned.

During a Friday interview with CNN, McCain called a 16-month withdrawal from Iraq "a pretty good timetable."

It has a video too. I dunno guys, I'd say it's a pretty big change of heart. (Doesn't anyone else hate the word "flip-flop"? It has to be the most ridiculous phrase ever).
I'm too lazy to go find if there's an article or something on this already, but just saw on CNN straight from the horse's mouth: McCain asked by Wolf Blitzen if what he thought of the fact that Al-Malaki approved of the 16-month withdrawal, and McCain said something to the effect of "Well, yeah, I mean, that is a reasonable, er, timetable"

Actually, I'll just go try and find it somewhere.

McCain On Obama's Iraq Plan: "I Think It's A Pretty Good Timetable"

It has a video too. I dunno guys, I'd say it's a pretty big change of heart. (Doesn't anyone else hate the word "flip-flop"? It has to be the most ridiculous phrase ever).

Could it have anything to do with the changing conditions on the ground??

Me thinks YES. The Surge reduced violence to such a level that getting out is not an option. Was it the surge alone? no, but the surge was what created the conditions for every other part of the factors that have made this possible.:eusa_angel:

At last, we can get out of Iraq, with out it being a defeat, and get on to the real war on Terrorism, and if McCain wins at least, get on with cutting spening and balancing the Budget. :clap2:
But I mean, really I don't like either of these guys, but... isn't it just a little strange that the conditions on the ground became conducive for a 16-month timetable after Al-Maliki spoke? I mean, I thought he had basically opposed any timetable until... well, until asked what he thought of Al-Maliki's comments. Doesn't it arouse the least bit of suspicion from you?
Sure not all stocks will outperform bonds for that matter, if you didn't diversify your portfolio. But I believe it is up to individuals not the government to invest their own money.

You continue to miss the point, SS is social insurance, it helps many people, particularly women, live a decent life after tragedy or death of a spouse. To ruin it would be a big mistake for Americans, even bigger than the tragedy that is Iraq.
At last, we can get out of Iraq, with out it being a defeat, and get on to the real war on Terrorism, and if McCain wins at least, get on with cutting spening and balancing the Budget.

Winning? an illegal invasion is something we brag about winning? I guess I need to ask who it was we defeated? Terrorism, we beat up a noun! Since there were maybe 30 or more excuses for this illegality you can pick one in the new world where nothing makes sense.
You continue to miss the point, SS is social insurance, it helps many people, particularly women, live a decent life after tragedy or death of a spouse. To ruin it would be a big mistake for Americans, even bigger than the tragedy that is Iraq.

The tragedy is that Social Security coupled with the other social entitlements will bankrupt this country.
Winning? an illegal invasion is something we brag about winning? I guess I need to ask who it was we defeated? Terrorism, we beat up a noun! Since there were maybe 30 or more excuses for this illegality you can pick one in the new world where nothing makes sense.

The war was not illegal. You can keep making that claim all you want it simply is not true.

Under US policy and Law the war was completely legal. And under UN Charter it also was acceptable. Or would you care to cite the relevant UN Resolution declaring the war outside the bounds of the UN Charter?
I wonder if the average American worker, works for more than a decade?
Traditionally the market returns 10 to 12%, seems like alot better investment to me....

It does?

If you are traditionally getting `10-20% on your portfolio, and you are the man in charge of that portfolio, and you are NOT an investment advisor, you sure as hell ought to be.

Are you folks not aware that the market can go down and stay down for decades?

If not I strongly advise you to study the overall history of the stock market between the years 1900 to about 2008.

when the market is hot, it is definitely the place to be.

When it's not?

Timing folks, it's all about timing.
The war was not illegal. You can keep making that claim all you want it simply is not true.

Under US policy and Law the war was completely legal. And under UN Charter it also was acceptable. Or would you care to cite the relevant UN Resolution declaring the war outside the bounds of the UN Charter?

UN? HUH! Iraq was not a threat to America, it was our ally against Iran for a long time, Iraq had nothing to do with 911, Iraq did not harbor terrorists - do you really think Hussein would have allowed that - the illegal invasion of Iraq forever ruined the reputation of this country, a reputation that stated positively we do attack sovereign nations based on speculation.

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."
UN? HUH! Iraq was not a threat to America, it was our ally against Iran for a long time, Iraq had nothing to do with 911, Iraq did not harbor terrorists - do you really think Hussein would have allowed that - the illegal invasion of Iraq forever ruined the reputation of this country, a reputation that stated positively we do attack sovereign nations based on speculation.

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."

War is never immoral to RetiredGySt.

Republicans love war and killing.
it does?

If You Are Traditionally Getting `10-20% On Your Portfolio, And You Are The Man In Charge Of That Portfolio, And You Are Not An Investment Advisor, You Sure As Hell Ought To Be.

Are You Folks Not Aware That The Market Can Go Down And Stay Down for Decades?

If Not I Strongly Advise You To Study The Overall History Of The Stock Market Between The Years 1900 To About 2008.

When The Market Is Hot, It Is Definitely The Place To Be.

When It's Not?

Timing Folks, It's All About Timing.


According to a University of Michigan study, an investor who stayed in the US stock market during the entire 30-year period from 1963 to 1993-7,802 trading days-would have had an average annual return of 11.83 %. However, if the investor missed the 90 best days while trying to time the market, the average return would have fallen to 3.28% per annum.
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Does anyone have that crystal ball that would let us all know when the market goes down so we can sell?

Of course not but soem are more informed than others--possibly privy to inside info. It's called gambling on sectors of the economy.
John is the Master! A regular Faust to the radical cheap labor right wing republicans.

"During his last run for the presidency, in 1999, McCain supported the drilling moratorium, and he scolded the “special interests in Washington” that sought offshore drilling leases. Yesterday, he announced that those very same “moratoria should be lifted” and proposed incentives for the states “in the form of tangible financial rewards, if the states decide to lift those moratoriums.""

Think Progress McCain flip-flops on offshore drilling moratorium.

Report: McCain Received $881,450 From Big Oil Since He Announced Support For Offshore Drilling

Think Progress Report: McCain Received $881,450 From Big Oil Since He Announced Support For Offshore Drilling
Does anyone have that crystal ball that would let us all know when the market goes down so we can sell?

Long term over a thirty year period your rate of return on investment is about 10% which severly trumps anything the government has offered...:eusa_whistle:
John is the Master! A regular Faust to the radical cheap labor right wing republicans.

"During his last run for the presidency, in 1999, McCain supported the drilling moratorium, and he scolded the “special interests in Washington” that sought offshore drilling leases. Yesterday, he announced that those very same “moratoria should be lifted” and proposed incentives for the states “in the form of tangible financial rewards, if the states decide to lift those moratoriums.""

Think Progress McCain flip-flops on offshore drilling moratorium.

Report: McCain Received $881,450 From Big Oil Since He Announced Support For Offshore Drilling

Think Progress Report: McCain Received $881,450 From Big Oil Since He Announced Support For Offshore Drilling

You don't understand how $4 a gallon may lead someone to rethink limiting the US's domestic supply huh?
You don't understand how $4 a gallon may lead someone to rethink limiting the US's domestic supply huh?

McCain opposed Drilling when Gas was 1.50 gallon. Then changed when it was 4.15 a gallon. Hardly the same thing as Obama. Who was against it still when it was 4.15 a gallon.

Obama made this change for one reason. He realized opposing what 75% of Americans want, might cost him the election. Obama is a pure political Animal. He has no real core values, He is lead around by the nose by public opinion. If 75% of Americans were for invading Canada, he would be for it too.

We need A leader!!!!
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McCain opposed Drilling when Gas was 1.50 gallon. Then changed when it was 4.15 a gallon. Hardly the same thing as Obama. Who was against it still when it was 4.15 a gallon.

Obama made this change for one reason. He realized opposing what 75% of Americans want, might cost him the election. Obama is a pure political Animal. He has no real core values, He is lead around by the nose by public opinion. If 75% of Americans were for invading Canada, he would be for it too.

We need A leader!!!!

We need alternative energy. We will not get it with the Republicans in power. They are owned by Big Oil.
Simply not true, McCain is for alternatives. Check out his web site. Also Bushes energy plan, that failed to pass would have set aside 10 Billion for alternative energy.

Totally false Bud.

Fact is Big Oil owns our government no matter who is in charge. They hedge their bets and donate nearly as much to Dems as Republicans.

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